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Title Page
CBD Oil’s Many Health Benefits
Part 1: Health
1: Combats Back Pain
2: Boosts Natural Endorphins
3: Promotes Sleep
4: Fights IBS
5: Supports Brain Cell Growth
6: Relieves Headaches
7: Targets Tumor Growth
8: Boosts Orgasms
9: Eases Muscle Soreness
10: Makes Pain Relievers More Effective
11: Eases Anxiety
12: Fights Hepatitis Virus
13: Manages Blood Sugar
14: Combats Crohn’s Disease
15: Soothes Aching Feet
16: Enhances Antibiotic Activity
17: Nurtures Sobriety
18: Protects Against Brain Damage
19: Improves Focus
20: Powers Runner’s High
21: Serves As a Powerful Antioxidant
22: Eases Muscle Spasms
23: Fights Nausea
24: Promotes Well-Being
25: Aids Fat Burning
26: Lengthens Attention Span
27: Eases Menopause Symptoms
28: Relieves Arthritis Pain
29: Reduces Frequency of Seizures
30: Boosts Workout Recovery
31: Invites Pleasant Dreams
32: Suppresses Appetite
33: Fights Fatigue
34: Nurtures Healthy Kidneys
35: Eases Fibromyalgia Malaise
36: Assists with Quitting Smoking
37: Reduces Amyloid Plaques in the Brain
38: Tackles High Blood Pressure
39: Improves Efficacy of Chemotherapy
40: Creates Relaxing Mocktails
41: Reduces Age-Related Agitation
42: Lessens Morning Sickness
43: Relieves Menstrual Cramps
44: Promotes Healthy Sex Drive
45: Reduces Marijuana Withdrawal
46: Stimulates Appetite in the Underweight
47: Calms Anger
48: Maximizes Massages
49: Helps Lower Risk of Cancer
50: Balances the Immune System
51: Increases Antibacterial Activity
52: Helps Release Painful Memories
53: Eases Breathing
54: Reduces Risk of Heart Attack
55: Slows ALS Progression
56: Eases Pain from Endometriosis
57: Fights Inflammation
58: Increases Blood Flow to the Brain
59: Soothes Motion Sickness
60: Encourages Healthy Liver Function
61: Eases Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
62: Enhances Stress Relief from Yoga
63: Reduces Fears and Phobias
64: Stimulates Bone Growth
65: Supports a Longer Life Span
66: Promotes Healthy Vaginal Lubrication
67: Lessens Aging of the Brain
68: Alleviates Altitude Sickness
69: Nurtures Balanced Moods
70: Improves Joint Mobility
71: Quiets Overactive Thoughts
72: Boosts Fertility
Part 2: Beauty
73: Reduces Acne
74: Fights Skin Aging
75: Moisturizes Skin
76: Eases Eczema
77: Soothes Burns
78: Fights Gum Disease
79: Promotes Healing of Cold Sores
80: Reduces Bruising
81: Alleviates Dandruff
82: Combats Scarring
83: Moisturizes Cracked Lips
84: Makes Pain-Relieving Bath Bomb
85: Soothes Itchy Skin
86: Tackles Bad Breath
87: Targets Athlete’s Foot
88: Makes a Calming Face Mask
89: Combats Hair Loss
90: Soothes Sore Nipples
91: Balances Oily Hair
92: Makes an Anti-Inflammatory Toothpaste
93: Aids Tattoo Healing
94: Fights Nail Infections
95: Hydrates Cracked Heels
96: Combats Psoriasis
97: Makes Soothing Body Scrub
98: Promotes Hair Growth
99: Fights Tooth Decay
100: Soothes Sunburns
Appendix: Sourcing CBD Oil
About the Author
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