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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Prologue: The Secrets of Heathersleigh Hall
Clandestine Discovery
Season of Secrets
A Bishop’s Restitution
Hints and Clues
Maggie’s Revelations
Part I: Summer 1915
1. A Time to Remember
2. The London Rutherfords
3. Heathersleigh Cottage
4. A Little Girl Named Chelsea
5. Hector’s Surprise
6. Bath and Breakfast
7. Rollo Black
8. A Drive to the Coast
9. Layers of Self-Insight
10. Visitor to the Parsonage
11. Invisible Scratches of Character
12. What Might God Do vs. What Won’t He Do
13. The Most Difficult Forgiveness
14. For God So Loved the World
15. Surprise Visitor
16. Name Out of the Past
17. Difficult Thoughts About the Future
18. Crumholtz, Sutclyff, Stonehaugh, & Crumholtz
19. The Garret
20. Difficult Options
21. The Secret Room
22. How Far Should Accountability Go?
Part II: Autumn 1915
23. Something Is at Hand
24. To London
25. A Garden of Dormant Seeds
26. Light Goes Out of the Fountain
27. Timothy’s Counsel
28. Hang On to the Lifeline—God Is Good
29. Thoughtful Return
30. The Greater Victory
31. Be a Good Girl
Part III: Spring 1916
32. A Letter
33. A Fall
34. I Want to Be Good Like Daddy Said
35. Secret Garden-Room of the Heart
36. Another Key
37. Discovery
38. Preparations
39. Visitor From Switzerland
40. Preservation of the Doctrine
41. Good Will Be Called Evil
42. Souls at Risk
43. The Passion to Forgive
44. The Dreaded Word
45. The Mother and the Motherless
46. Betsy and Sister Hope
47. Inquisition
48. I Believe
49. Refuge
50. Do Your Will, Lord
51. Departure
Part IV: Spring–Fall 1916
52. Embedded Message
53. Deciphering the Clues
54. Culmination
55. Letter Home
56. Amanda’s Unwelcome Proposal
57. Argument
58. Two Visitors
59. Hope’s Return
60. Mediterranean Coast
61. Happy Departure
62. Shootout at Sea
63. A Caller
64. Temporary Lodgings
65. Revelation in Hyde Park
66. New Resident in Milverscombe
67. News and No News
68. Impromptu Meeting
69. Christmas 1916
70. Telegram
71. Shock
Part V: 1917
72. New Perspective
73. The Hall and the Cottage
74. More News
75. Summer 1917
76. Stroke
Part VI: 1918–1919
77. Farewell
78. In the Chicken Shed
79. Dreams
80. The Prayer Wood
81. New Bank and the Stable Roof
82. How Can I Forgive Myself?
83. Impromptu Delivery
84. The Banker and the Client
85. The Banker and His Thoughts
86. Excitement in Milverscombe
87. Changes
Part VII: 1920–1923
88. End of a Tumultuous Decade
89. Private Talk
90. Another Private Talk
91. Storm Clouds
92. Decline
93. Farewell
94. Geoffrey and Timothy
95. End of the Fight
96. Stratagems
97. Thirty-Day Call
98. The Will
99. Deliverance
100. More Stratagems
101. Payoff
102. An Offer
103. Loving Admonition
104. Closing of the Circle
105. Joining of the Two
106. A Christmas Trip
107. A Young Crusoe
Ideas in Fiction
The Rutherford Family Lineage
About the Author
Fiction by Michael Phillips
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