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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: Memory
Hack 1: Remember to Remember
Hack 2: Build a Memory Dungeon
Hack 3: Mix Up Your Facts
Hack 4: Space Your Repetitions
Hack 5: Recall Long-Ago Events
Chapter 2: Learning
Hack 6: Establish Your Canon
Hack 7: Write in Your Books
Hack 8: Read at Speed
Hack 9: Learn by Teaching
Hack 10: Play the Learning Game
Hack 11: Pretend You're a Grad Student
Hack 12: Study Kid Stuff
Chapter 3: Information Processing
Hack 13: Polyspecialize
Hack 14: Integrate Your Interests
Hack 15: Sift Your Ideas
Hack 16: Ask the Hive Mind
Hack 17: Write Magnificent Notes
Chapter 4: Time Management
Hack 18: Keep a Mental Datebook
Hack 19: Tell Time Who's Boss
Hack 20: Meet MET
Hack 21: Get Control of Yourself
Hack 22: Locate Lost Items
Hack 23: Huffman-Code Your Life
Hack 24: Knock Off Work
Chapter 5: Creativity and Productivity
Hack 25: Manifest Yourself
Hack 26: Woo the Muse of the Odd
Hack 27: Seek Bad Examples
Hack 28: Turn a Job into a Game
Hack 29: Scrumble for Glory
Hack 30: Salvage a Vintage Hack
Hack 31: Mine the Future
Hack 32: Dare to Do No Permanent Damage
Hack 33: Make Happy Mistakes
Hack 34: Don't Know What You're Doing
Hack 35: Ratchet
Chapter 6: Math and Logic
Hack 36: Roll the Mental Dice
Hack 37: Abduct Your Conclusions
Hack 38: Think Clearly about Simple Errors
Hack 39: Notate Personally
Hack 40: Notate Wisely
Hack 41: Engineer Your Results
Hack 42: Enter the Third Dimension
Hack 43: Enter the Fourth Dimension
Chapter 7: Communication
Hack 44: Spell It Out
Hack 45: Read Lips
Hack 46: Emote Precisely
Hack 47: Streamline Your Shorthand
Hack 48: Communicate Multimodally
Hack 49: Mediate Your Environment
Chapter 8: Mental Fitness
Hack 50: Acquire a Taste
Hack 51: Try Something New Daily
Hack 52: Metabehave Yourself
Hack 53: Train Your Fluid Intelligence
Hack 54: Think, Try, Learn
Hack 55: Take the One-Question IQ Test
Chapter 9: Clarity
Hack 56: Cultivate Beginner's Mind
Hack 57: Take a Semantic Pause
Hack 58: Retreat and Reboot
Hack 59: Get Used to Losing
Hack 60: Trust Your Intelligence (and Everyone Else's)
Appendix A: The Unboxed Games Manifesto
Appendix B: 3D Visualization
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