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Title Page
1. Operational Amplifiers
1.1. Amplifier Stages
1.2. Differential Amplifiers
1.3. Feedback
1.3.1. Invention of the Feedback
1.3.2. Properties of Ideal Feedback Circuits
1.3.3. Negative and Positive Feedbacks
1.3.4. Effect of the Feedback on the Bandwidth
1.4. Operational Amplifier (OpAmp)
1.4.1. Parameters of the Ideal OpAmp
1.4.2. Parameters of the Real OpAmp
1.4.3. Open Loop Frequency Characteristics of an OpAmp
1.4.4. Internal Architecture of the OpAmp
1.4.5. Compensated and Non-Compensated OpAmps
1.4.6. Stability of Non-Compensated and Decompensated OpAmps
1.5. Consequences of Feedback on OpAmps
1.5.1. OpAmp in Inverting Configuration
1.5.2. OpAmp in Non-Inverting Configuration
1.5.3. Variation of Resistances of the Stage
1.5.4. Variation in the Frequency Response of the Stage
1.6. Response to “Large Signal”
1.6.1. Origin of the Slew-Rate
1.7. Response to “Small Signal”
1.7.1. Settling time
1.8. Electrical Characteristics
1.8.1. Compensation of the Bias Current
1.8.2. Compensation of the Voltage Offset Vos
1.9. Power Supply
1.10. Output Currents
1.11. Exercises
2. Circuits with OpAmps
2.1. Linear Circuits with OpAmps
2.1.1. Inverting stage
2.1.2. Non-inverting stage
2.1.3. Inverting Adder
2.1.4. Subtractor (difference amplifier)
2.1.5. Instrumentation Amplifier
2.2. Integrators and Derivators
2.2.1. Ideal Integrator
2.2.2. Real integrator
2.2.3. Ideal derivator
2.2.4. Real derivator
2.3. Current and Voltage Converters
2.3.1. Current-Voltage Converter
2.3.2. Voltage-Current Converter
2.4. Voltage Reference
2.5. Filters
2.6. First Order Active Filters
2.6.1. Inverting integrator
2.6.2. Low-pass filter with finite gain
2.6.3. High-pass filter with finite gain
2.6.4. Band-pass filter
2.6.5. Phase Shifter
2.7. Butterworth Filters
2.7.1. First order low-pass Butterworth filter
2.7.2. Second order low-pass Butterworth filter
2.7.3. Nth order low-pass Butterworth filters
2.7.4. High-pass, Band-pass and notch Butterworth filters
2.8. Chebyschev Filters
2.9. Bessel Filters
2.10. Elliptical Filters (Cauer)
2.11. Exercises: linear circuits with OpAmp
2.12. Non Linear Circuits with OpAmps
2.12.1. Precision rectifier (Super Diode)
2.12.2. Half-wave rectifier
2.12.3. Full-wave rectifier
2.13. Comparators
2.13.1. Zero-crossing detector
2.13.2. Level detector
2.13.3. Window comparator
2.14. Schmitt Trigger with Hysteresis
2.14.1. Inverting Schmitt Trigger
2.14.2. Non-inverting Schmitt Trigger
2.14.3. Comparison between Trigger and Comparator
2.15. Waveform Generators
2.15.1. Sinusoidal Oscillators
2.15.2. Phase-shift oscillator
2.15.3. Wien bridge oscillator
2.15.4. Three-points oscillators
2.15.5. Astable multivibrator
2.15.6. Rectangular pulse generator (monostable multivibrator)
2.15.7. Triangular signal generator
2.16. Exercises
3. Frequency compensation
3.1. Frequency Response
3.2. “Internal” OpAmp Compensation
3.2.1. Dominant-Pole Compensation (Direct and Miller Compensation)
3.2.2. Pole-Zero Compensation
3.2.3. Two-Pole Compensation
3.2.4. Feedforward Compensation
3.3. “External” Compensation of OpAmps
3.3.1. Non-Inverting Configuration
3.3.2. Stability Criteria
3.3.3. Boundary Condition of PM=45°
3.3.4. Inverting Configuration
3.4. Effect of the Feedback Capacitance
3.4.1. Non-Inverting Configuration
3.4.2. Invertenting Configuration
3.4.3. Integrator
3.4.4. Derivator
3.5. Effect of the Input Capacitance
3.5.1. Example 1
3.5.2. Example 2
3.5.3. Compensation of an Inverting Buffer
3.5.4. Compensation of a Photodiode Amplifier
3.6. Effect of Output Resistance and Load Capacitance
3.7. Negative Feedback Compensation
3.7.1. Example 1
3.7.2. Example 2
3.8. Positive Feedback Compensation
3.9. Feedback Advance Compensation
4. Advanced OpAmps
4.1. Instrumentation Amplifier (INA)
4.1.1. Differential amplifier
4.1.2. Instrumentation amplifier
4.1.3. Auto zeroing
4.1.4. INA: usage examples
4.2. Isolation Amplifiers (ISO)
4.2.1. Introduction
4.2.2. Optical Coupling
4.2.3. Transformer Isolation
4.2.4. Capacitive coupling
4.3. Current Feedback Amplifier (CFA)
4.3.1. Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode approaches
