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Language and Social Processes
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Table of Contents
Identity and mode as a frame for understanding social meanings
1 Overview
2 Modes of communication and social meanings
3 The contributions
4 Closing remarks
Language, identity, and communities of practice
1 Introduction
2 Language and identity
3 Language and belonging
4 Identity and language education
5 Conclusion
The elements of style
1 Introduction
1.1 Style: a way of doing things
2 Stylistic processes
2.1 Contextualization
2.2 Indexicality
2.3 Complexity
2.4 Distinctiveness
2.5 Recombination
3 Dimensions of stylistic action
3.1 Agency
3.2 Habitus
3.3 Interpretation
3.4 Ideology
3.5 Resignification
4 Conclusion
All these years and still counting: why quantitative methods still appeal
1 Introduction and some theoretical observations
2 On the granularity of analyses
3 Three Caribbean variables: the Bequia study
3.1 Profiles of the villages on Bequia
3.2 To BE or not to BE: presence and absence of BE in the villages
3.3 The many ways of expressing PAST in Bequia
3.4 Exploring individual performance in relation to the group
3.5 Existential constructions as diagnostics of lifespan change
4 What does it all mean?
Community languages schools: the importance of context in understanding hybrid identities
1 Introduction
2 Situated identities in multilingual contexts
2.1 Context
3 Methodology
4 Arabic language school: an established school
4.1 Young people’s senses of family and identities
5 Cook Island Maori: an emerging community
5.1 Identity and different contexts
5.2 Tensions in the school
6 Chinese school – a growing community
6.1 Identity and language
7 The logic of hybridity
7.1 The importance of community languages schools as in-between contexts
7.2 Coda
Multiple identities and second language learning in Hong Kong
1 Introduction: South Asian students in Hong Kong
2 Identity, language learning and culture
3 Methodology
4 Languages, school and identity
4.1 Negotiating identity with teachers
5 Inclusion and exclusion: relationship with local students
5.1 Social and linguistic exclusion
5.3 Career orientations
6 Gender, religion and identity
7 Discussion and conclusion
Performing identities in intergenerational conflict talk: a study of a Sicilian-Australian family
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical framework
2.1 Bilingual conversation
2.2 Oppositional exchanges
3 The data
4 Analysis
4.1 Reproaches
4.2 Disputes
5 Discussion and concluding remarks
Identity management, language variation and English language textbooks: focus on Pakistan
1 Introduction
2 Identity Management
3 Understanding language variation
4 Identity management through textbooks in Pakistan
4.1 Content analysis of textbooks
4.2 Language of the textbooks
5 Conclusion
The Housewife’s Companion: identity construction in a Japanese women’s magazine
1 Introduction
2 Context
3 Readers, authors and content
4 Metaphor and simile
5 Honorific Language
6 Conclusion
Uncovering how identities of laobaixing are constructed in China’s most read magazine
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical foundations
3 Narrative identities of laobaixing represented in Duzhe
4 Narrative/storytelling strategies in Duzhe
5 Discussion and conclusion
Style and authorial identity in Indonesian teen literature: a “sociostylistic” approach
1 Introduction
2 The relation between the work and the author
3 The history of teenlit in Indonesia
4 Negative marking in Ken Terate’s novels
4.1 Negative marking and “double” stance
4.2 Fluidity in choice of form
5 Conclusion
First person singular: Negotiating identity in academic writing in English
1 Introduction
2 Introducing the notion of the paratext
3 What I wrote in the entry
4 On the use of “I” in academic writing
5 Conclusion
Constructing professional identity through Curricula Vitae
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical frameworks
2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics theory
2.2 Gricean maxims
3 Data description
4 Highlighting the strengths of professional experience
4.1 Nominalization
4.1.1 Nominalization use in the CVs
4.1.2 Effects of the use or non-use of nominalization
4.1.3 Nominal complexity
4.2 Technical terms, acronyms and English terms
5 Highlighting the relevance of one’s professional experience
5.1 Prominence of one’s most relevant experience
5.2 Lexical cohesion between the CV and the advertisement
5.3 Use of headings
6 Conclusion
Unpacking professional identities for Business English students
1 Introduction
2 Conceptualizing professional identities
3 Approaches to analyzing the construction of professional identities
4 The case of Nan
4.1 Background and data
4.2 Emerging professional identities in narratives
4.3 Enacting professional identities in writing in business genres
4.4 Co-construction of professional identities
4.5 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Migrant women, hooliganism, and online social visibility in Chinese personal blogs
1 Introduction
2 Personal blogging for the commoner
3 Blogging and performativity
4 Liumang Yan’s blog as the site for virtual ethnography
5 Portraying a hooligan woman online
5.1 Liumang Yan’s blogging as discursive living
5.2 Paradoxical gender positioning
5.3 Contentious femininity
6 Conclusion: Personal blogging and social recognition
Performed research for public engagement: Language and identity studies on stage
1 Introduction
2 Performance and related concepts
2.1 Live staged performance
2.2 Performative research
2.3 Performance artefacts
3 Acts of counterdiscourse
4 Dynamic intersubjectivity
5 Identity play
6 Conclusion
Subject index
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