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Imperial Library
Title Page
List of Illustrations
Map: Territories of the Warring States
Chapter 1: The Earliest Traces
The Archaeological Evidence
The Ancestors
The Emergence of the Bronze Age in China
The Oracle Bones
Chapter 2: The Yijing
The Occultists
The Tradition of Divination
The Earliest Manual of Divination
Chapter 3: Daoism
Laozi and the Dao-de Jing
Chapter 4: The Teaching of Zhuangzi
Zhuangzi: The Man and the Book
Chapter 5: Confucius
The Need for Administration
Confucius the Man
The Analects of Confucius
Confucianism in Government
Chapter 6: Mozi, the First Opponent of Confucius
The Point at Issue
Mo Di’s Background
Mo Di’s Arguments
Chapter 7: Mencius, Exponent of Confucius’ Ideas
Mencius the Man
The Book of Mencius
The Goodness of Human Nature
The Mandate of Heaven
Mencius’s Rebuttal of Mozi
Chapter 8: Xünzi, Critic of Mencius
Xünzi the Man
The Book of Xünzi
A Pragmatic Approach to the Rites and Music
The Importance of Correct Definitions
Xünzi’s Influence on Philosophy
Chapter 9: The School of Names
The Need to Define Things
Gong-sun Long and the White Horse Debate
Significance of the School of Names
Chapter 10: Legalism
The Warring States
Shang Yang
Han Fei
Li Si
The State of Qin
Chapter 11: The Rise and Fall of the Empire of Qin
A Unified China
Evidence of the Legalism of the Qin Empire
The Death of Qin Shi Huang Di and the Collapse of the Qin Empire
The Rise of Han
Chapter 12: Buddhism in China
The Arrival of Buddhism
The Rise of Buddhism from Han to Sui
Buddhism under the Tang
The Consolidation of Confucianism
Chapter 13: The Neo-Confucian Synthesis
Tang Confucianism
Transition to Neo-Confucianism
Chapter 14: The Historical Perspective
The Historical Perspective
The Opium Wars and the Tai Ping Rebellion
Chapter 15: The End of the Confucian Empire
Attempts at Reform
The Final Collapse of the Qing Dynasty
Chapter 16: Philosophy after the Empire
Western Philosophy in China
The Birth of Communism in China
Chapter 17: Philosophy after Mio
The Rise of a Market Economy
The Re-emergence of Tradition
Where Now?
Further Reading
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