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Imperial Library
For Ak., Anna, Claude, Fred, Jv., Pepe, Scott And Tatiana Who Believed In Me
About the Author
About the Saker’s Blogs
Foreword by Pepe Escobar
Introduction: “Submarines in the desert” (as my deepest gratitude to you)
Modest beginnings at first
The big wars of 2013
The deserts are filled with submarines (but they are breaking free!)
My gratitude to you
Part I: Russia and Islam
Russia and Islam, part one: introduction and definitions
Russia and Islam, part two: Russian Orthodoxy
Russia and Islam, part three: internal Russian politics
Russia and Islam, part four: “Islam” as a threat
Russia and Islam, part five: “Islam” as an ally
Russia and Islam, part six: the Kremlin
Russia and Islam, part seven: the weatherman’s cop out
The main paradox
Personalizing ideas
Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”
Irreconcilable theological differences between Christianity and Islam
A perfect opportunity—the Russian Constitution
A special word to any naysayers
Part II: Russia and the Ukraine
Ukraine’s “civilizational choice”—a Pyrrhic victory for Russia?
What is “The Ukraine” really?
Who has been running the Ukraine since independence?
The Ukraine between the EU and the Russian-backed customs union
A “civilizational choice” made by a small corrupt elite?
The real objective of the Anglo-Zionist Empire in the Ukraine
Russian objectives in the Ukraine
Are the Russian objectives in the Ukraine realistic?
The big difference
Ukraine’s “civilizational choice”—a Pyrrhic victory for Russia?
The gates of Hell are opening for the Ukraine
The Eurobureaucrats and the Ukrainian nationalists
The supposedly “pro-Russian” Eastern Ukrainians
The real risks for Russia
Sarajevo on the Dnieper
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’entrate?
Ukrainian nationalism—its roots and nature
Ukrainian nationalism—its roots and nature
Follow up to my post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism
How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the Anglo-Zionist Empire
One more attempt at clarifying my position on Russian options
One more issue: a US nuclear threat to Russia?
Part III: Russia and The West
The real meaning of the South Ossetian war: Russia strikes back
The power struggle inside the Kremlin is gradually emerging into the open
A new Cold War has begun—let us embrace it with relief!
1993-2013: is the twenty years long “pas de deux” of Russia and the USA coming to an end?
When did the Soviet Union truly disappear?
From 1993 to 1999—a democratic nightmare
The legacy left by the liberals/democrats
Who really put Putin into power?
An absolutely brilliant formula but which has now outlived its shelf life
In the meantime—the US gets neoconned
In comes Barack Obama—“change we can believe in!”
The current real power matrix in the USA and Russia
The USSR and the USA—back to the future?
The historical roots of the russophobia of the American elites
Anti-American sentiment in Russia
Anti-Russian feelings in the USA?
Western elites—still stuck in the Cold War
Conclusion: “we are everywhere”
Remembering the important lessons of the Cold War
Making sense of Obama’s billion dollar hammer
Thinking the unthinkable
The American Duck
Plan one: a symbolic and limited intervention
Plan two: a tripwire force
Plan three: UPROFOR on the Dnieper?
Plan four: Operation Storm in Novorossiya and Crimea?
Plan five: first “Desert Steppe Shield” then “Desert Steppe Storm”
Plan six: American football’s “Hail Mary”
My biggest fears
But what does Uncle Sam really want?
The Russian response to a double declaration of war
The context: a double declaration of war
Sniping at Putin and missing the point
Sincere frustration or intellectual dishonesty?
Trying to make sense of an apparently illogical policy
A quick look at Putin’s record
Imperatives Russia cannot ignore
But what about the oligarchs?
But is there a 5th column in Russia?
The real danger for Russia
Conclusion: a key to Russian policies?
Yet another huge diplomatic victory for Russia
Part IV: Anglo-Zionism
Anglo-Zionist: Short primer for the newcomers
1) Anglo
3) Anglo-Zionist
My personal opinion now
Daddy—what’s a ‘neocon‘?! Ethnic mafia wars is the USA
So who will prevail?
How a medieval concept of ethnicity makes NATO commit yet another a dangerous blunder
But why does the West hate Russia so much?
