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Imperial Library
Title page
Copyright page
Notes on Contributors
Part I: Historical Episodes
1 Early Christian Belief in Creation and the Beliefs Sustaining the Modern Scientific Endeavor
The Old Testament and Second-Temple Judaism
The Autonomy of Nature: Basil of Caesarea to John Buridan
The Comprehensibility of Nature: Gregory of Nazianzus to Johannes Kepler
The Twelfth-Century Reinterpretation: Nature versus God
2 The Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair
The Copernican Controversy
The Trial of Galileo
The Subsequent Galileo Affair
Lessons, Problems, Conjectures
3 Women, Mechanical Science, and God in the Early Modern Period
Margaret Cavendish (1623–1673)
Anne Conway (1631–1679)
Aphra Behn (1640–1689)
Mary Astell (1666–1731)
4 Christian Responses to Darwinism in the Late Nineteenth Century
Darwin’s Impact
The Initial Response
Human Origins
The Eclipse of Darwinism
5 Science Falsely So Called
Evolution as False Science and Bad Theology
Fundamentalists and the Age of the Earth
Fundamentalists, Progressive Creation, and the Rise of Young-Earth Creationism
Fundamentalist Views Today
Part II: Methodology
6 How to Relate Christian Faith and Science
The Goals of Science and Christianity
The Epistemologies of Science and Christianity
7 Authority
Epistemic versus Practical Authority
Scientific Authority and Its Limits
The Validation for Acknowledging Authority
Ecclesiastical Authority
Which One?
8 Feminist Philosophies of Science
Themes in Feminist Philosophies of Science
Christianity and Feminist Philosophies of Science
Changing the Liturgy
Towards a Prophetic Epistemology
9 Practical Objectivity
Science and Rationality as Human Practices
Practical Objectivity and Explanatory Focus
Methodological Naturalism and Informal Reasoning
Microdesign and Macrodesign in Science
10 The Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism
Evolution and Naturalism
Reliability of Our Cognitive Faculties
Naturalists Are Committed to Materialism
Materialist Construal of Beliefs
Reductive and Non-reductive Materialism
The Argument against Non-reductive Materialism
Reductive Materialism
Part III: Natural Theology
11 Arguments to God from the Observable Universe
The Relevance of Arguments
The Nature of Inductive Arguments
Arguments from the Existence of the Universe and Laws of Nature
Personal Explanation
The Argument from Fine-Tuning
12 “God of the Gaps” Arguments
Shrinking Gaps?
Strengthening Supernatural Arguments
13 Natural Theology after Modernism
Natural Theology and Its Dissolution in the Modern Period
The Valueladenness of Science and the Example of Intelligent Design
A Religiously Neutral Concept of Nature?
Natural Theology and credo ut intelligam
14 Religious Epistemology Personified
Natural Theology and God
Inadequate Arguments
Natural Theology Undone
God, Agape, and Personifying Evidence
15 Problems for Christian Natural Theology
Incoherency Objections
Objections to Theistic Arguments
Empirical Arguments against God’s Existence
Part IV: Cosmology and Physics
16 Modern Cosmology and Christian Theology
The Beginning and Creation
Attitudes about a Beginning and the Big Bang Theory
Was the Big Bang Indeed the Beginning?
Can Science Explain the Beginning?
17 Does the Universe Need God?
The Universe We Know
Theories of Creation
Why This Universe?
The Multiverse and Fine-Tuning
Accounting for the World
God as a Theory
18 Does God Love the Multiverse?
Parallels between Evolution and Multiverse Ideas
Fine-Tuning in Our Universe
Explanations for Fine-Tuning
The Growth of Our Knowledge of the Universe
Objections to Multiverse Ideas
19 The Fine-Tuning of the Cosmos
Multiverse Explanation
Theistic Explanation
Single-Universe Naturalism
Concluding Thoughts
20 Quantum Theory and Theology
The Two-Slit Experiment and Wave-Particle Duality
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Schrödinger’s Cat
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment
Interpretation: Quantum Reality?
Critical Realism in Science and Theology
Determinism, Human Free Will, and Divine Action
Consonance with Christian Doctrine
Part V: Evolution
21 Creation and Evolution
The Historical Background
The Contemporary Discussion
The Christian Doctrine of Creation
Questions Posed by Evolution for Christian Theology
22 Darwinism and Atheism
Biblical Literalism
Original Sin
Natural Evil
23 Creation and Evolutionary Convergence
Christianity and Science
Evolutionary Myths
Predictable Evolution?
Three Evolutionary Pitfalls
The Emergence of Cognition
And Christianity?
24 Signature in the Cell
Early Theories of the Origin of Life
Beyond the Reach of Chance
Self-Organization Scenarios
Chance and Necessity: Pre-biotic Natural Selection
The RNA World
The Return of the Design Hypothesis
Intelligent Design as the Best Explanation?
25 Darwin and Intelligent Design
Introductory Summary Statement
The Design Argument
The Design Argument in Antiquity
Christian Authors
William Paley’s Natural Theology
The “Theory” of Intelligent Design
Natural Selection
Natural Selection and Design
Unintended Consequences: ID’s Denigration of Religion and God
The “Disguised Friend”
26 Christianity and Human Evolution
Human Evolution and the Image of God
The Significance of “Information”
The Perspective of Cosmology
Critical Consciousness and Human Dignity
Summary and Conclusion
27 Christian Theism and Life on Earth
Flourishing and Floundering
Part VI: The Human Sciences
28 Toward a Cognitive Science of Christianity
Cognitive Science of Religion in Brief
The Naturalness of Christianity
How Christianity Deviates from Natural Religion
Is Cognitive Science a Threat to Theism?
