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Front Matter
Part I. Bilevel Optimization, Game Theory, and Applications
1. Interactions Between Bilevel Optimization and Nash Games
2. On Stackelberg–Nash Equilibria in Bilevel Optimization Games
3. A Short State of the Art on Multi-Leader-Follower Games
4. Regularization and Approximation Methods in Stackelberg Games and Bilevel Optimization
5. Applications of Bilevel Optimization in Energy and Electricity Markets
6. Bilevel Optimization of Regularization Hyperparameters in Machine Learning
Part II. Theory and Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Bilevel Optimization
7. Bilevel Optimization and Variational Analysis
8. Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions in Bilevel Optimization
9. Algorithms for Simple Bilevel Programming
10. Algorithms for Linear Bilevel Optimization
11. Global Search for Bilevel Optimization with Quadratic Data
12. MPEC Methods for Bilevel Optimization Problems
13. Approximate Bilevel Optimization with Population-Based Evolutionary Algorithms
14. Methods for Pessimistic Bilevel Optimization
Part III. Extensions and Uncertainty in Bilevel Optimization
15. Methods for Multiobjective Bilevel Optimization
16. Bilevel Optimal Control: Existence Results and Stationarity Conditions
17. Bilevel Linear Optimization Under Uncertainty
18. A Unified Framework for Multistage Mixed Integer Linear Optimization
Part IV. Numerical and Research Tools for Bilevel Optimization
19. BOLIB: Bilevel Optimization LIBrary of Test Problems
20. Bilevel Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, Applications and a Bibliography
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