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Imperial Library
Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
Preface to the English Edition
Prussia 1812
Towards an Aesthetics of German Post-War History
About the Author Who Wrote This
I. From a Lost House: Towards a Post-War Aesthetics in Germany
The Loss of Nature in Art
The Central Themes of the Age
The Curse
The Third Taboo: Agrarian Culture
The Aesthetics of the Small, the Unclean, the Sick …
The Destructive Urge
The Paid Protest
Museum Culture
The Eccentric
The Multicultural Arbitrariness of Pluralism in Art
Of the Loss of Aura83
The Addiction to Shallow Punchlines
Interpretation Art
Censorship of Silence
The Lost Victory
A Passing Note
The Imperative of Ugliness
The Ages of History with the Classical Artistic Ideal
Art as a Counter-World
The Unforgiving Memory
Liberation Aesthetics
The Victory of Baseness in Us
Art as the Daughter of Freedom
Tragedy without a Tragic Consciousness
The Only Main and State Mission Today
Prohibition of Lament
Loss of Naïveté
Crippling of the Master Race
The French Revolution
The Coldness of the Charlatans
A Passing Note
Football Worship
The Japanese Comparison
Egypt — Europe
Nuremberg 1945
II. From Last Summer: Before the Fall of the Curtain
Peace without a Heartbeat
Prussia Lost and Israel Won
Zero Hour
Hollywood as the Bread and Circuses of Democracy
Beyond All the Art That Existed Hitherto
Pomerania 1945 (Next Project)
Love without Possession
After the Loss of Things: Film, Art as Business
Total Peace
The Death of Myth
The Art of the Generations Unused to War
The Colonial Rule of Art-Interpretations
Democratic Consensus
The Partition of Europe
The Western Tragedy
The Mafia System of the Lie of Democratic Life
Pomerania II
Aesthetics of the Downfall
Mourning, Which Needs Us
The Narcissism of Art
Endless as If Never Been
Confession: Beyond the Night
True Wealth
Art as the Greatest Taboo
Against the Art of the Forests
The Vital Lie of the Western Democracies
Tourism Industry
Penumbra Culture
Renouncing Art
Plastic Art
Reunited with Poland
Election Democracy and Wishful Democracy
Profit and Loss Account of the War before Gorbachev
Women’s Rule
Victor Aesthetics
Now the Way around the Lake
At, and in, the Precipice
War against Nature
The Western Tragedy of Europe
At the Goal
The Catastrophe
Friedrich von Schlegel
Re-Education: The Satiated Art
III. The German Catharsis Is Art: The Rediscovered House
GDR Scenario/October 1989, on Its Fortieth Anniversary
The Loss of Simplicity in Irony
On the Unnaturalness of Hearts
Mass Aesthetics
October 1989 — On the Condition of Germany in Its Eastern Part
The Present-Day Principle of Life That Replaced That of Old Europe
“The German Space as the World Stage of Europe?”
Documenta as the Entry-Lane of American Art into Europe
4th of November
10th of November 1989 — 6 O’Clock in the Morning, Radio, News
N.168 in Western Pomerania
The Rediscovered Center
What Remains
After Yalta,178 Where Europe Was Divided
The Rediscovered Eros of Tears
Sacrifice Not Only of Nature
What Art Is Capable Of
To the Vulgar Administrators of the Enlightenment Businesses
Luck and Happiness
Winter in Leipzig to Bucharest
Another Aesthetics
30th of January, Sussex, England
The World-Spirit on Foot
On November 9
Thrown out of the Community of Nature
The Direction of History
Open Territory
The Highest That Is to Be Achieved
For an Aesthetics of the Whole, of the Reunification
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