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Corona SDK Mobile Game Development Beginner's Guide Second Edition
Table of Contents
Corona SDK Mobile Game Development Beginner's Guide Second Edition
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Time for action – heading
What just happened?
Pop quiz – heading
Have a go hero – heading
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1. Getting Started with Corona SDK
Downloading and installing Corona
Time for action – setting up and activating Corona on Mac OS X
What just happened?
Time for action – setting up and activating Corona on Windows
What just happened?
Using the simulator on Mac and Windows
Time for action – viewing a sample project in the simulator
What just happened?
Have a go hero – use a different device shell
Choosing a text editor
Developing on devices
Time for action – downloading and installing Xcode
What just happened?
Time for action – creating a Hello World application in two lines of code
Time for action – modifying our application
Time for action – applying a new font name to our application
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adding more text objects
Testing our application on an iOS device
Time for action – obtaining the iOS developer certificate
What just happened?
Adding iOS devices
Time for action – adding/registering your iOS device
Time for action – creating an App ID
What just happened?
Provisioning profiles
Time for action – creating a provisioning profile
What just happened?
Application icon
Creating the Hello World build for iOS
Time for action – creating an iOS build
What just happened?
Time for action – loading an app on your iOS device
What just happened?
Testing our application on an Android device
Creating the Hello World build for Android
Time for action – creating an Android build
What just happened?
Time for action – loading an app on your Android device
What just happened?
Pop quiz – understanding Corona
2. Lua Crash Course and the Corona Framework
Lua to the rescue
Valuable variables
Global variables
Local variables
Table fields (properties)
Assignment conventions
Types of values
Time for action – printing values using blocks
What just happened?
Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
The length operator
Quoting strings
Time for action – getting our hands full of strings
What just happened?
Have a go hero – pulling some more strings
Passing a table as an array
Altering contents in a table
Populating a table
Display objects
Display properties
Object methods
Loading an image
Image autoscaling
Time for action – placing images on screen
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adjusting display object properties
Runtime configuration
Dynamic content scaling
Dynamic content alignment
Dynamic image resolution
Frame rate control
Time for action – scaling display objects on multiple devices
What just happened?
Dynamic resolution images
Time for some shapes
Applying stroke width, fill color, and stroke color
Text, text, text
Applying color and string value
What are functions?
Defining a function
More display functions
Content size properties
Optimize your workflow
Use memory efficiently
Optimize your display images
Pop quiz – basics of Lua
3. Building Our First Game – Breakout
Breakout – bringing back old-school gaming
Understanding the Corona physics API
Setting up the physics world
Starting, pausing, and stopping the physics engine
Tilt-based gravity
Configuring the application
Build configuration
Time for action – adding the build.settings file
What just happened?
Dynamic scaling
Time for action – adding the config.lua file
What just happened?
Building the application
Displaying groups
Working with system functions
Time for action – creating variables for the game
What just happened?
Understanding events and listeners
Register events
Runtime events
Touch events
Touch (single touch)
Creating menu screens
Time for action – adding the main menu screen
What just happened?
Have a go hero – creating a help screen
Creating the game play scene
Time for action – adding game objects
What just happened?
Time for action – building bricks
What just happened?
Have a go hero – focused platform gaming
Red alert!
Time for action – displaying game messages
What just happened?
Pop quiz – building a game
4. Game Controls
Moving in the up direction
Let's get even more physical
Time for action – starting physics for the paddle and ball
What just happened?
Paddle movement
Time for action – dragging the paddle in the simulator
What just happened?
Time for action – moving the paddle with the accelerometer
What just happened?
Ball collision with the paddle
Time for action – making the ball bounce against the paddle
What just happened?
Removing objects from the scene
Variable references
Brick by brick
Time for action – removing the bricks
What just happened?
Directional changes
Time for action – updating the ball
What just happened?
Transitioning levels
Time for action – resetting and changing levels
What just happened?
Have a go hero –add more levels
You win some, you lose some
Time for action –making win and lose conditions
What just happened?
Activating event listeners
Collision events
Global collision listeners
Local collision listeners
Time for action – adding game listeners
What just happened?
Have a go hero – let's turn everything upside down
The results are in!
Pop quiz – working with game controls
5. Animating Our Game
Panda Star Catcher
Let's get everything moving
The value of timed functions
What are image sheets?
It's sprite mania!
Image sheet API
Game time!
Time for action – setting up the variables
What just happened?
Let's start the round
Time for action – starting the game
What just happened?
Poof! Be gone!
Time for action – reloading the panda on the stage
What just happened?
Earning some points
Time for action – tracking the score
What just happened?
When the game ends
Time for action – displaying the game over screen
What just happened?
Background display
Time for action – adding the background elements
What just happened?
Heads up!
Time for action – displaying the timer and score
What just happened?
Time after time
Time for action – setting up the timer
What just happened?
It's so glowy
Time for action – making the power shot
What just happened?
Time for action – creating the panda character
What just happened?
Starry skies
Time for action – creating star collisions
What just happened?
Have a go hero – tracking the star count
Screen touches
Time for action – launching the panda
What just happened?
Organizing display objects
Time for action – reordering layers
What just happened?
Creating stars
Time for action – creating stars in the level
What just happened?
