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Imperial Library
Front Matter
Part I. Urban and Social Role of School Buildings
The Open-Air School Typology in the Milanese Experience: The Trotter and the Rinnovata Pizzigoni
The Topic of the School Building in the Milanese Professionalism
Space and Figuration of the School Building in the Construction of the Metropolitan Periphery: The School as a Social Emancipation Workshop
Imagining the School of the Future
Modernist Schools in the New Rural Landscape of the Pontine Plain
Rural and Urban Schools: Northern Greece in the Interwar Period
The Schools as Heritage and a Tool for Political and Cultural Integration. The Buildings of the Plan de Edificación Escolar in Buenos Aires
Origins and Development of the American Campus: The “Academical Village” of Thomas Jefferson
Bovisa: A Park for Work and Research
The City’s New Road. The Fundamental Role of Nature in Urban Transformation Processes
The Quality of the Project and the MIUR Standards for the Control and Funding of Buildings for Education and Training
Education as Reconstruction. School Typology in Post-earthquake Reconstruction in Central Italy
Design for Schools
Part II. The Paths to Innovation: Tools, Models and Processes
A BIM-Based Process from Building Design to Construction: A Case Study, the School of Melzo
A Collaborative Approach for AEC Industry Digital Transformation: A Case Study, the School of Liscate
Use of Predictive Analyses for BIM-Based Space Quality Optimization: A Case Study, Progetto Iscol@
Technical-Scientific Support for the Definition of the Project for the Reconstruction of School Buildings Involved in Seismic Events
“A Factory for the Future”: Inveruno New School
Field of Education and “Corpus Socialis”
Space-Places and Third Teacher: The Issue of Architectural Space in the Age of Knowledge Cities and Schools 3.0
Part III. Management, Transformation and Enhancement of the Built Heritage
School Building Surveying: A Support Tool for School Building Registry Office
Extension for the Accademia di Brera at the Farini Marshalling Yard in Milan: The Architecture of the Campus and Spaces Frames for Teaching
Camillo Boito’s “Capannone” for the Accademia di Brera in Milan: Reuse of a Railway Depot
A University Campus for Medical Disciplines in View of the Redevelopment of the Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital in Piacenza
Application of Externally Bonded Inorganic-Matrix Composites to Existing Masonry Structures
Strengthening of Different Types of Slabs with Composite-Reinforced Mortars (CRM)
Energy Retrofit Potential Evaluation: The Regione Lombardia School Building Asset
Energy and Environmental Retrofit of Existing School Buildings: Potentials and Limits in the Large-Scale Planning
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