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1. Getting Started with Excel VBA
Macros and VBA
Excel Macro-Enabled File Formats
Macro Security Settings
Enabling the Developer Tab in Excel
Hands-On 1.1. Setting Up Excel for Macro Development
Using the Built-In Macro Recorder
Planning a Macro
Hands-On 1.2. Getting Things Ready for Macro Recording
Recording a Macro
Hands-On 1.3. Recording a Macro that Applies Formatting to a Worksheet
Using Relative or Absolute References in Macros
Hands-On 1.4. Recording a Macro that Removes Formatting from a Worksheet
Editing a Macro
Hands-On 1.5. Examining the Macro Code
Macro Comments
Hands-On 1.6. Adding Comments to the Macro Code
Cleaning Up the Macro Code
Hands-On 1.7. Cleaning Up the Macro Code
Running a Macro
Hands-On 1.8. Running a Macro Using the Macro Dialog Box
Testing and Debugging a Macro
Hands-On 1.9. Running a Macro from the VBE Screen
Saving and Renaming a Macro
Hands-On 1.10. Saving Macros and Running Macros from Another Workbook
Printing Macro Code
Hands-On 1.11. Printing Macro Code
Improving Your Recorded Macros
Hands-On 1.12. Recording Additional Features for the Existing Macro in a New Macro
Hands-On 1.13. Adding Additional Code to the Existing Macro
Hands-On 1.14. Adding Visual Basic Statements to the Recorded Macro Code
Various Methods of Running Macros
Running the Macro Using a Keyboard Shortcut
Hands-On 1.15. Assigning a Macro to a Keyboard Shortcut
Running the Macro from the Quick Access Toolbar
Hands-On 1.16. Running a Macro from the Quick Access Toolbar
Running the Macro from a Worksheet Button
Hands-On 1.17. Running a Macro from a Button Placed on a Worksheet
2. Getting to Know Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
Understanding the Project Explorer Window
Understanding the Properties Window
Understanding the Code Window
Setting the VBE Options
Syntax and Programming Assistance
List Properties/Methods
List Constants
Parameter Info
Quick Info
Complete Word
Hands-On 2.1. Indenting/Outdenting Visual Basic Code
Comment Block/Uncomment Block
Using the Object Browser
Hands-On 2.2. Writing a VBA Procedure to Move a Text Box on the Worksheet
Hands-On 2.3. Writing a VBA Procedure to Move a Circle on the Worksheet
Locating Procedures with the Object Browser
Hands-On 2.4. Using Object Browser to Locate VBA Procedures
Using the VBA Object Library
Hands-On 2.5. Writing a VBA Procedure to Create a Folder in Windows
Using the Immediate Window
Hands-On 2.6. Entering and Executing VBA Statements in the Immediate Window
Obtaining Information in the Immediate Window
Hands-On 2.7. Obtaining Information in the Immediate Window
Working with Worksheet Cells and Ranges
Using the Range Property
Hands-On 2.8. Practice Using the Range Property to Select Worksheet Cells
Using the Cells Property
Hands-On 2.9. Practice Using the Cells Property to Select Worksheet Cells (Part I)
Hands-On 2.10. Practice Using the Cells Property to Select Worksheet Cells (Part II)
Using the Offset Property
Hands-On 2.11. Selecting Cells Using the Offset Property
Using the Resize Property
Hands-On 2.12. Writing a VBA Statement to Resize a Selection of Cells
Using the End Property
Hands-On 2.13. Selecting Cells Using the End Property
Moving, Copying, and Deleting Cells
Hands-On 2.14. Moving, Copying, and Deleting Cells
Working with Rows and Columns
Hands-On 2.15. Selecting Entire Rows and Columns
Obtaining Information about the Worksheet
Hands-On 2.16. Counting Rows and Columns
Entering Data and Formatting Cells
Hands-On 2.17. Using VBA Statements to Enter Data in a Worksheet
Returning Information Entered in a Worksheet
Finding Out about Cell Formatting
Working with Workbooks and Worksheets
Hands-On 2.18. Working with Workbooks
Hands-On 2.19. Working with Worksheets
Working with Windows
Hands-On 2.20. Working with Windows
Working with the Excel Application
