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Title Page
Table of Contents
Preface to the First Edition
A Note on the Use of Latin Terminology
1 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
2 Bones, Ligaments & Joints
Columna Vertebralis: Overview
Columna Vertebralis: Elements
Vertebrae Cervicales
Vertebrae Thoracicae & Lumbales
Os Sacrum & Os Coccygis
Disci Intervertebrales
Joints of the Columna Vertebralis: Overview
Joints of the Columna Vertebralis: Craniovertebral Region
Vertebral Ligaments: Overview & Cervical Spine
Vertebral Ligaments: Thoracolumbar Spine
3 Muscles
Muscles of the Back: Overview
Intrinsic Muscles of the Cervical Spine
Intrinsic Muscles of the Back (Musculi Dorsi Proprii)
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
Muscle Facts (III)
4 Neurovasculature
Arteries & Veins of the Back
Nerves of the Back
Medulla Spinalis (Spinal Cord)
Segments of the Medulla Spinalis & Nervi Spinales
Arteries & Veins of the Medulla Spinalis
Neurovascular Topography of the Back
5 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Radiographic Anatomy of the Back (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Back (II)
6 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
7 Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Skeleton
Sternum & Costae
Joints of the Thoracic Cage
Thoracic Wall Muscle Facts
Neurovasculature of the Diaphragma
Arteries & Veins of the Thoracic Wall
Nerves of the Thoracic Wall
Neurovascular Topography of the Thoracic Wall
Mamma (Breast)
Lymphatics of the Mamma
8 Thoracic Cavity
Divisions of the Thoracic Cavity
Arteries of the Thoracic Cavity
Veins of the Thoracic Cavity
Lymphatics of the Thoracic Cavity
Nerves of the Thoracic Cavity
9 Mediastinum
Mediastinum: Overview
Mediastinum: Structures
Heart (Cor): Functions and Relations
Heart: Surfaces & Chambers
Heart: Valves
Arteries & Veins of the Heart
Conduction & Innervation of the Heart
Pre- & Postnatal Circulation
Neurovasculature of the Oesophagus
Lymphatics of the Mediastinum
10 Pulmonary Cavities
Pulmonary Cavities
Pleura: Subdivisions, Recesses & Innervation
Lungs (Pulmones)
Bronchopulmonary Segments
Trachea & Bronchial Tree (Arbor Bronchialis)
Respiratory Mechanics
Pulmonary Arteries & Veins
Neurovasculature of the Tracheobronchial Tree
Lymphatics of the Pleural Cavity
11 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Thorax
Radiographic Anatomy of the Thorax (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Thorax (II)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Thorax (III)
12 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
13 Abdominal Wall
Bony Framework for the Abdominal Wall
Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall
Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall & Diaphragma
Abdominal Wall Muscle Facts
Regio Inguinalis & Canalis Inguinalis
Funiculus Spermaticus, Scrotum & Testis
Anterior Abdominal Wall & Inguinal Hernias
14 Cavitas Abdominis & Spaces
Divisions of the Cavitas Abdominopelvica
Cavitas Peritonealis & Greater Sac
Bursa Omentalis, or Lesser Sac
Mesenteria & Posterior Wall
15 Internal Organs
Jejunum & Ileum
Caecum, Appendix Vermiformis & Colon
Hepar: Overview
Hepar: Lobi & Segmenta
Vesica Biliaris & Bile Ducts
Pancreas & Splen
Renes & Glandulae Suprarenales (I)
Renes & Glandulae Suprarenales (II)
16 Neurovasculature
Arteries of the Abdomen
Pars Abdominalis Aortae & Arteriae Renales
Truncus Coeliacus
Arteria Mesenterica Superior & Arteria Mesenterica Inferior
Veins of the Abdomen
Vena Cava Inferior & Venae Renales
Vena Portae Hepatis
Vena Mesenterica Superior & Vena Mesenterica Inferior
Lymphatics of the Abdominal Organs
Nodi Lymphoidei of the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Nodi Lymphoidei of the Supracolic Organs
Nodi Lymphoidei of the Infracolic Organs
Nerves of the Abdominal Wall
Autonomic Innervation: Overview
Autonomic Plexuses
Innervation of the Abdominal Organs
Innervation of the Intestines
17 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Abdomen
Radiographic Anatomy of the Abdomen (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Abdomen (II)
Pelvis & Perineum
18 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
19 Bones, Ligaments & Muscles
Cingulum Pelvicum
Female & Male Pelvis
