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Imperial Library
Preface and acknowledgements
Abbreviations of journals, books, etc., cited
Map of Persia and Iraq in the Seljuq period
Translation of the text
Mention of the fact that the first of them to become a Muslim was the Amir Tuqāq
The fitting-out of Sübashï’s army for war against the Seljuq Amirs
Mention of what happened between Malik Chaghrï Beg and Sultan Mawdūd b. b. b. Sebüktegin
Mention of the killing of Sultan b. b. Sebüktegin
The conflict between the Commander of the Faithful bi-amr Allāh and Arslān al-Basāsīrī, and the march on Baghdad of Sultan Rukn al-Dīn Abū Beg b. Dāwūd ( sic ) b. b. Seljuq
Mention of Sultan Rukn al-Dīn Abū b. b. Seljuq’s character and way of life
The story of the vizier al-Mulk Abū al-Kundurī
The story of Malik Chaghrï Beg Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq and the warfare between Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq and Sultan Mawdūd b. b. b. Sebüktegin, and Mawdūd’s defeat and the peace agreement between the two of them
Mention of Malik Chaghrï Beg Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq’s death and the succession to sole authority of Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān
The historical events of the reign of Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq
The Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq’s battle with Malik b. and his victory over him
The story of the of Khurasan b. al-Nasawī
Mention of the Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān’s expedition against the Byzantine lands ( al-Rūm )
The Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq’s march from Georgia to Byzantium
The Exalted Sultan Alp Arslān’s journey to Fars and Kirman for a second time
The story of and the conquest of his stronghold
The Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān’s march to the Byzantine lands for a second time
The Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān’s march against the Byzantine king Romanus (Armānūs) for a second time and his taking him captive
The Exalted Sultan al-Dawla Abū Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq’s march to Samarqand and his finding a martyr’s death there
The reign of the Exalted Sultan Jalāl al-Dawla Abu Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq
The death of the Commander of the Faithful bi-amr Allāh on 12 467 [/2 April 1075]
Mention of the revolt of Malik Shihāb al-Dawla Tekish b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq
The birth of the Exalted Sultan al-Dunyā wa ’l-Dīn Abu Sanjar b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq, Yamīn Amīr
The Exalted Sultan Jalāl al-Dawla Abu Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān’s march into Transoxania for a second time
The murder of the vizier al-Mulk Qiwām al-Dīn Khwāja-yi Buzurg Abū b. , Amīr
The death of the Exalted Sultan Jalāl al-Dunyā wa ’l-Dīn Abu Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq
The sultanate of , son of Sultan Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān
The reign of Sultan Rukn al-Dīn Abu Berk-yārūq b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān
The reign of Sultan Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū , Qasīm Amīr
Mention of the coming to Iraq (i.e Jibāl and western Persia) from Khurasan of the Exalted Sultan al-Dunyā wa ’l-Dīn Malik al-Islām wa ’l-Muslimīn, the Support of the House of Seljuq and Right Hand of the Commander of the Faithful, Abu Sanjar b. Malik Shāh and his victory [over his rivals] and his forgiving [them]
The reign as sultan in Iraq (i.e. Jibāl and western Persia) of Sultan Mughīth al-Dīn Abu ’l-Qāsim , Yamīn Amīr
The reign of Sultan Rukn al-Dīn b. b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq
The reign of Sultan Ghiyāth al-Dunyā wa ’l-Dīn Abu b. b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq, Qasīm Amīr
Mention of his character and conduct
[The end of the reign of Sultan Sanjar b. Malik Shāh]
We now return to mention of the affairs of Iraq (i.e. Jibāl and western Persia) and the events taking place there
Mention of what happened at Baghdad after Sultan death
[The sultanate of ] Sultan Arslān Shāh b. b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq, Qasīm Amīr
[The sultanate of] Sultan Rukn al-Dīn b. Arslān Shāh b. b. Malik Shāh b. Alp Arslān b. Dāwūd b. b. Seljuq, Qasīm Amīr
Mention of the Seljuq maliks and sultans and the length of their reigns from the time when they achieved mastery over the lands until their authority was swept away
Mention of the roles of some of the mamlūks of the Seljuqs
Index of persons, peoples and tribes
Index of places
Index of technical terms
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