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Imperial Library
Chapter 1 • Office Memorandum
Professional Responsibilities in Providing Legal Opinions
Duty of competence
Duty to the client as an advisor and an advocate
Duty to the justice system as an officer of the court
Legal Research Strategies
Plan your research
Take careful notes
Legal Research Synthesis
Office Memorandum
Purpose of an office memorandum
Audience for an office memorandum
Form and content of an office memorandum
Question Presented
Brief Answer
Statement of facts
Outline Template for an Office Memorandum
Sample Outline
Sample Office Memorandum
Chapter 2 • Client Letter
Professional Responsibilities in Advising Clients
Duty to keep the client informed
Duty to explain the law in plain English
Duty to discuss all relevant considerations
Duty of candor
Duty to preserve client confidences
Purpose of a Client Letter
Audience for a Client Letter
Form and Content of a Client Letter
Opening paragraph
Review the facts
Explain the law
Present the options
Provide copies of documents
Request additional information
Closing paragraph
Tone and Style of a Client Letter
Outline Template for a Client Letter
Sample Client Letter
Chapter 3 • Rewritten Office Memorandum
Rewrite Your Memorandum
Consider the reader’s comments
Reconsider the content
Revise the large-scale organization
Review each paragraph
Edit Your Memorandum
Write short sentences
Omit surplus words
Use quotations sparingly
Proofread Your Memorandum
Rewriting Checklist for an Office Memorandum
Chapter 4 • Demand Letter
Professional Responsibilities in Writing a Demand Letter
Obligation to communicate through counsel
Constraints on threatening criminal process
Obligation to be truthful
Professional courtesy toward the opponent
Purposes of a Demand Letter
Audience for a Demand Letter
Form and Content of a Demand Letter
Opening paragraph
Explain your client’s position
Demand an appropriate response
State the consequences of noncompliance
Tone and Style of a Demand Letter
Outline Template for a Demand Letter
Sample Demand Letter
Chapter 5 • Complaint
Professional Responsibilities in Drafting a Complaint
Drafting as an advocate and an officer of the court
Professional etiquette in service of process
Professional courtesy in allowing time to respond
Purposes of a Complaint
Audience for a Complaint
Form and Content of a Complaint
Statement of jurisdiction
Statement of the claim
Demand for judgment
Attorney’s signature
Jury demand
Local rules requirements
Pleading Strategies
Plead all appropriate theories and remedies
Follow the guidance of the appellate courts
Use form books cautiously
Disclose facts strategically
Allege uncertain facts on information and belief
Make your complaint interesting
Filing the Complaint
Outline Template for a Federal Civil Complaint
Sample Complaint, Summons, and Civil Cover Sheet
Chapter 6 • Memorandum Evaluating Responsive Pleadings
Professional Responsibilities in Filing Responsive Pleadings
Integrating Procedural Issues into an Office Memorandum
Question Presented
Brief Answer
Statement of Facts
Chapter 7 • Motion to Dismiss
Professional Responsibilities in Motion Practice
Audience for a Motion to Dismiss
Form and Content of a Motion to Dismiss
Notice of hearing
Motion to dismiss
Points and authorities
Statement of facts
Point Headings
Narrative argument
Proof of service
Outline Template for a Motion to Dismiss
Sample Notice of Motion and Motion
Sample Points and Authorities
Sample Proof of Service
Chapter 8 • Rewritten Office Memorandum
Rewrite Your Memorandum
Reconsider the content
Revise the large-scale organization
Review each paragraph
Edit Your Memorandum
Use base verbs
Prefer the active voice
Learn conventional legal usage
Use appropriate procedural language
Use appropriate verbs
Use appropriate tenses
Check for pronoun agreement
Proofread Your Memorandum
Rewriting Checklist for an Office Memorandum
Chapter 9 • Rewritten Motion to Dismiss
Rewrite Your Motion to Dismiss
Reconsider the content
Revise the large-scale organization
Review each paragraph
Edit Your Motion to Dismiss
Arrange your words with care
Choose your words with care
Be persuasive
Be respectful
Be subtle
Be positive
Avoid clichés
Arrange your words for emphasis
Use concrete words to emphasize and abstract words to minimize
Use parallelism
Proofread Your Motion to Dismiss
Rewriting Checklist for a Motion
Chapter 10 • Oral Argument
Professional Responsibilities in Oral Argument
Purpose of Oral Argument
Mechanics of Oral Argument
Preparation for Oral Argument
Outline the argument
Statement of facts
Points of argument
Rehearse the argument
Techniques of Oral Advocacy
Be prepared
Adopt the appropriate demeanor and attitude
Be yourself
Stand up, look up, and speak up
Watch your body language
Welcome questions from the bench
Conclude quickly
A Word About Nerves
Outline Template for an Oral Argument
Chapter 11 • Appellate Brief
Professional Responsibilities Arising on Appeal
Purpose of an Appellate Brief
Audience for an Appellate Brief
Form and Content of an Appellate Brief
Table of contents
Table of authorities
Subject matter and appellate jurisdiction
Issue statement
Statement of the case
Nature of the case, course of proceedings, and disposition below
Statement of facts
Summary of argument
Point headings
Narrative argument
Application of law to facts
Local rules requirements
Formal requirements
Content requirements
Outline Template for an Appellate Brief
Sample Appellate Brief
Chapter 12 • Rewritten Appellate Brief
Rewrite Your Brief
Reconsider the content
Revise the large-scale organization
Review each paragraph
Edit Your Brief
Avoid language quirks
Punctuate carefully
Be persuasive
Criticize judges diplomatically
Qualify only when necessary
Use figures of speech cautiously
Proofread Your Brief
Rewriting Checklist for an Appellate Brief
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