Female & Male Pelvic Measurements
Pelvic Ligaments
Muscles of the Diaphragma Pelvis & Perineum
Diaphragma Pelvis & Perineal Muscle Facts
20 Spaces
Contents of the Pelvis
Peritoneal Relationships
Pelvis & Perineum
21 Internal Organs
Rectum & Canalis Analis
Vesica Urinaria & Urethra
Overview of the Genital Organs
Uterus & Ovaria
Ligaments & Fasciae of the Deep Pelvis
Female External Genitalia
Penis, Testis & Epididymis
Male Accessory Sex Glands
22 Neurovasculature
Arteries & Veins of the Pelvis
Arteries & Veins of the Rectum & Genitalia
Nodi Lymphoidei of the Abdomen & Pelvis
Nodi Lymphoidei of the Genitalia
Autonomic Plexuses of the Pelvis
Autonomic Innervation: Urinary & Genital Organs & Rectum
Neurovasculature of the Female Perineum & Genitalia
Neurovasculature of the Male Perineum & Genitalia
23 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Pelvis & Perineum
Radiographic Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
Radiographic Anatomy of the Male Pelvis
Upper Limb
24 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
25 Shoulder & Arm
Bones of the Upper Limb
Clavicula & Scapula
Joints of the Shoulder
Joints of the Shoulder: Articulatio Humeri
Subacromial Space & Bursae
Anterior Muscles of the Shoulder & Arm (I)
Anterior Muscles of the Shoulder & Arm (II)
Posterior Muscles of the Shoulder & Arm (I)
Posterior Muscles of the Shoulder & Arm (II)
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
Muscle Facts (III)
Muscle Facts (IV)
26 Elbow & Forearm
Radius & Ulna
Articulatio Cubiti
Ligaments of the Articulatio Cubiti
Articulationes Radioulnares
Muscles of the Forearm: Compartimentum Anterius
Muscles of the Forearm: Compartimentum Posterius
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
Muscle Facts (III)
27 Wrist & Hand
Bones of the Wrist (Carpus) & Hand (Manus)
The Carpal Bones
Joints of the Wrist & Hand
Ligaments of the Hand
Ligaments and Compartments of the Wrist
Ligaments of the Fingers
Muscles of the Hand: Superficial & Middle Layers
Muscles of the Hand: Middle & Deep Layers
Dorsum of the Hand
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
28 Neurovasculature
Arteries of the Upper Limb
Veins & Lymphatics of the Upper Limb
Nerves of the Upper Limb: Plexus Brachialis
Pars Supraclavicularis & Fasciculus Posterior
Fasciculus Posterior: Nervus Axillaris & Nervus Radialis
Fasciculus Medialis & Fasciculus Lateralis
Nervus Medianus & Nervus Ulnaris
Superficial Veins & Nerves of the Upper Limb
Posterior Shoulder & Arm
Anterior Shoulder
Anterior Arm & Regio Cubitalis
Regio Antebrachii Anterior & Regio Antebrachii Posterior
Regio Carpalis
Palm of the Hand
Dorsum of the Hand
29 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Upper Limb
Radiographic Anatomy of the Upper Limb (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Upper Limb (II)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Upper Limb (III)
Lower Limb
30 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
31 Hip & Thigh
Bones of the Lower Limb
Articulatio Coxae: Overview
Articulatio Coxae: Ligaments & Capsula Articularis
Anterior Muscles of the Regiones Coxae, Femoris & Glutealis (I)
Anterior Muscles of the Regiones Coxae, Femoris & Glutealis (II)
Posterior Muscles of the Regiones Coxae, Femoris & Glutealis (I)
Posterior Muscles of the Regiones Coxae, Femoris & Glutealis (II)
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
Muscle Facts (III)
32 Knee & Lower Leg
Tibia & Fibula
Articulatio Genus: Overview
Articulatio Genus: Capsula Articularis, Ligaments & Bursae
Articulatio Genus: Ligaments & Menisci
Ligamenta Cruciata
Cavitas Articularis Articulationis Genus
Muscles of the Lower Leg: Compartimenta Anterius et Laterale
Muscles of the Lower Leg: Compartimentum Posterius
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
33 Tarsus & Foot
Bones of the Foot
Articulationes Pedis (I)
Articulationes Pedis (II)
Articulationes Pedis (III)
Ligaments of the Tarsus & Foot
Plantar Vault & Arches of the Foot
Muscles of the Planta Pedis
Muscles & Vaginae Tendinum of the Foot
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
34 Neurovasculature
Arteries of the Lower Limb
Veins & Lymphatics of the Lower Limb
Plexus Lumbosacralis
Nerves of the Plexus Lumbalis
