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Imperial Library
W.H.G. Kingston
"Our Sailors"
Chapter One.
Our Sailors.
The capture of Aden.
Chapter Two.
War on the coast of Syria—1840.
Bombardment of Beyrout—September 1840.
Capture of Sidon.
Attack on the Castle of D’Jebel.
Bombardment and capture of Acre—3rd November 1840.
Chapter Three.
Warfare in Chinese Waters—1840-1842.
Capture of Chusan.
Capture of Chin-Keang-Foo and Nankin—21st July 1842.
A timely rescue.
Callao, 20th August 1844.
Chapter Four.
Capture of a Venezuelan Squadron—February 1841.
Chapter Five.
Suppression of piracy in Borneo—Rajah Brooke.
Attack on Sarebus pirates.
Chapter Six.
Warfare on the Rivers La Plata and Parana.
Battle of the Parana—30th November 1845.
Engagements with the batteries of San Lorenzo.
Gallant exploit of a rocket-battery.
Chapter Seven.
Expedition to San Juan De Nicaragua.
Capture of Fort Serapaqui—21st February 1848.
Chapter Eight.
The destruction of Lagos—26th December 1851.
Chapter Nine.
The Burmese War—1851-1852.
Capture of Pegu—14th June 1852.
Expedition up the Irrawaddy.
Attacks on Mya Toon, the robber chieftain.
Chapter Ten.
The Crimean War.
Bombardment of Odessa.
Operations in the Baltic.
A spirited action.
An unsuccessful venture.
Bomarsund—21st June.
A capture of despatches.
Attack on Viborg—13th July 1855.
Bombardment of Sveaborg.
The White Sea Squadron.
Action on the Danube—June and July 1854.
Bombardment of Sebastopol—17th October 1854.
Crimean Naval Brigade.
A live shell among the powder.
Edward Saint John Daniels.
Bravery of five seamen at Inkermann.
Commander Roby.
Dashing service of John Shepherd, a boatswain.
Expedition to Kertch.
Proceedings at Taganrog—3rd June.
Gallantry of S. Trewavas, seaman.
Brave devotion of F. Kellaway, boatswain.
Lieutenant G.F. Day at Genitchi.
Closely pursued.
Capture of Kinburn—17th October 1855.
Chapter Eleven.
The Indian Mutiny.
The “Shannon’s” brigade in India.
Chapter Twelve.
The Second Chinese War—1856-1860.
Battle of Fatshan.
Capture of Canton—29th December.
Chapter Thirteen.
The Slave Trade.
Capture of Brazilian Slaver “Firmé” by the boats of HMS “Dolphin”—1840.
Voyage of a prize from Accra to Sierra Leone.
From 12th August 1840 to 5th January 1841.
Capture of an armed Slaver by a four-oared gig—1844.
A Pinnace attacks a Slaver—1845.
Adventure of HMS “Wasp”—1845.
Capture of a Slaver—1845.
An attempt to recapture a prize—1847.
Attempt to retake a Prize—1848.
Chapter Fourteen.
The recapture of the Emily Saint Pierre by Captain William Wilson—1862.
Chapter Fifteen.
Arctic Exploring Expeditions.
The North-West Passage.
Chapter Sixteen.
Voyage of the Fox.
The fate of Sir John Franklin’s expedition.
Chapter Seventeen.
The Expedition to the North Pole—1875.
Chapter Eighteen.
Memoir of Commodore James Graham Goodenough.
Chapter Nineteen.
The Abyssinian Expedition—1867.
Chapter Twenty.
The Ashanti War—1874.
Chapter Twenty One.
Spirited and gallant exploits.
A remarkable rescue.
Two courageous swimmers—1838.
Rescue of a boat’s crew—January 1840.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Gallant Deeds.
Humanity of Lieutenant Breen, RN—Mediterranean, 1850.
Gallantry exhibited in preserving life—Captain Wasey, RN—1860.
Gallantry of Lieutenant Boyle, RN.
Lowestoft Lifeboat.
Bravery of Joseph Rogers, a Maltese seaman—25th October 1859.
Remarkable instance of endurance of a crew of British Seamen.
Chapter Twenty Three.
A brush with an Ironclad.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Gallant deeds performed by Naval men.
Death of Captain Brownrigg—1881.
Chapter Twenty Five.
The Egyptian Campaign—1882.
Campaign against the Mahdi—1883-1885.
Battle of El Tab.
Battle of Tamanieb—1884.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Wars in South Africa.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
The Zulu War.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Boer War—1881.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Boer War in 1900.
The Siege of Ladysmith.
Chapter Thirty.
Fighting in China—1900.
First attempt to relieve the Legations at Pekin.
The capture of the Taku Forts.
The capture of Tientsin City.
A young V.C.
The Siege of Pekin.
The Relief of Pekin.
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