Starting the game
Time for action – initializing the game
What just happened?
Pop quiz – animating graphics
6. Playing Sounds and Music
Corona audio system
Sound formats
Sound filename limitations on Android
Mono sounds at their best
Maximum number of simultaneous channels
Time to play
Simultaneous playback
Time for action – playing audio
What just happened?
Have a go hero – repeating audio with delay
Time to take control
Time for action – controlling audio
What just happened?
Memory management
Have a go hero – disposing audio
Alterations to audio
Volume control
Fading audio
Performance tips
Preloading phase
Patents and royalties
Pop quiz – all about audio
7. Physics – Falling Objects
Creating our new game – Egg Drop
Starting variables
Time for action – setting up the variables
What just happened?
Controlling the main character
Time for action – moving the character
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adding touch events
Updating the score
Time for action – setting the score
What just happened?
Displaying the game environment
Time for action – drawing the background
What just happened?
Displaying the heads-up display
Time for action – designing the HUD
What just happened?
Creating the game lives
Time for action – counting the lives
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adding images for the game lives
Introducing the main character
Complex body construction
Time for action – creating the character
What just happened?
Adding postcollisions
Collision handling
Body properties
Time for action – creating the egg collision
What just happened?
Making the display objects fall
Time for action – adding the egg object
What just happened?
Time for action – making the egg drop
What just happened?
Ending the game play
Time for action – calling game over
What just happened?
Starting the game
Time for action – activating the game
What just happened?
Pop quiz – animating the graphics
8. Operation Composer
Continuation of Egg Drop
Data saving
BeebeGames class for saving and loading values
Getting paths to files
Reading files
Writing files
Time for action – saving and loading the high score
What just happened?
Pausing the game
Time for action – pausing the game
What just happened?
The Composer API
Game development with the Composer API
Time for action – altering the game file
What just happened?
Organizing the game
Time for action – adding the new main.lua file
What just happened?
New game transitions
Time for action – changing screens after the game is over
What just happened?
Have a go hero – restarting the game
Creating a loading screen
Time for action – adding the loading screen
What just happened?
Creating a main menu
Time for action – adding a main menu
What just happened?
Creating an options menu
Time for action – adding an options menu
What just happened?
Creating a credits screen
Time for action – adding a credits screen
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adding more levels
Pop quiz – game transitions and scenes
9. Handling Multiple Devices and Networking Your Apps
Return to configuration
Build configuration
Orientation support (iOS)
Orientation support (Android)
Version code and version name (Android)
Application permissions (Android)
Content scaling on an easier level
The best of both worlds
The deeper meaning of dynamic image selection
High-resolution sprite sheets
Networking your apps
Posting to Twitter
Time for action – adding Twitter to your apps
What just happened?
Posting to Facebook
Time for action – adding Facebook to your apps
What just happened?
Facebook Connect
Time for action – posting scores using Facebook Connect
What just happened?
Have a go hero – create a dialog box
Pop quiz – handling social networks
10. Optimizing, Testing, and Shipping Your Games
Understanding memory efficiency
Group objects
Turning off animations when they're not being used
Optimizing image sizes
Distributing iOS applications
Prepping your app icons
Time for action – setting up your distribution certificate and provisioning profile for the App Store
What just happened?
iTunes Connect
Contracts, tax, and banking
Time for action – managing your application in iTunes Connect
What just happened?
Building an iOS application for distribution in Corona
Time for action – building your application and uploading it to the Application Loader
What just happened?
Have a go hero – making a universal iOS build
The Google Play Store
Creating launcher icons
Time for action – signing your app for the Google Play Store
What just happened?
Time for action – submitting an app to the Google Play Store
What just happened?
Have a go hero – adding more promos
Pop quiz – publishing applications
11. Implementing In-App Purchases
The wonders of In-App Purchase
Types of In-App Purchases
Corona's store module
Create an In-App Purchase
Time for action – creating the In-App Purchase in iTunes Connect
What just happened?
Time for action – using the Corona store module to create an In-App Purchase
What just happened?
Have a go hero – handling multiple Product IDs
Testing In-App Purchases
User test accounts
Time for action – testing the In-App Purchase with the Breakout In-App Purchase Demo
What just happened?
Have a go hero – using other In-App Purchase types
Pop quiz – all about In-App Purchases
A. Pop Quiz Answers
Chapter 1 – Getting Started with Corona SDK
Pop quiz – understanding Corona
Chapter 2 – Lua Crash Course and the Corona Framework
Pop quiz – basics of Lua
Chapter 3 – Building Our First Game – Breakout
Pop quiz – building a game
Chapter 4 – Game Controls
Pop quiz – working with game controls
Chapter 5 – Animating Our Game
Pop quiz – animating graphics
Chapter 6 – Playing Sounds and Music
Pop quiz – all about audio
Chapter 7 – Physics – Falling Objects
Pop quiz – animating the graphics
Chapter 8 – Operation Composer
Pop quiz – game transitions and scenes
Chapter 9 – Handling Multiple Devices and Networking Your Apps
Pop quiz – handling social networks
Chapter 10 – Optimizing, Testing, and Shipping Your Games
Pop quiz – publishing applications
Chapter 11 – Implementing In-App Purchases
Pop quiz – all about In-App Purchases
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