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Front Matter
Part I. Introduction to Industry 4.0 for SMEs
1. SME 4.0: The Role of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Digital Transformation
Part II. Industry 4.0 Concepts for Smart Manufacturing in SMEs
2. SME Requirements and Guidelines for the Design of Smart and Highly Adaptable Manufacturing Systems
3. Implementation of Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems in SMEs for Distributed and Service-Oriented Control
4. The Opportunities and Challenges of SME Manufacturing Automation: Safety and Ergonomics in Human–Robot Collaboration
Part III. Industry 4.0 Concepts for Smart Logistics in SMEs
5. Requirement Analysis for the Design of Smart Logistics in SMEs
6. Consistent Identification and Traceability of Objects as an Enabler for Automation in the Steel Processing Industry
7. State-of-the-Art Analysis of the Usage and Potential of Automation in Logistics
Part IV. Industry 4.0 Managerial, Organizational and Implementation Issues
8. Development of an Organizational Maturity Model in Terms of Mass Customization
9. Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Focus Group Study on Organizational Requirements
10. Smart SME 4.0 Implementation Toolkit
Part V. Case Studies and Methodical Tools for Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs
11. The Digitization of Quality Control Operations with Cloud Platform Computing Technologies
12. Implementation of a Laboratory Case Study for Intuitive Collaboration Between Man and Machine in SME Assembly
13. Axiomatic Design for Products, Processes, and Systems
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