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Imperial Library
Stories from the Eddas and Sagas
George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., London
Hakon's Lay
Chapter I
How All Things Began
This is the tale which the Northmen tell concerning the Beginning of Things.
Chapter II
How All-Father Odin Became Wise
These are the tales which the Northmen tell concerning the wisdom of All-Father Odin.
Chapter III
How the Queen of the Sky Gave Gifts to Men
This is the tale which the Northmen tell of Frigga, Queen of the Asas.
Chapter IV
How a Giant Built a Fortress for the Asas
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how a giant once built a fortress for the Asas.
Chapter V
The Magic Mead
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how All-Father Odin brought the Magic Mead to Asgard.
Chapter VI
How Loki Made a Wager with the Dwarfs
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Loki once made a Wager with the Dwarfs.
Chapter VII
The Apples of Youth
This is the tale which the Northmen tell of how the Apples of Youth were once very nearly lost to Asgard.
Chapter VIII
How the Fenris Wolf was Chained
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how the Fenris Wolf was chained.
Chapter IX
How the Pride of Thor was Brought low
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how the Pride of Thor was once brought low.
Chapter X
How Thor's Hammer was Lost and Found
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Thor's Hammer was lost and found.
Chapter XI
The Giant's Daughters
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how the Giant's Daughters tried to kill Thor.
Chapter XII
The Story of Balder the Beautiful
This is the tale the Northmen tell of the sad fate of Balder the Beautiful.
Chapter XIII
How Hermod Made a Journey to the Underworld
This is the tale which the Northmen tell of how Hermod journeyed to the Underworld to bring back Balder the Beautiful to Asgard.
Chapter XIV
How Loki was Punished at Last
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Red Loki was punished at last for his sins.
Chapter XV
The Story of the Magic Sword
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how a great feud arose between the Volsungs and the Goths.
Chapter XVI
How Sigmund Fought His Last Battle
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Sigmund took Hiordis to wife, and was slain of the might of Odin.
Chapter XVII
The Story of the Magic Gold
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Sigurd was nurtured in Denmark.
Chapter XVIII
How Sigurd Slew the Dragon
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Sigurd slew Fafnir and Regin with the Magic Sword.
Chapter XIX
How Sigurd Won the Hand of Brunhild
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Sigurd braved the flames, and what befell.
Chapter XX
How the Curse of the Gold is Fulfilled
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Sigurd was foully slain in the land of the Niblungs.
Chapter XXI
The Boyhood of Frithiof the Bold
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Frithiof the Bold asked for the hand of Ingeborg the Fair.
Chapter XXII
Frithiof and Ingeborg
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Ingeborg went to dwell in Balder's grove.
Chapter XXIII
Frithiof Braves the Storm
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Frithiof the Bold went on a perilous adventure.
Chapter XXIV
Balder Forgives
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how Frithiof the Bold was wedded to Ingeborg the Fair.
Chapter XXV
How the End of All Things Came About
This is the tale the Northmen tell of how the End of All Things Came About.
Pronouncing Index of Proper Names
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