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Introduction: Language learning and technology
Part I Historical and conceptual contexts
1 Language learning and technology: Past, present and future
2 Theory in computer-assisted language learning research and practice
3 Towards an ‘ecological’ CALL theory: Theoretical perspectives and their instantiation in CALL research and practice
Part II Core issues
4 Technology standards for language teacher preparation
5 Researching participatory literacy and positioning in online learning communities
6 Language materials development in a digital age
7 Researching in language learning and technology
8 Literacies, technology and language teaching
9 Evaluation in CALL: Tools, interactions, outcomes
10 Language testing and technology
11 From age and gender to identity in technology-mediated language learning
12 Culture, language learning and technology
13 Language learning and technology in varied technology contexts
14 Limitations and boundaries in language learning and technology
15 Teacher education and technology
16 Sustainable CALL development
Part III Interactive and collaborative technologies for language learning
17 Telecollaboration and language learning
18 Social networking and language learning
19 Computer supported collaborative writing and language learning
20 Interactive whiteboards and language learning
21 Mobile language learning
22 Virtual worlds and language learning: An analysis of research
23 Online and blended language learning
Part IV Corpora and data-driven learning
24 Introduction to data-driven learning
25 Spoken language corpora and pedagogical applications
26 Written language corpora and pedagogical applications
27 Learner corpora and pedagogical applications
28 Corpus types and uses
29 Designing and building corpora for language learning
Part V Gaming and language learning
30 Metaphors for digital games and language learning
31 Mini-games for language learning
32 Gaming and young language learners
Part VI Purpose designed language learning resources
33 CALL tools for lexico-grammatical acquisition
34 CALL tools for reading and writing
35 CALL tools for listening and speaking
36 Multimodality and CALL
37 Intelligent CALL and written language
38 Translation and technology: The case of translation games for language learning
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