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A Day in the Life of the Author
Week 1: Lessons from Nature
1. Barren Soil
2. Preparing Soil
3. Sending Down Roots
4. Winter Hope
5. Children and Gardens
6. Even Earthworms
7. Winter Storm
Week 2: Where Ferns Grow Now
1. From Scars to Ferns
2. Cody’s Flower
3. Procrastination
4. Children and Doctors
5. Your Speech Betrays You
6. Sticking Out
7. Small Beginnings
Week 3: Chocolate-Covered Stories and Baseball Bats
1. Chocolate and Stories
2. Differences
3. Contentment and Baseball Bats
4. Winter Homecoming
5. What Time I Am Afraid
6. The Results of Pain
7. Corinthians Today
Week 4: The Falls of Life
1. This Is Faith
2. Decisions
3. Falls of Life
4. Jumping Ship
5. Dangerous Powers
6. A New Jerusalem
7. “I’m Better’n You!”
Week 5: Powerful Pruning
1. Blueberry the Cat
2. Sowing Ferns, Reaping Wisteria
3. The Dash Between
4. Obedience
5. Happiness Is
6. Soul Gardening
7. More Pruning
Week 6: Joy Requires Tending
1. Pruning Hearts
2. Service
3. Improvements
4. Gratitude and Beetles
5. Old Faithfuls
6. Lettuce or Roses or Weeds
7. Hydrangea Flowers
Week 7: Still my Restless Longing
1. Matthan’s Water
2. Houses That Last
3. Doing God’s Will
4. Working for the Lord
5. Faith through the Fiery Furnace
6. The Faith Chapter
7. Job’s Faith
Week 8: The Mundane and the Momentous
1. Job’s Hope
2. Broken Hearts, Part 1
3. Broken Hearts, Part 2
4. Waiting
5. The Folded Napkin
6. For One Single Day
7. A Daylily in November
Week 9: Hearing God
1. Forgiveness of Flowers
2. Bearing Fruit
3. Pressing On
4. Our Thoughts
5. Plugged Ears
6. Unplugging My Ears to Hear God
7. Who Are the Saints?
Week 10: When we Fail
1. A Heavenly Parent
2. Peter’s Mistakes
3. Peter’s Question
4. When Peter Was Sleeping
5. Courage
6. Small Things
7. Failure and Success
Week 11: Living for Christ
1. Submission
2. Peacemakers
3. Birth and Growth
4. Rocks and Clay and Briars
5. Fading Flowers
6. Going Out Blooming
7. Rest
Week 12: The Path of Pain
1. Tails in the Toilet
2. Treasures
3. The Path of Pain
4. Counterfeits
5. Master and King
6. Winding Lane
7. A Servant’s Heart
Week 13: Heading Home
1. Such as We Judge
2. Children and God’s Children
3. Where Safety Is
4. Harvest
5. The Story of Two Apple Trees
6. Pruning Back the Forest
7. Life’s Crossroads
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