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Table of Contents
An Introduction to the Study of the Constitution
Unit One: What Are the Philosophical and Historical Foundations of the American Political System?
Lesson 1: What Did the Founders Think about Constitutional Government?
Lesson 2: What Ideas about Civic Life Informed the Founding Generation?
Lesson 3: What Historical Developments Influenced Modern Ideas of Individual Rights?
Lesson 4: What Were the British Origins of American Constitutionalism?
Lesson 5: What Basic Ideas about Rights and Constitutional Government Did Colonial Americans Hold?
Lesson 6: Why Did American Colonists Want to Free Themselves from Great Britain?
Lesson 7: What Basic Ideas about Government and Rights Did the State Constitutions Include?
Unit Two: How Did the Framers Create the Constitution?
Lesson 8: What Were the Articles of Confederation, and Why Did Some Founders Want to Change Them?
Lesson 9: How Was the Philadelphia Convention Organized?
Lesson 10: Why Was Representation a Major Issue at the Philadelphia Convention?
Lesson 11: What Questions Did the Framers Consider in Designing the Three Branches of the National Government?
Lesson 12 : How Did the Delegates Distribute Powers between National and State Governments?
Lesson 13: What Was the Anti-Federalist Position in the Debate About Ratification?
Lesson 14: What Was the Federalist Position in the Debate About Ratification?
Unit Three: How Has the Constitution Been Changed to Further the Ideals Contained in the Declaration of Independence?
Lesson 15: How Have Amendments and Judicial Review Changed the Constitution ?
Lesson 16: What Is the Role of Political Parties in the Constitutional System
Lesson 17: How Did the Civil War Test and Transform the American Constitutional System?
Lesson 18: How Has the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment Changed the Constitution?
Lesson 19: How Has the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment Changed the Constitution?
Lesson 20: How Has the Right to Vote Been Expanded Since the Adoption of the Constitution?
Unit Four: How Have the Values and Principles Embodied in the Constitution Shaped American Institutions and Practices?
Lesson 21: What Is the Role of Congress in American Constitutional Democracy?
Lesson 22: How Does Congress Perform Its Functions In the American Constitutional System
Lesson 23: What Is the Role of the President in the American Constitutional System?
Lesson 24: How Are National Laws Administered in the American Constitutional System?
Lesson 25: What Is the Role of the Supreme Court in the American Constitutional System?
Lesson 26: How Does American Federalism Work?
Unit Five: What Rights Does the Bill of Rights Protect?
Lesson 27: What Are Bills of Rights and What Kinds of Rights Does the U.S. Bill of Rights Protect?
Lesson 28: How Does the First Amendment Affect the Establishment and Free Exercise of Religion?
Lesson 29: How Does the First Amendment Protect Free Expression?
Lesson 30: How Does the First Amendment Protect Freedom to Assemble, Petition, and Associate?
Lesson 31: How Do the Fourth and Fifth Amendments Protect Against Unreasonable Law Enforcement Procedures?
Lesson 32: How Do the Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments Protect Rights within the Judicial System?
Unit Six: What Challenges Might Face American Constitutional Democracy in the Twenty-first Century?
Lesson 33: What Does It Mean to Be a Citizen?
Lesson 34: What Is the Importance of Civic Engagement to American Constitutional Democracy?
Lesson 35: How Have Civil Rights Movements Resulted in Fundamental Political and Social Change in the United States?
Lesson 36: How have American Political Ideas and the American Constitutional System Influenced Other Nations?
Lesson 37: What Key Challenges Does the United States Face in the Future?
Lesson 38: What Are the Challenges of the Participation of the United States in World Affairs?
Lesson 39: What Does Returning to Fundamental Principles Mean?
The Virginia Declaration of Rights
The Declaration of Independence
The Articles of Confederation
The Constitution of the United States of America
Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America
Congressional Hearing
Executive Order 9981
Briefing a Supreme Court Opinion
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
National Advisory Committee
Board of Directors
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