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Preface to the eighth edition
Preface to the first edition
Part 1 Biology of microorganisms
1 Introduction to pharmaceutical microbiology
1 Microorganisms and medicines
2 Scope and content of the book
2 Fundamental features of microbiology
1 Introduction
2 Naming of microorganisms
3 Microbial metabolism
4 Microbial cultivation
5 Enumeration of microorganisms
6 Microbial genetics
7 Pharmaceutical importance of the major categories of microorganisms
8 Preservation of microorganisms
3 Bacteria
1 Introduction
2 Bacterial ultrastructure
3 Biofilms
4 Bacterial sporulation
5 Bacterial toxins
6 Bacterial reproduction and growth kinetics
7 Environmental factors that infl uence growth and survival
8 Detection, identification and characterization of organisms of pharmaceutical and medical significance
9 References and further reading
4 Fungi
1 What are fungi?
2 Structure of the fungal cell
3 Medical significance of fungi
4 Antifungal therapy
5 Medically important fungal pathogens of humans
6 Emerging fungal pathogens
7 Antibiotic production by fungi
8 Further reading
5 Viruses
1 Introduction
2 General structures of viruses
3 Virus host cell interactions
4 Multiplication of human viruses
5 Cultivation of human viruses
6 Control of viruses
7 Viruses and gene therapy
8 Viruses as antimicrobials
9 Prions
10 Further reading
6 Protozoa
1 Introduction
2 Blood and tissue parasites
3 Intestinal parasites
4 Trichomonas and free-living amoebas
5 Host response to infection
6 Detection of parasites
7 Control of protozoan parasites
8 Acknowledgement
9 Further reading
Part 2 Pathogens and host responses
7 Principles of microbial pathogenicity and epidemiology
1 Introduction
2 Blood and tissue parasites
3 Intestinal parasites
4 Trichomonas and free-living amoebas
5 Host response to infection
6 Detection of parasites
7 Control of protozoan parasites
8 Acknowledgement
9 Further reading
8 Microbial biofilms: consequences for health
1 Introduction
2 Biofilms
3 Tolerance of biofilms to antimicrobials
4 Mechanisms of biofilm tolerance
5 Treatment of chronic biofilm infections
6 References and further reading
9 Immunology
1 Introduction
2 The innate immune system
3 The humoral adaptive immune system
4 Cell-mediated adaptive immune system
5 Some clinical perspectives
6 Summary
7 Acknowledgement
8 Further reading
10 Vaccination and immunization
1 Introduction
2 Spread of infection
3 Objectives of a vaccine/immunization programme
4 Classes of immunity
5 Types of vaccine
6 Routine immunization against infectious disease
7 The UK routine childhood immunization programme
8 Immunization of special risk groups
9 Acknowledgements
10 References and further reading
Part 3 Prescribing therapeutics
11 Antibiotics and synthetic antimicrobial agents: their properties and uses
1 Antibiotic development, past and present
2 μ- Lactam antibiotics
3 Tetracyclines
4 Macrolides
5 Sulphonamides, trimethoprim and related drugs
6 Quinolones
7 Aminoglycosides
8 Glycopeptides
9 Antitubercular antibiotics
10 Newer antibiotics for MRSA and other Gram-positive cocci infections
11 Miscellaneous antibacterial antibiotics
12 Antifungal antibiotics
13 Antiviral drugs
14 References and further reading
12 Mechanisms of action of antibiotics and synthetic anti-infective agents
1 Introduction
2 The microbial cell wall
3 Protein synthesis
4 Chromosome function and replication
5 Folate antagonists
6 The cytoplasmic membrane
7 Further reading
13 Bacterial resistance to antibiotics
1 Introduction
2 Origins of resistance
3 Mechanisms of resistance
4 Resistance to β- lactam antibiotics
5 Resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics
6 Resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics
7 Resistance to tetracycline antibiotics
8 Resistance to fl uoroquinolone antibiotics
9 Resistance to macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin antibiotics
10 Resistance to chloramphenicol
11 Resistance to the oxazolidinone antibiotics
12 Resistance to trimethoprim
13 Resistance to mupirocin
14 Resistance to peptide antibiotics polymyxin
15 Resistance to antimycobacterial therapy
16 Multiple drug resistance
17 Clinical resistance MIC values, breakpoints, phenotype and outcome
18 Concluding comments
19 Further reading
14 Clinical uses of antimicrobial drugs
1 Introduction
2 Principles of use of antimicrobial drugs
3 Clinical use
4 Antibiotic policies
5 Further reading
15 Antibiotic prescribing and antibiotic stewardship
1 The need for antimicrobial stewardship
2 Components of antimicrobial stewardship programmes
3 The effectiveness of stewardship strategies
