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Title Page
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Editor’s Preface
Author’s Preface
I. Hebrews in Its Environment
A. The Pastor Who Wrote Hebrews
1. Authorship and Canonicity
2. Candidates for Authorship—A Review
B. The Pastor’s Sermon
C. The Pastor’s Congregation
1. What the Sermon Reveals about Its Hearers
2. Were These Hearers Jewish or Gentile in Background?
D. The Pastor’s Worldview
1. The Pastor’s Dependence on the Christian Tradition
2. The Pastor and the Heavenly/Futuristic Eschatology of Apocalyptic Writings
3. The Pastor and the Influence of Neo-Platonism
E. When Did the Pastor Write This Sermon?
II. The Message of Hebrews
A. The Sermon’s Use of the Old Testament
1. Introduction
2. Fundamental Assumptions
3. The Psalms and Related Passages—“God Has Spoken”
4. The Pentateuch—Moses Bears “Witness to the Things That Would Be Spoken”
5. The Historical Books (Joshua through Nehemiah)
6. Hebrews 3:7–4:11; 7:1–10; and 12:18–24
7. Continuity and Typology
8. Hebrews and Contemporary Jewish Use of the Old Testament
9. Contemporary Relevance
B. The Sermon’s Rhetorically Effective Structure
1. Introduction
2. Hebrews 1:1–2:18 and 12:4–29: God Has Spoken from the Mountain
3. Hebrews 3:1–4:13 and 10:19–12:3: On Pilgrimage to the Promised Home
4. Hebrews 1:1–4:13 and 10:19–12:29: The Disobedient and the Faithful
5. Hebrews 13:1–25: The Peroration (and Letter Ending)
6. Hebrews 4:14–10:18: Entering the Most Holy Place
7. The Rhetorical Shape of Hebrews and Its Use of the Old Testament
8. The Rhetorical Shape of Hebrews and Ancient Rhetoric
C. The Sermon’s Abiding Message
D. The Sermon’s Outline
Text, Exposition, and Notes
I. A Very Short History of the Disobedient People of God (1:1–4:13)
A. Sinai Revisited: God Has Spoken in the Eternal, Incarnate, Now Exalted Son (1:1–2:18)
1. God Has Spoken through His Son (1:1–4)
2. The Incomparable Majesty of the Eternal, Exalted Son (1:5–14)
3. The Urgency of Attending to God’s Son-Mediated Revelation (2:1–4)
4. The Crucial Importance of the Incarnate, Suffering Son (2:5–18)
B. Tested at Kadesh-Barnea: Avoid the Congregation of the Disobedient (3:1–4:13)
1. Consider Jesus, A Son over the House of God (3:1–6)
2. Avoid the Company of the Faithless Generation (3:7–19)
3. Pursue the Blessing Lost by the Faithless Generation (4:1–11)
4. You Are Accountable before the Word of God (4:12–13)
II. The Son’s High Priesthood—Resource and Urgency for Perseverance (4:14–10:18)
A. The Life of Faith and the High Priesthood of the Son (4:14–5:10)
1. Embrace This Great High Priest (4:14–16)
2. The New High Priest and the Old (5:1–10)
B. Don’t Be Unresponsive but Grasp What Christ Has Provided (5:11–6:20)
1. Reverse Your Unnatural Regression (5:11–6:3)
2. Avoid the Danger of Apostasy (6:4–8)
3. Shun Apostasy and Embrace the Community of the Faithful (6:9–12)
4. Trust God’s Promise Verified by God’s Oath (6:13–20)
C. Our High Priest’s Legitimacy and Eternity (7:1–28)
1. Melchizedek Is Greater than Levi (7:1–10)
2. The Priest in “the Likeness of Melchizedek” Displaces Aaron (7:11–25)
3. This Priest Is Exactly the Kind of Priest We Need (7:26–28)
D. Our High Priest’s All-Sufficient Sacrifice: A Symphony in Three Movements (8:1–10:18)
1. First Movement: The New Promised (8:1–13)
a. A Minister of the Sanctuary and True Tent (8:1–2)
b. A Different Sacrifice (8:3–6)
c. A Better Covenant (8:7–13)
2. Second Movement: The Old Antiquated; the New Foreshadowed (9:1–22)
a. Limitations of the Earthly Sanctuary (9:1–10)
b. The All-Sufficiency of Christ’s Sacrifice (9:11–15)
c. Freed from the Condemnation of a Broken Covenant (9:16–22)
3. Third Movement: The New Explained (9:23–10:18)
a. Sanctuary: “In the Presence of God for Us” (9:23–24)
b. Sacrifice—“Once for All” (9:25–10:4)
c. Sacrifice—“To Do Your Will, O God” (10:5–10)
d. Sacrifice—“He Sat Down Forever” (10:11–14)
e. Covenant—“Where There Is Release” (10:15–18)
III. A History of the Faithful People of God from Creation to Consummation (10:19–12:29)
A. The Life of Persevering Faith and the High Priesthood of the Son (10:19–39)
1. Avail Yourselves of This Great Priest (10:19–25)
2. You Are More Accountable Because of This High Priest (10:26–31)
3. Pursue the Blessing Promised the Faithful (10:32–39)
B. The Past History of the People of God until the Coming of Jesus (11:1–12:3)
1. Join the Company of the Faithful of Old (11:1–40)
a. From Creation to Noah: The Foundations of Faith (11:1–7)
b. Abraham, Faith at Its Best: Perseverance in an Alien World (11:8–22)
c. Moses, Faith under Stress: A Story of Resistance and Triumph (11:23–31)
d. The Rest of the Story—A “Better Resurrection” (11:32–38)
e. “They without Us …” (11:39–40)
2. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, Seated at God’s Right Hand (12:1–3)
C. The Present History of the People of God until the Consummation (12:4–29)
1. God’s True Sons and Daughters Endure the Discipline of Suffering (12:4–13)
2. Don’t Sell Your Birthright, as Esau Did (12:14–17)
3. God’s Firstborn Enter His Presence through the Exalted Jesus (12:18–24)
4. God Will Speak “Once More” at the Final Judgment (12:25–29)
IV. Instructions for the Life of Gratitude and Godly Fear (13:1–25)
A. The Community of the Faithful and the Life of Gratitude and Godly Fear (13:1–6)
B. The Unbelieving World and the Life of Gratitude and Godly Fear (13:7–17)
C. A Sermon Sent as a Letter (13:18–25)
Scripture and Other Ancient Texts
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