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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Introduction: Veterans’ Narrativesa
One: World War II: The Good War
Introduction: A Terrible Fight but a Good War
1 On Land and in the Air
Allen Jones: Fighting with General Patton in France
Lawrence Batley: Fighting with General Bradley in France, V-E Day
William Murray: Wounded at Gela, in the Sicily Landing
David Cohen: A Witness at the Liberation of Concentration Camps
Raymond Elliott: An African American Combat Engineer Combats Racism
Robert Tyler: In France, a POW Escapes Back to His Line
Richard Kells: In Germany, a POW is Strafed by American Pilots
Donald Ryan: A Minneapolis Orphan Becomes a Pilot
2 At Sea in the Pacific and Atlantic
Edward Borucki: Surviving the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Charles Sakowicz: Abandoned at Sea by the USS Franklin
Lionel Brindamour: Island-Hopping in the Pacific
Charles Allard: A Pharmacist’s Assistant Treats the Wounded
Donald Walker: Protecting Carriers from U-Boats in the Atlantic
Paul Seamans: From Seaman to Ship’s Captain in the Pacific
Russell Brocklesby: The USS Randolph was a Lucky Ship
Edward Wells: Repatriating POWs from Post-Bomb Nagasaki
Walter Kostanski: Protecting Oil Tankers at Sea
Tom Herrick: An Overview of American Wars
Two: Korea: The Forgotten War
Introduction: Fighting the Coldest War
3 Fighting the “Forgotten War”
Almond Hart: A Signal Corpsman Serves Too Close to EnemyFire
Ronald Bassett: After Korea, Injured in a Jump over Japan
Arthur Miller: Treating the Wounded Near Panmunjom
Alton Fellows: Fighting Chinese Teenagers in the Hills of North Korea
Donald Ryan: Flying the Last Bombing Mission of the Korean War
Three: Vietnam: The Lost War
Introduction: The War at the End of the Tunnel
4 On the Ground
Daniel Walsh: Talking with General Platt about US Wars
James Munroe: The Dean of an Episcopal Cathedral with PTSD
Dennis Driscoll: Platoon Leader, Silver Star, Wounded in Action
Pete Rogers: Witness to a Case of Waterboarding in Vietnam
Kenneth Gregg: The Evacuation Hospitals Never Moved Forward
Lidon Chevannes: Kicking Heroin Addiction and Helping Veterans
Gumersindo Gomez: A Career Sergeant Returns to Vietnam
Joseph Dougherty: Keep your Clothes on in a Whorehouse!
Albert Cummings: Wounded in Action, Working to Honor All American Veterans
Herb Voudren: Working with the Montagnards, US Allies in Vietnam
Cherie Rankin: A Young Woman Bolsters Soldier Morale In-Country
5 In the Air
Robert Basye: Emergency Reconnaissance Extractions
Richard Warren: Finding Christ and Volunteering in Cambodia after Vietnam
David Bressem: Treating the Psychologically Wounded Veteran
Rod Carlson: Meeting Major Chuck Robb on Hill 12
Alfred Guertin: Bronze Star, DFC, and a Career in Aviation
John Hartman: Deaths on a Disastrous Mission to Laos
David Hillbrook: Many Near Misses over Vietnam
Legrand Hines: Commuting to the War in Laos from Thailand
Bruce Lake: Silver Star, Author of 1,500 Feet over Vietnam
Steven Sunderman: Transporting Trained Dogs for the ReconTeams
Gordon Tubesing: The Fall of Saigon on My Second Tour
6 A Vietnam Pilot Remembered: William “Bing” Emerson, 1941–11/20/68
Robert Basye: The Last Time I Saw Bing, He Bummed a Cigarette
Rod Carlson: They Called Him “Captain Bing”
Alfred Guertin: We Made a Special Plaque with Wings for Bing’s Grave
Steven Sunderman: Bing Wasn’t Scared at All
Richard Warren: Bing Wiped his Corvette’s Dip-Stick with his Hat!
Bruce Lake: We Packed up Bing’s Effects
William Hester: I Was Bing’s Crew Chief When We Crashed
Four: Iraq and Afghanistan: Endless Wars
Introduction: Fighting a Universe of “Bad Guys” on Their Own Turf
7 The Gulf War and the Wars on Terror after 9/11
Erik Johnson: We Should Have Gone to Baghdad and Finished the War
Jonathan Schnauber: Making UMass Veteran-Friendly
Chris McGurk: Losing a Comrade Called Chris
Charly Woehlke: A Female MP Trains Local Police
Chris Backlund: Meeting Death in Fallujah; Let’s Use Education in Afghanistan
Peter Duffy: The Challenge of Operating in a Foreign Culture
Victor Nuñez-Ortiz: An Engineer Confronts War in the Desert
Josee Goldin: A Female Officer on Three Iraq Tours, Including “The Surge”
Sean Kenney: Surviving Two Suicide Bombs and Saving a Friend
“Steve” Nsaif: An Iraqi Interpreter with US Forces Seeks US Citizenship
Epilogue: The Reckoning
Glossary of Military Terms
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