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Table of Contents
List of Acronyms
From the author
Introduction—a brief overview of contemporary involuntary migrations
1. An overview of development-induced displacement and resettlement
2. Historical considerations regarding development-induced population displacement and resettlement
3. Theoretical conceptualization of development-induced displacement and resettlement
4. The most important causes of development-induced displacement and resettlement
4.1. Construction of Dams and Irrigation Projects
4.2. Development of transportation infrastructure
4.3. Urbanization, re-urbanization, transformation of urban space and population redistribution schemes in urban areas
4.4. Deforestation and the expansion of agriculture
4.5. Mining and transportation of resources
4.6. Population redistribution schemes
4.7. Conservation of nature
4.8. Other causes of development-induced population displacement
5. The European context of development-induced displacement and resettlement
6. Actors of resettlement processes and their basic functions and objectives
7. Applying the concept of human security to research on development-induced displacement and resettlement.
8. Development-caused displacement and resettlement as a social and economic opportunity
9. Development-induced displacement and the dynamics of social change
10. The politicization of development-induced displacement and resettlement
11. Voluntary resettlement schemes
12. Analysis of the stages of resettlement process
13. Compensation: forms, principles, and potential socio-economic consequences
14. The impact of development-induced displacement and resettlement on families
15. Resources as a key issue determining the causes, course, and the socio-economic consequences of resettlement
16. Irreversible spiral of displacement, evictions and forced migrations
17. Activities of international institutions
18. Development-Induced Displacement and Human Rights
19. In which direction the international human rights should go? The right not to be displaced and the right to be resettled
20. Concluding remarks
21. Abstract
22. Résumé
23. Selected Bibliography
24. Annexes
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