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Imperial Library
The convergence of corporate and government interests: The unfinished business of the Marikana massacre
‘Only the stupidest countries stick to the economic boycott’: Germany, Switzerland and Austria as profiteers and pillars of the apartheid system
Lonmin in context: The political economy of the South African platinum industry
There is no change in Marikana: The perspective of women
Confrontations with BASF: Additions to the company history and the Plough Back the Fruits campaigns
Are we requesting too much?: Speech at the BASF AGM, Mannheim, Germany, 12 May 2017
The theatre of irresponsibility: Cynicism and profitability
Hard rocks – soft rules: Human rights violations, the destruction of nature and the role of the state and corporations in international mining
Horizons of responsibility
The limits of voluntary initiatives: How business stands in the way of binding human rights standards
The UN treaty on business and human right: South Africa's role
Rather part of the problem than the solution: On the functions and effects of social audits
Power and the politics of corporate responsibility on the Platinum Belt
The chemistry is right: The corporation and politics
Corporate structures and tax avoidance by BASF: The platinum perspective
From BASF to Volkswagen and the World Bank: German fingerprints at the scene of Lonmin’s Marikana massacre
Imperialist raw materials strategies in EU politics
Discourse (as) opposed to the facts: Germany’s links to the Marikana massacre have long gone unnoticed
Bared life: Colonial and neo-colonial depictions of South African miners in the public imagination
Postcolonial internationalism: Thoughts on redefining global North–South solidarity in the twenty-first century
‘The right to have rights’: Global social rights as a tool against the power of transnational corporations and capitalist exploitation
The real issues: Politics against ‘not wanting to know’
A better life for all?: Speech at the General Assembly, Berlin, 4 November 2017
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