29 The Third Wound
Human Error
The Placebo Effect and “Faith Healing”
The Mechanical Mind
30 Sociology and Christianity
Relationships between Christianity and Sociology
Cell 1: Maintaining the Idea Boundary While Admitting the Influence of Christian Ideas on Sociological Work
Cell 2: Maintaining the Idea Boundary While Admitting the Sociological Influence on Christian Activity
Cell 3: The Influence of Christian Ideas on Sociological Ideas
Cell 4: The Influence of Sociological Ideas on Christian Ideas
31 Economics and Christian Faith
Defending Markets and Capitalism
Christian Faith and Economics
Part VII: Christian Bioethics
32 Shaping Human Life at the Molecular Level
Body Matters
Genetic Testing
33 An Inclusive Framework for Stem Cell Research
The Beneficiaries of Treatment
The Sources of Materials
The Subjects of Research
34 The Problem of Transhumanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology
Humanism as Historical Reality
Manifestations of an Overhuman Idea
The Spirit of Technology
Technology as Driving Force
The Place of Evolution
The Kind of Being That We Are
Limits and Motivations of Nature’s Manipulation
The Place of Fiction and the Reclaiming of Eschatology
From Autonomy to Theonomy
35 Ecology and the Environment
Green Critiques of Religion and Science
The Problem of Suffering and the Turn to Physics
“Storied” Nature and the Rapprochement of Science and Religion
Conclusion: Science and the Future of Christianity
Part VIII: Metaphysical Implications
36 Free Will and Rational Choice
The “Standard” Causal Theory of Rational Action
An Alternative “Libertarian” Account of Rational Action
Responsiveness to Reasons
37 Science, Religion, and Infinity
Brief History
How We Talk
Science and Infinity
Religion and Infinity
Concluding Remarks
38 God and Abstract Objects
The Indispensability Argument for Platonism
Challenge to the Truth of Mathematical Statements: Fictionalism
Challenges to the Customary Semantics for Mathematical Discourse
Challenges to the Customary Semantics in General
Theological Objection to Platonism
39 Laws of Nature
The Early Modern Concept of Laws of Nature
The Universality of Laws of Nature
The Book of Nature Written in the Language of Mathematics
Exact Science in a Material World
Quantum Mechanics: An Aristotelian Comeback?
Laws of Nature Grounded in God’s Covenant Faithfulness
Laws without a Lawgiver?
Part IX: The Mind
40 Christianity, Neuroscience, and Dualism
Clarification of Important Preliminaries Relevant to the Autonomy Thesis
Two Paradigm Case Studies on Behalf of the Autonomy Thesis
Response to Two Counter-Arguments
41 The Emergence of Persons
Alternatives to Emergence
Emergence and Its Varieties
Emergent Dualism and Emergentist Materialism
Evaluating the Two Emergentisms
42 Christianity and the Extended-Mind Thesis
Two Versions of the Extended-Mind Thesis
Extended Systems and Christianity
Extended Cognition and Christianity
The Upshot
43 In Whose Image?
Introduction: In Whose Image?
“In the Image of God He Created Them”
In the Image of Humans
Who Are We?
44 How Science Lost Its Soul, and Religion Handed It Back
No Use for That Hypothesis
Swinburne on Souls
Material Souls
Whatever Works for You
Part X: Theology
45 The Trinity and Scientific Reality
Deep Intelligibility
Intrinsic Fertility
An Evolving World
Causal Structure
Trinitarian Belief
46 God and Miracle in an Age of Science
Miracles: A Theological Definition
Violation and Intervention: A Critique of Metaphors
Physically Impossible and SEE: Definition
Miracles, Science, and the Order of Nature
47 Eschatology in Science and Theology
The Place of Eschatology in Christian Theology
The Challenge of Scientific Cosmology
Eschatology and Cosmology: A Variety of Minimalist Responses
Dialogue and Interaction: Eschatology and the Transformation of the Universe
Conclusions and Future Research
48 The Quest for Transcendence in Theology and Cosmology
Transcendence in Eucharistic Experience
Eucharistic Experience in Science?
The Apophatic Approach in Philosophical Theology
The Possibility of Dialogue in Science and Theology
Transcendence-in-Immanence in Cosmology
Part XI: Significant Figures of the Twentieth Century in Science and Christianity
49 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Cosmic Life
Two Attractions in Human Lives
Law of Complexity-Consciousness
Teilhard’s Omega Point and Christogenesis
Building the Earth: The United Nations
50 Thomas F. Torrance
Torrance’s Life
Space and Time as the Stage of God’s Revelation
The Theological Character of Space and Time
Realism Based on Theology
The Threat of Dualism
A Scientific Lesson to Learn
51 Arthur Peacocke
The Relevance of the Sciences for Theology
Metaphors, Models, and the Doctrine of God
The Nature of the Cosmos and Panentheism
Humanity and Christ
52 Ian G. Barbour
Key Contributions
Beyond Instrumentalism and Classical Realism: Critical Realism
Barbour’s Typology: Four Ways of Relating Science and Religion
A Theology of Nature and Process Thought
53 Wolfhart Pannenberg
Theology as the Science of God
Provisionality of All Knowledge
Necessity for the Theological Dimension
Posing Theological Questions to Scientists
Scientific Metaphors in Theology
54 John Polkinghorne
The Scientist-Theologians
Bottom-Up Thinking and Consonance
Traditional Theological Concerns
Divine Action
Natural Theology
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