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My taste of Existentialism
1. The Outsider
2. I cried at my mother’s funeral
3. I played the game
4. And I won!
Other influences
5. C.P. Snow on cultures
5.1 Snow’s two cultures
5.2 Two cultures across society
5.3 The impact on my education
6. Platonism
7. Mathematics
7.1 Numbers as fairies
8. Artificial intelligence
8.1 Virtual worlds
9. Magic
9.1 Magic and the quest for truth
9.2 Testing the truth about truth
My quest for four cultures
10. Cultures
10.1 Science compared with magic
11. Religion as a third culture
11.1 Is religious culture irrational?
12. A fourth culture
12.1 A game-playing culture
12.2 Don’t mention the m-word
12.3 In search of magic
13. What makes thinking into “magical thinking”?
13.1 Feeling and pattern recognition
13.2 Magical versus scientific language
13.3 Magical versus scientific theory
13.4 Subjective versus objective “evidence”
13.5 Changing perception
13.6 Fractal categorisation
13.7 Cultures as orientations
13.8 Right brain and magical thinking
14.1 Demonolatry
14.2 The nature of belief in magical thinking
14.3 True and “really true”
14.4 Can magical belief survive in a rational universe?
Relationships between four cultures
15. Linear and spatial relationships
16. The sequence of cultures
16.1 Applying this cycle
16.2 A continuing cycle
16.3 A generational cycle
16.4 Whatever happened to the Enlightenment?
16.5 A cycle of values
17. A magical theory of dynamic relationships
17.1 Exploring the theory subjectively
17.2 How did my thinking evolve from science into magic?
18. The path from magic towards art
18.1 How art transcends magic
18.2 Conclusion
19. The path from art through religion to science
19.1 Developing religious culture
Resistance and conflict between cultures
20. Emerging complexity and inherited vices
20.1 The problem of meaning
20.2 The problem of style
20.3 The problem of faith
20.4 The problem of doubt
21. The demons of resistance
21.1 Art under attack
21.2 Religion under attack
21.3 Science under attack
21.4 Magic under attack
22. Lies, damn lies, and magic – the conflict with
22.1 Magical thinking gets a raw deal
22.2 Sometimes it is just sour grapes
22.3 Magical culture dismissed as infantile
22.4 But is not scientific culture a bit adolescent?
22.5 Truth or fraud
22.6 Truth versus myth
22.7 Magical freedom to explore scientific myths
22.8 The challenge of illusion
22.9 Teetering on the brink of the primordial abyss
22.10 Modelling versus sculpting
23. Magical culture as ultimate evil
23.1 Individualism and the “me generation”
23.2 Gimme! Gimme!
23.3 The culture of narcissism
23.4 The problem of power
23.5 When belief appears absolute
23.6 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live
Picturing it all: a brief artistic interlude
24. A brief artistic interlude
What is happening now?
25. Moving out of my head into the “real world”
25.1 The sort of book to write, or not to write
25.2 Pax Romana – is it repeating itself?
25.3 Does history repeat?
26. What really happened to the Enlightment?
26.1 A walk on the wild side
26.2 Do not expect the obvious
26.3 Magic presented as science
26.4 Science presented as magic
26.5 Psychics and Sci-chicks
26.6 Pax Romana revisited
26.7 What has Pax Romana got to do with magical thinking?
26.8 The profit motif
26.9 In the beginning is the word
26.10 In the beginning is the word – part 2
26.11 A rise in talismania
26.12 Narcissism and the problem of power
26.13 Conjuration as magic
26.14 Tales of the unexpected
26.15 The kingdom of the trolls
26.16 Brexit as magical thinking
26.17 Magical thinking and “Post-Truth Politics”
26.18 So then, what has happened to the Enlightenment?
27. To reject or to explore magical thinking?
27.1 First steps into magic
27.2 The importance of secrecy
27.4 Observation as the test for significance
27.5 Working with today’s demons
27.6 A profoundly trivial example
27.7 The journey to wholeness
27.8 Some like it black
28. In Conclusion
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