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Imperial Library
Title Page
PART I - The Legacy of War
1 - Physical Destruction
2 - Absence
Death Toll
The Vanishing of the Jews
Other Holocausts
Widows and Orphans
3 - Displacement
4 - Famine
5 - Moral Destruction
Looting and Theft
The Black Market
Morality and Children
6 - Hope
The Cult of Heroism
Brotherhood and Unity
A Brave New World
7 - Landscape of Chaos
PART II - Vengeance
8 - The Thirst for Blood
9 - The Camps Liberated
The Revenge of Jewish Prisoners
10 - Vengeance Restrained: Slave Labourers
Revenge of Slave Labourers
The Military Control of DPs
The ‘Liberation Complex’
Relief and Rehabilitation
The Issue of Personal Power
11 - German Prisoners of War
American-held Prisoners of War
Soviet-held Prisoners of War
The Cost of Bad History
12 - Vengeance Unrestrained: Eastern Europe
Germans in Czechoslovakia
The New ‘Extermination Camps’
The Politics of Numbers
13 - The Enemy Within
The Italian Epurazzione
The Failure of the Purge Across Europe
The Construction of Convenient Myths
14 - Revenge on Women and Children
The Shearing of Women
The Ostracism of Children
15 - The Purpose of Vengeance
PART III - Ethnic Cleansing
16 - Wartime Choices
17 - The Jewish Flight
The Choice to Return Home
The Return: Holland
The Fight over Jewish Property
Jews as Capitalists, Jews as Communists
The Kielce Pogrom
The Flight
18 - The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukraine and Poland
The Origins of Polish/Ukrainian Ethnic Violence
The Soviet Solution
Forced ‘Repatriation’
Forced Assimilation
19 - The Expulsion of the Germans
The Human Reality of the Expulsions
‘Home’ to the Reich
Total Expulsion
A Cleansed Landscape
20 - Europe in Microcosm: Yugoslavia
Historical Background
The ‘Bleiburg Tragedy’
Yugoslavia as a Symbol of Pan-European Violence
21 - Western Tolerance, Eastern Intolerance
PART IV - Civil War
22 - Wars within Wars
23 - Political Violence in France and Italy
The Targets of Political Violence
The Reaction
The Myth of the Communist ‘Lost Victory’
24 - The Greek Civil War
The Character of Communist Resistance
The Defeat of Communism in Greece
The Curtain Descends
25 - Cuckoo in the Nest: Communism in Romania
The August Coup
The Communist Fight for Power
The Dismantling of Democracy
Stalinism Unbound
26 - The Subjugation of Eastern Europe
27 - The Resistance of the ‘Forest Brothers’
The Battle of Kalniškes
The Soviet Terror
Partisans or ‘Bandits’?
The End of the Resistance
Nations of Martyrs
28 - The Cold War Mirror
Note on Place Names
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