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Imperial Library
1. Consciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory
2. Cosmological Foundations of Consciousness
3. Does the Universe have Cosmological Memory? Does This Imply Cosmic Consciousness?
4. The Quantum Hologram And the Nature of Consciousness
5. How Consciousness Becomes the Physical Universe
6. Conscious States Are a Crosstalk Mechanism for Only a Subset of Brain Processes
7. The Neuroanatomy of Free Will: Loss of Will, Against the Will, “Alien Hand”
8. Brain, Consciousness, and Causality
9. The Dissipative Brain and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
10. Electromagnetic Bases of the Universality of the Characteristics of Consciousness: Quantitative Support
11. Does ‘Consciousness’ Exist?
12. Consciousness -- What Is It?
13. Consciousness: Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
14. Decoding the Chalmers Hard Problem of Consciousness: Qualia of the Molecular Biology of Creativity and Thought
15. Protophenomena and their Physical Correlates
16. The Macro-Objectification Problem and Conscious Perceptions
17. A Mindful Alternative to the Mind/Body Problem
18. Consciousness: The Fifth Influence
19. The Spread Mind: Seven Steps to Situated Consciousness
20. Consciousness Vectors
21. Gaia Universalis
22. What Consciousness Does: A Quantum Cosmology of Mind
23. The Stream of Consciousness
24. The Stream of Thought
25. Origins of Thought: Consciousness, Language, Egocentric Speech and the Multiplicity of Mind
26. Consciousness: A Direct Link to Life’s Origins?
27. The Evolution of Human Consciousness: Reflections on the Discovery of Mind and the Implications for the Materialist Darwinian Paradigm
28. Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness, and the Temporal and Frontal Lobes
29. Evolution of Modern Human Consciousness
30. Evolution’s Gift: Subjectivity and the Phenomenal World
31. Prehistoric Astronomers? Ancient Knowledge Created By Modern Myth
32. Intention and Attention in Consciousness Dynamics and Evolution
33. The Ecological Cosmology of Consciousness
34. Consciousness, Dissociation and Self-Consciousness
35. Science and the Self-Referentiality of Consciousness
36. Cosmological Implications of Near-Death Experiences
37. Near Death Experiences and the 5th Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Perspective
38. In the Borderlands of Consciousness and Dreams: Spirituality Rising from Consciousness in Crisis
39. Dreams and Hallucinations: Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities
40. Altered Consciousness Is A Many Splendored Thing
41. Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of Mind: Split-Brains, Fragmented Minds, Dissociation, Quantum Consciousness
42. Consciousness and Quantum Physics: A Deconstruction of the Topic
43. Logic of Quantum Mechanics and Phenomenon of Consciousness
44. A Quantum Physical Effect of Consciousness
45. The Conscious Observer in the Quantum Experiment
46. Does Quantum Mechanics Require A Conscious Observer?
47. Quantum Physics, Advanced Waves and Consciousness
48. Consciousness and the Quantum
49. Quantum Reality and Mind
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