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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: Objective: palpatory literacy Leon Chaitow
Chapter 2: Palpation reliability and validity Michael Seffinger
Special topic 1: Using appropriate pressure (and the myofascial pain index) Leon Chaitow
Special topic 2: Structure and function: are they inseparable? Leon Chaitow
Chapter 3: Fundamentals of palpation Leon Chaitow
Special topic 3: Visual assessment, the dominant eye, and other issues Leon Chaitow
Chapter 4: Palpating and assessing the skin Leon Chaitow
Special topic 4: Source of pain: is it reflex or local? Leon Chaitow
Special topic 5: The morphology of reflex and acupuncture points Leon Chaitow
Special topic 6: Is it a muscle or a joint problem? Leon Chaitow
Chapter 5: Palpating for changes in muscle structure Leon Chaitow
Chapter 6: Fascial palpation Thomas W. Myers
Chapter 7: Assessment of “abnormal mechanical tension” in the nervous system Leon Chaitow
Special topic 7: Red, white and black reaction Leon Chaitow
Special topic 8: Percussion palpation and treatment Leon Chaitow
Special topic 9: Joint play/“end-feel”/ range of motion: what are they? Leon Chaitow
Chapter 8: Palpation and assessment of joints (including spine and pelvis) Leon Chaitow
Chapter 9: Accurately identifying musculoskeletal dysfunction Whitney Lowe
Chapter 10: Evaluating movement Warrick McNeill and Sarah Mottram
Special topic 10: Fibromyalgia palpation assessment Leon Chaitow
Chapter 11: Palpating for functional “ease” Leon Chaitow
Special topic 11: About hyperventilation Leon Chaitow
Chapter 12: Visceral palpation and respiratory function assessment Leon Chaitow
Special topic 12: Synesthesia Sasha Chaitow
Chapter 13: Understanding and using intuitive faculties Sasha Chaitow
Special topic 13: Palpating the traditional Chinese pulses Leon Chaitow
Chapter 14: Subtle palpation Leon Chaitow
Chapter 15: Palpation and emotional states Leon Chaitow
Appendix: Location of Chapman’s neurolymphatic reflexes
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