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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Topical Index
Preface: A Trial Terminated
A Note on How To Read This Book
PART ONE Vital Signs: The Milošević Trial and Its Context—A Foundational Primer
1. The Context, Contested: Histories of Yugoslavia and Its Violent Dissolution
2. The Forum: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
3. The Man on Trial: Slobodan Milošević
4. The Trial: IT-02-54, Prosecutor v. Milošević
PART TWO Causes of Death
5. Real Justice, in Time: The Initial Indictment of Milošević Clint Williamson (Chief Prosecutor for the EU Special Investigative Task Force)
6. Real Justice or Realpolitik? The Delayed Indictment of Milošević Cherif Bassiouni (DePaul University)
7. Slow Poison: Joinder and the Death of Milošević Gideon Boas (Monash University)
8. Joinder, Fairness, and the Goals of International Criminal Justice Frédéric Mégret (McGill University)
9. Difficulties for the Participants: Indictment Correct, Trial Impossible Carla Del Ponte (Former Chief Prosecutor, ICTY and ICTR)
10. Outside the Internal Dynamics of the Prosecution Kelly Dawn Askin (Open Society Justice Initiative)
11. In the Shadow of Nonrecognition: Milošević and the Self-Represented Accused’s Right to Justice Evelyn Anoya (Special Tribunal for Lebanon)
12. The Legitimacy Paradox of Self-Representation Yuval Shany (Hebrew University)
PART THREE Reporting the Demise
13. Guilty without a Verdict: Bosniaks’ Perceptions of the Milošević Trial Safia Swimelar (Elon University)
14. The Hague Front in the Homeland War: Narratives of the Milošević Trial in Croatia Christopher K. Lamont (University of Groningen)
15. Another Report on the Banality of Evil: The Cultural Politics of the Milošević Trial in Kosovo Vjollca Krasniqi (University of Prishtina; University of Ljubljana)
16. Conversations with Milošević: Two Meetings, Bloody Hands Veton Surroi (KOHA Media Group)
17. Underwhelmed: Kosovar Albanians’ Reactions to the Milošević Trial Frances Trix (Indiana University)
18. Airing Crimes, Marginalizing Victims: Political Expectations and Transitional Justice in Kosovo Denisa Kostovicova (London School of Economics and Political Science)
19. Framing the Trial of the Century: Influences of, and on, International Media Klaus Bachmann (University of Social Sciences and Humanities—Warsaw)
20. The Court and Public Opinion: Negotiating Tensions between Trial Process and Public Interest in Milošević Judith Armatta (Formerly Coalition for International Justice)
PART FOUR Final Examination
21. Dead Man’s Tale: Deriving Narrative Authority from the Terminated Milošević Trial Timothy William Waters (Indiana University)
22. Beyond the Theater of International Justice: The Rule 98bis Decision in Milošević Jens Meierhenrich (London School of Economics and Political Science)
23. Can We Salvage a History of the Former Yugoslav Conflicts from the Milošević Trial? Christian Axboe Nielsen (Aarhus University)
24. Do Historians Need a Verdict? Florian Bieber (University of Graz)
25. Body of Evidence: The Prosecution’s Construction of Milošević Marko Prelec (International Crisis Group)
26. Milošević and the Justice of Peace Alexander K.A. Greenawalt (Pace University)
PART FIVE Disposing of the Body
27. The Parting of Ways: Public Reckoning with the Recent Past in Post-Milošević Serbia Jasna Dragović-Soso (Goldsmiths, University of London)
28. Antecedents to a Debate: Conflicts over the Transfer of Milošević Vesna Pešić (Member of Parliament of the Republic of Serbia)
29. The Show and the Trial: The Political Death of Milošević Florian Bieber (University of Graz)
30. From Politics to Law, to Tedium, and Back Mark A. Drumbl (Washington & Lee University)
PART SIX Reanimation: Designing Trials and Doing Justice after Milošević
31. Two Sides of the Same Coin? Judging Milošević and Serbia before the ICTY and ICJ Yuval Shany (Hebrew University)
32. Ambiguous Choices in the Trials of Milošević’s Serbia Tibor Várady (Central European University; Emory University)
33. Abdicated Legacy: The Prosecution’s Use of Evidence from Milošević Florence Hartmann (Formerly Office of the Prosecutor, ICTY)
34. The Spider and the System: Milošević and Joint Criminal Enterprise Harmen van der Wilt (University of Amsterdam)
PART SEVEN Biopsy: The Legacies of Milošević
Time Line with Chronological Index: The Milošević Trial in Context
Author Biographies
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