Hands-On 2.21. Working with the Excel Application
3. Excel VBA Fundamentals
Excel Objects, Properties, and Methods
Microsoft Excel Object Model
Writing Simple and Complex VBA Statements
Breaking Up Long VBA Statements
Saving Results of VBA Statements
Introducing Data Types
Using Variables
How to Create Variables
How to Declare Variables
Specifying the Data Type of a Variable
Assigning Values to Variables
Hands-On 3.1. Writing a VBA Procedure with Variables
Forcing Declaration of Variables
Hands-On 3.2. Writing a VBA Procedure with Explicitly Declared Variables
Understanding the Scope of Variables
Procedure-Level (Local) Variables
Module-Level Variables
Hands-On 3.3. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Module-Level Variable
Project-Level Variables
Lifetime of Variables
Finding a Variable Definition
Determining a Data Type of a Variable
Hands-On 3.4. Using the Built-In VarType Function
Using Constants
Built-In Constants
Hands-On 3.5. Viewing Excel Constants in the Object Browser
Converting between Data Types
Hands-On 3.6. Using Data Type Conversion Functions in VBA
Using Static Variables in VBA Procedures
Hands-On 3.7. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Static Variable
Using Object Variables in VBA Procedures
Hands-On 3.8. Writing a VBA Procedure with Object Variables
Using Specific Object Variables
4. Excel VBA Functions
Understanding Function Procedures
Creating a Function Procedure
Hands-On 4.1. Writing a Simple Function Procedure
Various Methods of Running Function Procedures
Running a Function Procedure from a Worksheet
Hands-On 4.2. Executing a Function Procedure from within an Excel Worksheet
Running a Function Procedure from Another VBA Procedure
Hands-On 4.3. Executing a Function from a VBA Procedure
Ensuring Availability of Your Custom Functions
Passing Arguments to Function Procedures
Hands-On 4.4. Passing Arguments to Functions (Example 1)
Hands-On 4.5. Passing Arguments to Functions (Example 2)
Specifying Argument Types
Hands-On 4.6. Passing Arguments to Functions (Example 3)
Passing Arguments by Reference and Value
Hands-On 4.7. Passing Arguments to Functions (Example 4)
Using Optional Arguments
Hands-On 4.8. Writing Functions with Optional Arguments
Testing a Function Procedure
Locating Built-In Functions
Getting to Know the MsgBox Function
Hands-On 4.9. Formatting Text for Display in the MsgBox Function
Hands-On 4.10. Using the MsgBox Function with Arguments (Example 1)
Hands-On 4.11. Using the MsgBox Function with Arguments (Example 2)
Returning Values from the MsgBox Function
Hands-On 4.12. Using the MsgBox Function with Arguments (Example 3)
Getting to Know the InputBox Function
Hands-On 4.13. Using the InputBox Function (Example 1)
Determining and Converting Data Types
Hands-On 4.14. Using the InputBox Function (Example 2)
Using the InputBox Method
Hands-On 4.15. Using the Excel InputBox Method
5. Adding Decisions to Your Excel VBA Programs
Relational and Logical Operators
Using If...Then Statement
Hands-On 5.1. Evaluating Conditions in the Immediate Window
Hands-On 5.2. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Simple If…Then Statement
Using If...Then...Else Statement
Hands-On 5.3. Writing a VBA Procedure with an If…Then…Else Statement
Using If...Then...ElseIf Statement
Hands-On 5.4. Writing a VBA Procedure with an If…Then…ElseIf Statement
Nested If…Then Statements
Using the Select Case Statement
Hands-On 5.5. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Select Case Statement
Using Is with the Case Clause
Specifying a Range of Values in a Case Clause
Specifying Multiple Expressions in a Case Clause
Writing a VBA Procedure with Multiple Conditions
Hands-On 5.6. Writing a VBA Procedure with Multiple Conditions
Using Conditional Logic in Function Procedures
Hands-On 5.7. Writing a Function Procedure with a Select Case Statement
