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Imperial Library
1. Fuzzy Logic
A New Approach to Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets and Its Application in Decision-Making
A Grid-Based Approach to Prolong Lifetime of WSNs Using Fuzzy Logic
Harmonics Minimization in Inverter Using Fuzzy Controller-Based Photovoltaic Cell
Fuzzy Logic-Based Unequal Clustering with On-Demand-Based Clustering Approach for a Better Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network
Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Based Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Approach for Selection of Inventory Policy
2. Artificial Neural Network
An NSGA II-Based Approach for Optimization of Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing System
Advance Prediction of Adverse Digressions in Continuous-Time Systems Using ANN Kernels: A Generic Approach Instantiated in Steel Manufacturing
Determination of Suitable ANN Architecture for Groundwater Fluoride Prediction
Neural Network Based Breakout Predicting System for All Four Strands of Caster in a Continuous Casting Shop—A Case Study
Software Reliability Prediction Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network
3. Genetic Algorithm and Bio-inspired Computing
Design of Two-Loop PID Controller for Inverted Cart-Pendulum System Using Modified Genetic Algorithm
An Improved Heuristic K-Means Clustering Method Using Genetic Algorithm Based Initialization
Regression Test Case Prioritization Technique Using Genetic Algorithm
A Comparison Between Genetic Algorithm and Cuckoo Search Algorithm to Minimize the Makespan for Grid Job Scheduling
A Framework for Budget Allocation and Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Gene Expression Profiling of Cervical Cancer Using Statistical Method
Software Cost Estimation Using Cuckoo Search
The Insects of Innovative Computational Intelligence
4. Applications in Cloud Computing
Effect of VM Selection Heuristics on Energy Consumption and SLAs During VM Migrations in Cloud Data Centers
Minimizing the Energy Consumption of Cloud Computing Data Centers Using Queueing Theory
Cloud and Virtualization Based Log Management Service
Ranking Uncertain Distributed Database at Tuple Level
5. Applications in Image Processing
Texture-Based Watershed 3D Medical Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Region Growing Approach
Real Time Face Detection in Ad Hoc Network of Android Smart Devices
Detection of Copy-Move Image Forgery Using DCT
A New Learning-Based Boosting in Multiple Classifiers for Color Facial Expression Identification
Efficient Face Detection Using Neural Networks
6. Applications in Security
Scalable Framework for Developing Adaptive and Personalized User Interfaces
Fuzzy-Based Privacy Preserving Approach in Centralized Database Environment
Cryptographic Key Extraction from Music
A Programming Based Boosting in Super-Classifier for Fingerprint Recognition
A Super Classifier with Programming-Based Boosting Using Biometrics for Person Authentication
Improving Personalized Recommendations Through Overlapping Community Detection Using Multi-view Ant Clustering and Association Rule Mining
7. Other Applications of Computational Intelligence
Vehicle Vibration and Passengers Comfort
Performance Evaluation of Various Classifiers in Emotion Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Transform, Linear Predictor Coefficients and Formant Features
A Quantitative Error Map Generation for Modification of Manual Socket for Below-Knee Amputee
Quality of Services-Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Multimedia Communication
Collectively Find Spatial Objects in Time-Dependent Spatial Network
Algorithm for Representation of Call-Duration Graphs of Telephone Graph Using Multi-layer Graph Techniques
Weibull Probability Distribution Function-Based Matched Filter Approach for Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation
Assessment of Values of Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Parameters for ECG Signals Through HRV Analysis Using Symlets for Arrhythmia Prediction
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