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Head First iPhone and iPad Development
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We know what you’re thinking
We know what your brain is thinking
Metacognition: thinking about thinking
Here’s what WE did:
Here’s what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
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1. Getting Started: Getting mobile with iOS
So you want to build an iOS app...
Welcome to the Apple universe!
iOS apps are written in Objective-C
It all starts with the SDK
Pin Xcode...you’re going to be here a lot
Meet Sue, your new boss
Xcode and Git...new best friends
Xcode is the hub of your iOS project
The iOS simulator
Your code is stored in source files
Code Editor, Hub...and debugging, too
One iPhone, two iPhones, red iPhone, blue iPhone...
Your iPhone Development toolbox
2. Basic iOS Patterns: Building from scratch
iOS apps run full screen, but there’s a lot going on
Model-View-Controller is a design pattern
Get started with Xcode and Git
Design time!
Design time...redux
Cosmetic changes are easy in Xcode
You could code this if you’re into that kind of thing...
iOS controls are more than skin deep
The code your button calls is an Action
You’ll create the action using the Xcode GUI editor
Connect your controls to your actions
This is your control
This is your controller...
Your control has events...
...and those events can connect to Actions
So about these classes and interfaces we keep writing...
So how do we get to that text?
Properties handle creating getters and setters
Create a property for that text field
You connect your controls to outlets
An IBOutlet references something in the UI
Twitter, the easy way...
Your iOS Basics toolbox
3. Interlude: Syntax
Classes: Interface and Implementation
Header files describe the interface to your class
Properties are about efficiency
Property attributes talk to the compiler
Message passing: How Objective-C gets around
Speaking of messages....
Your Syntax toolbox
4. Tables, Views, and Data: A table with a view
SpinCity browsing app overview
The way iOS apps work
Using the touch screen....
Hierarchical data—get out your table view
Use table and detail views together to represent hierarchical data
We need to hook these views together...
The navigation controller gets you around in your views
Three views in one template
Use MVC to separate your concerns...
Adding a new class
Properties expose class attributes
Data Access Objects hide low-level data access
You’ve built your DAO!
A table is a collection of cells
Storyboards can layout custom table view cells too
Your View toolbox
5. Multiview Applications: It’s all about the details
An app with a view...
Detail views are everywhere
Table views don’t always look like...tables
Change your UIViewController to a UITableView Controller
Layout for the new detail view
Layout your view within the storyboard
Design the rest of the view dynamically
Segues connect view controllers
Connect your scenes in your storyboard
Segues let you prepare for a new scene
Update your prepareforSegue callback
There’s an app a list for that
Create a new property list
You need to load each album from the plist
Convert your data to plists in one easy step
Your View toolbox
6. The Review Process, Design, and Devices: How to live with Apple
It’s Apple’s world...you’re just living in it
Device checking... it’s not optional
Device checking case study: the camera
iOS handles the heavy lifting
Hmmm... supported device, missing feature
The HIG helps, rather than hurting you
You’ve already gotten used to the HIG...
Design = look + feel
iOS 7 Top 5
More to think about: your iPad is not your iPhone
Your Apple toolbox
7. Basic Core Data and Table View Cells: Reruns are hard to find
This is your application
This is your application on data
Introducing Core Data
But wait, there’s more!
...and speaking of data
The Gilligizer app
Core Data starts with...data
Core Data works with entities
We need to define the entity for Core Data
Core Data describes entities with a Managed Object Model
Build your Show entity
Our generated Show class matches our Managed Object Model
NSManagedObject also implements the properties
You have an object...now present it.
Present each entity in Gilligizer
Your Core Data toolbox
8. Implementing search with core data: Looking for info
The app is working, but it’s limited...
Use an NSFetchRequest to describe your search
Let’s give it a shot...
iOS 7 has Core Data and UIKit support for searching
SearchDisplayController handles just about everything
Use predicates for filtering data
NSFetchRequest concepts are nearly identical to SQL
The NSFetchRequest predicate controls what data is returned
The Search Bar lets you know what’s happening through a delegate
It was a trick question...
Your searching toolbox
9. Core data, mapkit, and core location: Finding a phone booth
Everything old is cool new again
An app, an iPad, and a phone booth
iOS apps are read-only (well, kind of...)
An iOS application structure defines where you can read and write data
Get the photo path and then write that path to the filesystem!
Enter... UIImagePicker
Prompt the user with action sheets
Action sheets lead to...dactions!
Where Who... are you? Where Who, who?
Core Location can find you in a few ways
Core Location relies on the LocationManager
Map Kit comes with every iOS device
Annotations require a little more work finesse
Fully implement the annotation protocol
Your kit Toolbox
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