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Imperial Library
Preface: Mining the St Paul’s Cathedral
Part I: What we take from earth
Chapter 1: Mineral matters
Chasing uranium
Gold fever in Greece
Undermining the middle class
Sand: one big Fata Morgana
Chapter 2: Fossil fuel
Chevron’s “Shock and Awe” doctrine
Keep the gas under the grass
Climate Change? System Change!
Me vs my banks
Profession: Lawyer. Client: Our climate
Chapter 3: Above ground: Life on earth
The white man’s burden
Lying labels
Water, the source of life
Soil: When the ground beneath our feet disappears
Common sense farming
Chapter 4: How we take what the earth gives us
Part II: What we give back to earth
Chapter 1: At the end of the pipeline
Chapter 2: The trade in hot air
Chapter 3: Sustainable destruction
Chapter 4: Planned obsolescence
Chapter 5: Circular economy?
Chapter 6: Toxic tour in mafia territory
Chapter 7: Beaching boats in Bengal
Chapter 8: How we give back to earth
Part III: Modern myths
Chapter 1 Myth 1: More world trade makes us stronger
Chapter 2 Myth 2: Neoliberalism is the way to freedom
Chapter 3 Myth 3: Economic growth is the key to progress
Part IV: Alternatives
Chapter 1: The heresy of a pope
Chapter 2: An academic revolution: prosperity without growth
Chapter 3: From neoliberalism to environmentalism
Chapter 4: From free to fair and sufficient trade
Chapter 5: Pioneering companies
Chapter 6: Pioneering movements
Chapter 7: Pioneering governments
Note to reader
Further Reading
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