Nerves of the Plexus Lumbalis: Nervus Obturatorius & Nervus Femoralis
Nerves of the Plexus Sacralis
Nerves of the Plexus Sacralis: Nervus Ischiadicus
Superficial Nerves & Vessels of the Lower Limb
Topography of the Inguinal Region (Inguen)
Topography of the Regio Glutealis
Topography of the Regiones Femoris Anterior et Posterior
Topography of the Compartimentum Cruris Posterius & Foot
Topography of the Compartimenta Cruris Laterale et Anterius and Dorsum Pedis
Topography of the Planta Pedis
35 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Lower Limb
Radiographic Anatomy of the Lower Limb (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Lower Limb (II)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Lower Limb (III)
Head & Neck
36 Surface Anatomy
Surface Anatomy
37 Bones of the Head
Anterior & Lateral Cranium
Posterior Cranium & Calvaria
Basis Cranii
Neurovascular Pathways Exiting or Entering the Cavitas Cranii
Os Ethmoidale & Os Sphenoidale
38 Muscles of the Skull & Face
Muscles of Facial Expression & of Mastication
Muscle Origins & Insertions on the Cranium
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
39 Nervi Craniales
Nervi Craniales: Overview
CN I & II: Nervus Olfactorius & Nervus Opticus
CN III, IV & VI: Nervus Oculomotorius, Nervus Trochlearis & Nervus Abducens
CN V: Nervus Trigeminus
CN VII: Nervus Facialis
CN VIII: Nervus Vestibulocochlearis
CN IX: Nervus Glossopharyngeus
CN X: Nervus Vagus
CN XI & XII: Nervus Accessorius & Nervus Hypoglossus
Autonomic Innervation
40 Neurovasculature of the Cranium & Face
Innervation of the Face
Arteries of the Head & Neck
Arteria Carotis Externa: Anterior, Medial & Posterior Branches
Arteria Carotis Externa: Terminal Branches
Veins of the Head & Neck
Sinus Durae Matris
Topography of the Superficial Face
Topography of the Regio Parotideomasseterica & Fossa Temporalis
Topography of the Fossa Infratemporalis
Topography of the Fossa Pterygopalatina
41 Orbita & Eye
Bones of the Orbita
Musculi Orbitae
Neurovasculature of the Orbita
Topography of the Orbita
Orbita & Palpebra
Bulbus Oculi
Cornea, Iris & Lens
42 Cavitas Nasi & Nasus
Bones of the Cavitas Nasi
Sinus Paranasales
Neurovasculature of the Cavitas Nasi
43 Os Temporale & Ear
Os Temporale
Auris Externa & Meatus Acusticus Externus
Auris Media: Cavitas Tympani
Auris Media: Ossicula Auditus & Membrana Tympanica
Arteries of the Auris Media
Auris Interna
44 Cavitas Oris & Pharynx
Bones of the Cavitas Oris
Articulatio Temporomandibularis
Cavitas Oris Muscle Facts
Innervation of the Cavitas Oris
Topography of the Cavitas Oris & Glandulae Salivariae
Tonsillae & Pharynx
Musculi Pharyngis
Neurovasculature of the Pharynx
45 Neck
Muscle Facts (I)
Muscle Facts (II)
Muscle Facts (III)
Arteries & Veins of the Neck
Lymphatics of the Neck
Innervation of the Neck
Larynx: Cartilage & Structure
Larynx: Muscles & Levels
Neurovasculature of the Larynx, Glandulae Thyroidea & Parathyroidea
Topography of the Neck: Regiones & Fascia
Topography of the Regio Cervicalis Anterior
Topography of the Regio Cervicalis Anterior & Regio Cervicalis Lateralis
Topography of the Regio Cervicalis Lateralis
Topography of the Regio Cervicalis Posterior
46 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck (I)
Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck (II)
Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck (III)
Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck (IV)
Sectional Anatomy of the Head & Neck (V)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Head & Neck (I)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Head & Neck (II)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Head & Neck (III)
Brain & Nervous System
47 Brain
Nervous System: Overview
Encephalon, Macroscopic Organization
Truncus Encephali & Cerebellum
Ventricles & CSF Spaces
48 Blood Vessels of the Brain
Veins and Venous Sinuses of the Brain
Arteriae Encephali
49 Functional Systems
Anatomy & Organization of the Medulla Spinalis
Sensory & Motor Pathways
50 Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System (I): Overview
Autonomic Nervous System (II)
51 Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy
Sectional Anatomy of the Nervous System
Radiographic Anatomy of the Nervous System
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