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Longest sentence in the book (probably the world)
Straight in
Disclaimer and polite warning
You must be mad
You’re a bloody hero and I’m Barefoot Doctor
Isn’t spiritual fame and fortune a paradox?
What are barefoot doctors?
What is a Handbook?
Further warning concerning the illusory nature of fame and fortune.
You’re already famous with your mother, at least. All you have to do is expand on that
The Meat 1 – Heroes
The Tao
Wayward Taoism
Backdrop to the hero’s adventure
Addressing all boy-heroes and girl-heroes (heroines) alike
Advantages of being a hero
Disadvantages of being a hero
Hero vs. anti-hero
Motivations for being a hero
Fictionalizing your life
Shoot the critic
Mechanical vs. miraculous realities
Misconceptions about heroes
Everyone has an inner hero for the call
Risky business, hero’ing
Loneliness of the hero
Dedication of the hero
Persistence of the hero
Willingness to sacrifice all for the quest
You can never fulfil your potential
Being your own hero
Being other people’s hero
The hero’s pain
The hero’s pleasure
Combining all-too-human with super-human
This game’s about developing a myth that has existed since you were old enough to think
Living theater
Being a star
The mystery of charisma
The name of the game is fame or shame
Idealized media-inspired image of the hero vs. the real hero
Doing it with conviction
The hero’s path (Tao)
The path reveals itself in following your fascination
It’s gotsta be sexy
Having a message to deliver to the world
Pissing in the wind
Having front
Being original
Knowing who your audience is
The significance of developing a creative channel
The significance of being your own boss
Advantages of being the boss (of self or others)
Disadvantages of working for someone else.
But don’t rush to give up your day job
Being courageous
Being outrageous
Stepping out of your comfort zone
Hero? You’re a fool
Taking daily action
Taking risks daily
Making decisions – pendulums, Tarot, I Ching
I Ching
Is it possible for a hero to be part of a couple?
Is it right to capitalize on being a hero to attain fame and fortune?
Making your life exciting for everyone else to enjoy
The Meat 2─Fame and Fortune
The external and internal approaches to attaining f’n’f
Intention and determining outcome
The Tao giveth and the Tao taketh away
Welcoming in the spirits of f’n’f
Degrees of fame and fortune
Motivations for seeking fame and fortune.
The best game in town till the lights go out.
Spreading light
Downside of fame
Developing role models vs. star-fucking
Fortune – the true nature of money as a medium of exchange
You already have a fortune – the entire universe is yours. All you have to do is reel the bastard in.
Fortuna, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin and you
Receiving money for doing what you love
Commitment to excellence
The nature of talent
Nature of skill
Training yourself
Overriding self-limiting blocks, i.e. self-pity
Creating a master plan vs. surrendering to destiny
Developing receptivity
Developing generosity
Following your creative impulses
Having the courage to give your creative gift to the world
Dealing with fear of rejection/humiliation
Not getting suckered by other people’s reality/myths
Let them call you fool
Saying no gracefully
You can please some of the people some of the time
Just say ‘fuck ‘em!’
Saying thank you gracefully
Myth of ‘the public’
Gaining agreement for your idea
Importance of developing steadfastness
Handling public adulation addiction
Importance of networking
When you shine, you shine, and when you don’t, you don’t
Cocaine as a social/personality stimulant
Alcohol as a social/personality lubricant
Taking mind-altering drugs to enhance creativity
Importance of developing time-arranging skills
Being punctual
Doing one thing at a time in rapid succession
Developing patience, flexibility and humor
Impossibility of mastery
The Juice
The five excellences
Worst-case scenario
The Five Elements and the Five Excellences
Excellence – number one:
Meditation (earth element)
The meaninglessness of deep daily meditation
Sitting comfortably to meditate
Fundamentals: Breathing
Fundamentals: Relaxing/Sinking
Fundamentals: Say hello to your mind
Fundamentals: Connect to your ‘tan tien’
Hardcore practice
Hardcore practice: Secret (no longer) Taoist energy control and visualization mechanism for enhancing creativity
Hardcore practice: Secret (no longer) Taoist energy control and visualization mechanism for generating fame
Hardcore practice: Secret (no longer) Taoist energy control and visualization mechanism for generating fortune
Hardcore practice: Secret (no longer) Taoist energy control and visualization mechanism for generating charisma
Hardcore technique: Placing the star-symbol
Excellence number two:
Martial arts (metal element)
Tai Chi, Hsing I and Pa Kua propaganda
The common principles of Tai Chi, Hsing I and Pa Kua
The magnificence of Tai Chi
Pushing hands
Tai Chi propaganda summary
The stupendousness of Hsing I
The profundity of Pa Kua
Excellence number three:
Healing (water element)
Healing holds
Start-up head hold
Front/back head hold
Chest and upper-back hold
Upper-belly hold
Closing hold – ‘tan tien’ and kidney hold
Hands-off healing
Absent healing
Healing while negotiating and mediating
Excellence number four:
Compositional skills (wood element)
Channeling skills
Discovering and following your Muse
On being a cultural terrorist
Organizational skills
Becoming mediagenic (creating a multimedia context for your message to the world)
The written word
Naming your project/self
Excellence number five:
Presentation skills (fire element)
Visual impact
Personal hygiene
Clothing and hairstyle
Movement, posture and grace
Vocal training
Sliding exercise:
Importance of breathing in speech production
Microphone technique
Claiming the space
Telephone technique
Becoming fluent in body language
Importance of visual presentation
Importance of having a good tool
Musical instruments, recording studios (the Tao of sound)
Developing a healthy relationship with the camera lens (still and moving)
Importance of lighting and angle
On attaining cultural relevance
Importance of editing
Marketing and cross-marketing
Importance of PR (perception management)
Sentimental Outro
Dealing with the pressure
Knowing when to beat a retreat/retire/make a comeback
What to do with fame and fortune once you’ve got it?
Dealing with the fear of loss
The importance of keep your overheads down
Keeping current
Opening bank accounts as receptacles
Swindling and thieving
Pitching your price right
The value of building a hunting team around you
Working for no exchange
Importance of calculating skills
Hero’s prayer
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