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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: In Which John Pickett’s Family Tree Sprouts an Unexpected Branch
Chapter 2: In Which John Pickett’s Chickens Quite Literally Come Home to Roost
Chapter 3: In Which Father and Son Renew Their Acquaintance, with Mixed Results
Chapter 4: In Which a Truce Is Declared
Chapter 5: Which Confirms the Old Adage That a Trouble Shared Is a Trouble Halved
Chapter 6: In Which a Midnight Caller Leads to an Unpleasant Duty
Chapter 7: In Which John Pickett Makes a Tactical Error
Chapter 8: In Which John Pickett Seeks Cultural Enlightenment while Julia Receives a Caller
Chapter 9: In Which Is Held an Inquest into the Death of Gentleman Jack Pickett
Chapter 10: Which Concerns the Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets
Chapter 11: In Which Gentleman Jack Pickett Is Laid to Rest
Chapter 12: In Which John Pickett’s Investigation Begins
Chapter 13: In Which John Pickett Claims a Valise
Chapter 14: Which Concerns the Contents of a Valise
Chapter 15: In Which John Pickett Consults a Lawyer…and Gets a Surprise
Chapter 16: Which Takes John Pickett from Legal London to the Corridors of Power
Chapter 17: In Which John Pickett Receives an Offer He Can’t Refuse
Chapter 18: Which Introduces a Mysterious Lady
Chapter 19: In Which Two Unwelcome Visitors Descend upon Curzon Street
Chapter 20: Which Concerns Itself with the Aftermath
Chapter 21: In Which a Stranger Brings Surprising News
Chapter 22: In Which John Pickett Hosts a Most Unusual Party
Chapter 23: In Which an Intruder Returns
Chapter 24: In Which What Began with a Death Ends with a Birth
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