6. Adding Repeating Actions to Your VBA Programs
Introducing Looping Statements
Understanding Do...While and Do...Until Loops
Hands-On 6.1. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Do…While Statement
Hands-On 6.2. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Do…Until Statement
Avoiding Infinite Loops
Executing a Procedure Line by Line
Hands-On 6.3. Executing a Procedure Line by Line
Understanding While...Wend Loop
Hands-On 6.4. Writing a VBA Procedure with a While…Wend Statement
Understanding For...Next Loop
Hands-On 6.5. Writing a VBA Procedure with a For…Next Statement
Understanding For...Each...Next Loop
Hands-On 6.6. Writing a VBA Procedure with a For Each… Next Statement
Exiting Loops Early
Hands-On 6.7. Writing a VBA Procedure with an Early Exit from a For Each…Next Statement
Using a Do…While Statement
Hands-On 6.8. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Do…While Statement
Using Loops and Conditionals
Hands-On 6.9. Writing a VBA Procedure with Loops and Conditionals
7. Keeping Track of Multiple Values Using Arrays
Understanding Arrays
Declaring Arrays
Array Upper and Lower Bounds
Initializing and Filling an Array
Filling an Array Using Individual Assignment Statements
Filling an Array Using the Array Function
Filling an Array Using For…Next Loop
Using a One-Dimensional Array
Hands-On 7.1. Using a One-Dimensional Array
Using a Two-Dimensional Array
Hands-On 7.2. Storing Data in a Two-Dimensional Array
Using a Dynamic Array
Hands-On 7.3. Loading Worksheet Data into an Array
Using Array Functions
The Array Function
Hands-On 7.4. Using the Array Function
The IsArray Function
Hands-On 7.5. Using the IsArray Function
The Erase Function
Hands-On 7.6. Using the Erase Function
The LBound and UBound Functions
Hands-On 7.7. Using the LBound and UBound Functions
Troubleshooting Errors in Arrays
Using the ParamArray Keyword
Hands-On 7.8. Passing an Array to Procedures Using the ParamArray Keyword
Data Entry with an Array
Hands-On 7.9. Using the Array Function to Enter Headings in a Worksheet
Sorting an Array with Excel
Hands-On 7.10. Using Excel to Sort a VBA Array
8. Keeping Track of Multiple Values Using Object Collections
Working with Collections of Objects
Declaring and Using a Custom Collection
Adding Objects to a Custom Collection
Hands-On 8.1. Using a Custom Collection Object
Removing Objects from a Custom Collection
Hands-On 8.2. Removing Items from a Custom Collection
Creating and Using Custom Objects
Lab 8.1a. Creating a Class Module
Variable Declarations
Lab 8.1b. Declaring Members of the CAsset Class
Defining the Properties for the Class
Writing Property Procedures
Lab 8.1c. Writing Property Procedures for the CAsset Class
Writing Class Methods
Lab 8.1d. Writing a Method for the CAsset Class
Creating an Instance of a Class
Lab 8.1e. Writing Code
9. Getting to Know Built-In Tools for Testing and Debugging
Testing VBA Procedures
Stopping a Procedure
Using Breakpoints
Hands-On 9.1. Setting Breakpoints in a VBA Procedure
When to Use a Breakpoint
Using the Immediate Window in Break Mode
Using the Stop and Assert Statements
Using the Watch Window
Hands-On 9.2. Watching the Values of VBA Expressions
Removing Watch Expressions
Using Quick Watch
Hands-On 9.3. Using the Quick Watch Dialog Box
Using the Locals Windows and the Call Stack Dialog Box
Hands-On 9.4. Using the Locals and Call Stack Windows
Navigating with Bookmarks
Trapping Errors
Using the Err Object
Hands-On 9.5. Writing a VBA Procedure with Error-Handling Code
Setting Error Trapping Options in Your VBA Project
Stepping through VBA Procedures
Hands-On 9.6. Stepping through a VBA Procedure
Stepping Over a Procedure and Running to Cursor
Hands-On 9.7. Stepping over a Procedure
Setting the Next Statement
Showing the Next Statement
Stopping and Resetting VBA Procedures
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