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Title Page
Part I - Capitalism and Evolution
CHAPTER ONE - Mr. Micawber and Mad Max
CHAPTER TWO - Political Economy and Evolution
CHAPTER THREE - The Four Ages of Capitalism
Part II - The Arrow and the Ring
CHAPTER FOUR - Annus Mirabilis
CHAPTER FIVE - The Four Megatrends
CHAPTER SIX - The Great Moderation
The Platform Company: A New Business Model
The Reinvention of Demand Management
CHAPTER SEVEN - The Financial Revolution
Megatrends in Housing and Finance
CHAPTER EIGHT - The Ring of Finance
CHAPTER NINE - Boom and Bust Forever
The Theories of Boom-Bust Cycles
Why Finance Is Different from Every Other Business
Part III - Market Fundamentalism Self-Destructs
CHAPTER TEN - The Economic Consequences of Mr. Paulson
CHAPTER ELEVEN - There Is No Can Opener
The First Era of Economics
The Second Era: Keynes’s Government-Led Economics
The Third Era: The Triumph of Rational and Efficient
The Next Transition
CHAPTER TWELVE - Toward a New Economics
Part IV - The Great Transition
CHAPTER THIRTEEN - The Adaptive Mixed Economy
Energy Policy and the 2008 Oil Shock
CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Irresistible Force Meets Immoveable Object
Will Rising Interest Rates Choke Off Economic Recovery?
Will Printing Money Unleash Inflation?
Will the Dollar Collapse?
Part V - Capitalism 4.0 and the Future
CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Economic Policy in Capitalism 4.0
Will There Be a Government Debt Crisis?
The Myth of National Bankruptcy
The Myth of Burdening Our Grandchildren
The Real Case for Tackling Deficits
Japanese-Style Paralysis and Zombie Banks
The Great Rebalancing of Global Growth
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - Politics in Capitalism 4.0
Conservatives Will Keep Winning Until Progressives Find a Narrative
More Government Means Smaller Government
Democracy Means Less Power for Public Opinion
Bigger Deficits Are Necessary but Impossible
Priorities: Less Spending and More Taxes
International Experience: Learning from Others’ Mistakes
Commanding Heights: As Socialism Has Retreated, It Has Won
Health Reform: More Government and More Market
Health Care Reform Will Become a Conservative Issue
Progressives Will Fight for Less Progressive Taxes
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - Finance and Banking in Capitalism 4.0
Finance Is Indispensable
Uncertainty and Guarantees
Capital Structures
Credit Ratings and Macroeconomic Assumptions
Mortgage Market Reform
Fiduciary Duty and Government as a Silent Partner
Bankers’ Earnings and Bank Profits
Talent and Plunder
CHAPTER NINETEEN - The World of Capitalism 4.0
Global Competition between the United States and China
Convergence between the United States and Europe
The Rivalry of Western and Asian Values
Business Interests Will Embrace the New Model
Trade and Industrial Structures
Limits to Growth and Physical Resources
The Environment Can Become a Positive Economic Story
Prosperity without Growth
Currencies and Financial Relations: Will There Be a New Bretton Woods?
Will Global Governance Be Strengthened to Resolve Global Problems?
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