Part V: Russia and China
Today’s Victory Day celebrations in Moscow mark a turning point in Russian history
The past
The present
The future
A Tale of Two World Orders (Unz Review column)
A tale of two world orders
Part VI: Je ne suis pas Charlie
Je ne suis pas Charlie
I am NOT Charlie
Charlie Hebdo for the Darwin Awards
“Spitting in people’s souls”
Are some victims more equal than others?
In the Charlie Hebdo psyop double standards, logical fallacies and crass ignorance are everywhere
Part VII: Syria and Iran
What could a sustained air campaign by the US/NATO/CENTCOM supported by numerous cruise missile strikes really achieve in Syria?
Obama makes a strategic mistake in Syria and now its “GAME OVER” for the US strategy for the Middle East
What does the civil war in Syria really mean for Iran, Russia and China?
The creation of an anti-Shia front:
The USA has re-grouped and has Iran surrounded:
The civil war in Syria as the litmus test of Western power:
Conclusion: an international anti-Shia coalition
Is a Syrian “domino effect” being used in a power struggle in the US deep state?
The new President of Iran
Domino 1: Barack Obama accepts Putin’s gambit
Domino 2: the USA and Iran finally agree on the nuclear issue.
Domino 3: the two big losers—Saudi Arabia and Israel
Domino 4: goodbye US anti-missile “defense shield” in Europe?
Domino 5: an end to the European “Drang nach Osten”?
A project of the “USA-firsters”?
How far can the US really go?
Conclusion: a real window of opportunity
Part VIII: The French Resistance
Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian
Dieudonné’s anti-Zionist campaign in full swing in France
Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?
“Quenelle warfare” in France—a “report from the trenches”
State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger
“Personalities lynch-mob” level:
State level:
Zionist panic:
When and how could such a “Liberation” occur?
Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov in the USSR—Soral and Dieudonné in France
France’s CRIF-run regime has unleashed a vicious persecutions campaign against dissidents
The Resistance in France—suppressed, but not broken
Part IX : The West And Sex
Moscow bans homosexual “pride” parades for the next 100 years
Will pedophilia be the next paraphilia to be declared a “normal and positive variation” of human sexuality?
A society of sexually frustrated Pinocchios
Homo logic applied to the Olympics and sports in general
One last mention of an incredibly boring topic (or how to deal with obnoxious single-issue insecure narcissistic minorities)
Part X: Russian Military
The Russia-U.S. Conventional Military Balance
Why bean counting makes absolutely no sense
“Heavy” warfare
Light (or rapid reaction) warfare
Shock and awe
The Meaning of the US Saber-Rattling at the Borders of Russia
Russia plans to invite India, Pakistan and Iran into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
The myth of the soft underbelly of Russia
Part XI: Religion
Off-topic but apparently needed: Judaism and Christianity—back to basics
Online texts on ecclesiology (what is the Church?):
Part XII: Varia
How I became a 9/11 “truther”
What about the Pentagon?!
Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?! (UPDATED!)
Saker’s “man of the year 2013”: the Syrian soldier
Runner up: Vladimir Putin
Saker’s Man of the Year 2013: the Syrian soldier
Special distinction: Hassan Nasrallah
The 2014 “Saker’s Man of the Year”: the Russian soldier
The 2014 Saker man of the year nomination goes to the masked Russian solider: the “Polite Men in Green” and the Novorossian Volunteer.
The runner up(s): Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinpin
Special distinction: Ramzan Kadyrov
The Empire’s war against the Serbian nation: lessons for the Resistance
US fabricated excuses for military intervention from Markale to Ghouta?
A few basic reminders about wars, civil wars and human rights
My love-hate relationship with Marxists
Their uncompromising stance on capitalism
Their focus on revolutionary change
Their understanding of class struggle
Their futile attempts at explaining, justifying or even denying the crimes of Marxist mass murderers.
Their narrow-minded hostility toward religions
The Marxists are still unable to understand the role of religion today
Appendix: Q&A with a Chinese friend, by Mr. Unknown and the Saker
Mister Unknown’s questions for The Saker
The Saker’s questions for Mister Unknown
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