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Cover Page
The Netocrats – The Futurica Trilogy, Part 1
1. Technology as the driving force of history
2. Feudalism, capitalism and informationalism
3. Plurarchal society – the death of etatism and the crisis of democracy
4. Information, propaganda and entertainment
5. Curators, nexialists and eternalists – The netocrats and their worldview
6. Globalisation, the death of mass media and the growth of the consumtariat
7. The new biology and netocratic ethics
8. The convulsions of collectivity, the death of man and the virtual subject
9. Network pyramids – attentionalistic power hierarchies
10. Sex and tribalism, virtual education and the inequality of the brain
11. Behind the firewalls – netocratic civil war and virtual revolutionaries
The Global Empire – The Futurica Trilogy, Part 2
1. The Road to the World State and History as a Process of Domestication
2. Empire, Plurarchy and the Virtual Nomadic Tribe
3. The Genealogy of Netocratic Ethics
4. The Renaissance of Ideology
5. The Dialectic between Eternalism and Mobilism
6. The Paradox of Metaphysics and the Metaphysics of Paradoxism
7. The Meteorology of Knowledge and the Paradoxical Subject
8. Eternalism’s Radical Pragmatism
9. Neo-Darwinism and Horizontal Biology
10. The War between the Replicators – the Memes’ Victory over the Genes
11. Perforated Bodies and Chemical Liberation
12. Socioanalytical Ethics and the Collapse of the Capitalist Left
13. The Ecstasy of the Event and the Fading Gaze of Nature
14. Nazism as a Sociotechnological Phenomenon
15. Sex, Power and Network Dynamics – the Necessary Metamorphosis of Feminism
16. The Infrastructure of the Empire and Eternalism’s Moral Imperative
The Body Machines – The Futurica Trilogy, Part 3
1. The Rise and Fall of the Soul
2. A Brief History of the Brain
3. The Problem With Subjectivity
4. The Myth of the Ego
5. The Myth of Free Will
6. The Mechanisms of Thought
7. A Short History of Language
8. The Rise and Fall of Morality
9. The Curse of Cultural Relativism
10. The Ethics of Interactivity
11. The Theory of Schizoanalysis
12. The Practice of Schizoanalysis
+1. (A Sort of Afterword)
Futurica Glossary
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