4.3.2. Current Feedback Amplifier
4.3.3. CFA principle scheme
Actual CFA structure
4.3.4. CFA drawbacks
4.4. Current Mode Amplifier (NORTON)
4.4.1. Current Amplifier Input Stage
4.4.2. Gilbert Cell
4.4.3. Current Amplifier
4.5. Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA)
4.5.1. Generalities
4.5.2. Applications
4.6. Data-Sheets
5. Exercises on OpAmps
6. Sampling circuits
6.1. Sampling Theorem
6.2. Hints on Sampling
6.2.1. Aliasing
6.2.2. Anti-aliasing filtering
6.2.3. Windowing for the spectrum computation
6.3. Sample and Hold
6.4. S&H Accuracy and Speed
6.4.1. Charge-injection induced offset or pedestal error
6.4.2. Aperture-induced non-linearity
6.4.3. Signal feed-through
6.4.4. Droop
6.4.5. Buffer-induced non-linearity
6.4.6. Aperture delay time
6.4.7. Aperture time jitter
6.4.8. Acquisition time
6.5. Simulation Examples
6.6. Improved S&H
6.7. Feedback Structures
6.8. Digital Potentiometer
6.9. Analog Multiplexers
6.10. Universal Active Filters
6.11. Exercises
7. DAC converters
7.1. General Characteristics
7.2. Quality Factors
7.3. Architectures
7.3.1. Weighted R DAC
7.3.2. DAC voltage scaling
7.3.3. Serial DAC
7.4. Static Errors and Non-Linearity
7.4.1. Offset and Gain Errors
7.4.2. Integral Non-Linearity INL and Differential Non-Linearity DNL
7.4.3. Monotonicity
7.4.4. Thermal Drifts
7.4.5. Output Impedance
7.5. Signal to Noise Ratio
7.5.1. Quantization Error
7.5.2. Theoretical Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR
7.5.3. Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio, SiNAD
7.5.4. Harmonic Distortion
7.6. Dynamic Parameters
7.6.1. Settling Time
7.6.2. Glitch
7.7. Example
7.8. Exercises
8. ADC converters
8.1. Generalities
8.2. Static Characteristics
8.2.1. Quantization Error
8.2.2. Non-Linear Quantizator
8.2.3. Offset and Gain Errors
8.2.4. Non-Linearity Errors
8.3. ADC Classification
8.4. Architecture of Various ADCs
8.4.1. Flash ADC
8.4.2. Staircase Tracking ADC
8.4.3. Tracking ADC
8.4.4. Single-Slope ADC, Single Ramp
8.4.5. Double Ramp ADC
8.4.6. Successive approximation ADC (SAR)
8.5. Quality Factors
8.6. Timings
8.7. Dynamic Characteristics
8.7.1. Dynamics
8.7.2. Signal to Noise Ratio
8.7.3. Effective Bits and ENOB
8.7.4. Spectral Performance
8.7.5. SFDR and SiNAD
8.7.6. THD and IMD
8.8. Requirements for Driving the ADC
8.9. Commercial ADCs
8.9.1. Examples of ADCs
8.10. Dithering
8.11. Examples
8.11.1. Choice A
8.11.2. Choice B
8.11.3. Choice C
8.11.4. Choice D
8.12. Exercises
9. Advanced ADCs
9.1. Interpolating FLASH
9.2. FLASH Folding
9.3. Half-Flash Converter
9.1. Multistep flash
9.4. Pipeline Converters
9.5. Successive Approximations Converters
9.1. Charge redistribution ADC
9.6. Time-Interleaved Converters
9.7. Integration Converters
9.1. Double ramp ADC
9.2. Charge balancing ADCs
10. Oversampling and ΣΔ
10.1. Under-sampling
10.1.1. Under-sampling Applications
10.2. Over-Sampling
10.3. ΣΔ Modulator
10.4. II order ΣΔ modulator
10.5. ΣΔ Problems
10.5.1. Pattern Noise
10.5.2. “Dead zone” or “Idle channel”
10.6. Digital Filtering
10.6.1. FIR
10.6.2. IIR
10.7. Commercial ΣΔ
10.7.1. PCM1760 e DF1760
10.7.2. CS5322 and CS5323
10.7.3. CS5317
10.7.4. ΣΔ application example
11. Exercises on converters
12. Microcontrollers
12.1. Internal Architecture
12.2. μC Development Systems
12.3. Program Memory
12.4. Data Memory
12.5. Assembler Instructions
12.5.1. Data address
12.5.2. Instruction cycle
12.6. I/O Ports
12.6.1. Configtion Registers
12.6.2. Input/Output in the internal peripherals
12.6.3. Interrupt Inputs
12.7. Interrupt Management
12.8. ADC Converter
12.8.1. Errors and Conversion Timing
12.8.2. Configuration registers
12.8.3. Performance
12.8.4. Comparator or Analog Watchdog
12.9. DAC Converter
12.10. Exemple of use of I/O
12.11. Timer and Counter
12.11.1. Timing
12.11.2. Watchdog
12.11.3. Pulse-Width Modulation
12.12. Serial Comunication Devices
12.12.1. Syncronous Serial Port SPI
12.12.2. Syncronous Serial Port I2C
12.12.3. USART port
12.13. Oscillator
12.14. Reset
12.15. Sleep-Mode
12.16. Short Review
12.16.1. STMicroelectronics
12.16.2. Motorola
12.16.3. Intel
12.17. Eercises
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