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Front Matter
1. Welcome to the World Class University: Introduction
Part I. What’s in a Word?
2. Disorderly Identities: University Rankings and the Re-ordering of the Academic Mind
3. Becoming World Class: What It Means and What It Does
4. Three Notions of the Global
Part II. World-Class Around the World
5. The Kafkaesque Pursuit of ‘World Class’: Audit Culture and the Reputational Arms Race in Academia
6. Complicit Reproductions in the Global South: Courting World Class Universities and Global Rankings
7. On Realizing the World-Class University: Litigation and the State
8. World Class at All Costs
9. The Paradox of the Global University
Part III. Playing the World-Class Numbers Game
10. World Class Universities, Rankings and the Global Space of International Students
11. What Counts as World Class? Global University Rankings and Shifts in Institutional Strategies
12. The State Role in Excellent University Policies in the Era of Globalization: The Case of China
Part IV. The Future of World-Class Universities
13. The Marketingisation of Higher Education
14. Contesting the Neoliberal Discourse of the World Class University: ‘Digital Socialism’, Openness and Academic Publishing
15. Spaces of Life: Transgressions in Conceptualising the World Class University
16. Realizing the World-Class University: An Ecological Approach
Back Matter
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