4 Monitoring of antibiotic resistance
5 The impact on resistance of antibiotic availability to the public
6 References and further reading
16 Public health microbiology: infection prevention and control
1 Introduction
2 Healthcare-associated infections definitions and range
3 Microorganisms that cause HCAI
4 Scale of the HCAI problem prevalence and incidence
5 Responsibility for HCAI prevention and control
6 Keys to infection prevention and control
7 Zero tolerance and the principles of infection management
8 Professional support for infection prevention and control
9 References and further reading
Part 4 Contamination and infection control
17 Microbial spoilage, infection risk and contamination control
1 Introduction
2 Spoilage chemical and physicochemical deterioration of pharmaceuticals
3 Hazard to health
4 Sources and control of contamination
5 The extent of microbial contamination
6 Factors determining the outcome of a medicament-borne infection
7 Preservation of medicines using antimicrobial agents: basic principles
8 Quality assurance and the control of microbial risk in medicines
9 Overview
10 Acknowledgement
11 References and further reading
18 Laboratory evaluation of antimicrobial agents
1 Introduction
2 Factors affecting the antimicrobial activity of disinfectants
3 Evaluation of liquid disinfectants
4 Evaluation of solid disinfectants
5 Evaluation of air disinfectants
6 Evaluation of preservatives
7 Rapid evaluation procedures
8 Evaluation of potential chemotherapeutic antimicrobials
9 Tests for biofilm susceptibility
10 References and further reading
19 Chemical disinfectants, antiseptics and preservatives
1 Introduction
2 Factors affecting choice of antimicrobial agent
3 Types of compound
4 Disinfection policies
5 References and further reading
20 Non-antibiotic antimicrobial agents: mode of action and resistance
1 Introduction
2 Mechanisms of interaction
3 Antimicrobial effects
4 Mechanisms of action
5 Enhancing activity
6 Mechanisms of resistance to biocides
7 Viricidal activity of biocides
8 Biocides and protozoa
9 Biocides and fungi
10 Inactivation of prions
11 Conclusion
12 References and further reading
21 Sterilization procedures and sterility assurance
1 Introduction
2 Sensitivity of microorganisms
3 Sterilization methods
4 Heat sterilization
5 Gaseous sterilization
6 Radiation sterilization
7 Filtration sterilization
8 New sterilization technologies
9 Sterilization control and sterility assurance
10 Bioburden determinations
11 Environmental monitoring
12 Validation and in-process monitoring of sterilization procedures
13 Sterility testing
14 The role of sterility testing
15 References and further reading
Part 5 Pharmaceutical production
22 Sterile pharmaceutical products
1 Introduction
2 Types of sterile product
3 Sterilization considerations
4 Quality control and quality assurance of sterile products
5 Acknowledgement
6 References and further reading
23 Principles of good manufacturing practice
1 Introduction
2 Definitions
3 Control of microbial contamination during manufacture: general aspects
4 Manufacture of sterile products
5 Aseptic areas
6 Guide to Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practice
7 Conclusions
8 References and further reading
24 The manufacture and quality control of immunological products
1 Introduction
2 Vaccines
3 In vivo diagnostics
4 Immune sera
5 Human immunoglobulins
6 Monoclonal antibodies
7 References and further reading
25 Recombinant DNA technology
1 Introduction: biotechnology in pharmaceutical sciences
2 Enabling techniques
3 Biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry
4 New diagnostics using recombinant DNA technology
5 Further reading
Part 6 Current trends and new directions
26 The wider contribution of microbiology to the pharmaceutical sciences
1 Introduction
2 Pharmaceuticals produced by microorganisms
3 Applications of microorganisms in the partial synthesis of pharmaceuticals
4 Applications of microorganisms in the discovery of pharmaceuticals
5 Use of microorganisms and their products in assays
6 Use of microorganisms as models of mammalian drug metabolism
7 Microorganisms as therapy
8 Insecticides
9 Bioterrorism
10 Concluding remarks
11 Acknowledgement
12 Further reading
27 Alternative strategies for antimicrobial therapy
1 Introduction
2 Essential oils
3 Honey therapy
4 Garlic
5 Probiotics
6 Maggot therapy
7 Photodynamic therapy (photoactivated disinfection)
8 Vaccines and immunotherapies
9 Silver
10 Bacteriophage therapy
11 Bacteriophage lysins
12 Conclusion
13 Further reading
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