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Title Page
** Publisher’s Introduction
** Anarchism, an Introduction (by Donald Rooum)
*** What Anarchists Believe
**** Anarchy
**** “Anarchy” in the Sense of Social Disorder
**** Anarchism and Terrorism
**** Some Arguments for Government
**** Governments as Steps towards Anarchy
**** The Origin of Government
**** Democracy
**** Making Progress Towards Anarchy
*** How Anarchists Differ
**** Misapplications of the Term “Anarchist”
**** Differences among Real Anarchists
**** Intellectualists and Workerists
**** Individual Anarchism IS Class-Struggle Anarchism
**** Revolutionary Violence and Pacifist Anarchism
**** Workers’ Control and Anarcho-Syndicalism
**** Anarchism and Religion
**** Animals
**** Communism, Collectivism, Mutualism
**** Optimists and Pessimists
*** What Anarchists Do
**** How Many Anarchists Are There?
**** How Old Are Anarchists?
**** How Anarchists Are Organized?
**** Anarchist Literature
**** Meetings and Demonstrations
**** Direct Action
** Anarchist Approaches to Anarchism
*** The Word “Anarchy” (Errico Malatesta)[1]
*** The Ideal of Anarchy (Peter Kropotkin)[2]
*** Anarchist-Communism (Errico Malatesta)[3]
*** Selfishness and Benevolence (Donald Rooum)[4]
*** Different Views on Organisation (Errico Malatesta)[5]
*** The Anarchist Revolution (Errico Malatesta)[6]
*** The Origin of Society (Peter Kropotkin)[7]
*** The Simplicity of Anarchism (George Nicholson)[8]
** Anarchism and Violence
*** Anarchism and Homicidal Outrage (Charlotte Wilson)[9]
**** I. Is homicidal outrage the logical outcome of Anarchist convictions?
**** II. Though Anarchist principles do not in themselves logically lead to the commission of homicidal outrages, do they practically drive the active Anarchist into this course by closing other means of action?
**** III. While homicidal outrages are neither a logical outcome of Anarchist principles nor a practical necessity of Anarchist action, they are a social phenomenon which Anarchists and all Social Revolutionaries must be prepared to face.
*** Government and Homicidal Outrage (Marie Louise Berneri)[10]
*** Anarchism and Violence (Vernon Richards)[11]
** Arguments for Government Answered
*** The Idea of Good Government (Errico Malatesta)[12]
*** Power Corrupts the Best (Michael Bakunin)[13]
*** Socialism and Freedom (Rudolf Rocker)[14]
*** Anarchism, Authoritarian Socialism and Communism (Errico Malatesta)[15]
*** Anarchism and Property (Errico Malatesta)[16]
*** The Authority of Government (William Godwin)[17]
** The Relevance of Anarchism
*** Is Anarchy Possible? (Alexander Berkman)[18]
*** Crime in An Anarchy (William Morris)[19]
*** Small Steps in the Direction of Anarchy (Colin Ward)[20]
*** The Relevance of Anarchism (Bill Christopher, Jack Robinson, Philip Sansom, and Peter Turner)[21]
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