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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction: units and dimensions
1.1 Historical perspective of meteorology
1.2 Dimensions
1.3 Units
1.4 Problems
Chapter 2 The thermodynamics of dry clean air
2.1 Structure and composition of the atmosphere
2.2 The scientific method
2.3 The equation of state of a perfect gas
2.4 The universal gas constant
2.5 Mixture of gases
2.6 Molecular weight of dry air
2.7 Work
2.8 Heat
2.9 The first law of thermodynamics
2.10 Specific heats of gases
2.11 Adiabatic process
2.12 Potential temperature
2.13 Entropy
2.14 Problems
Chapter 3 The aerological diagram
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Different kinds of diagrams
3.3 The skew (T, – logp) diagram
3.4 The tephigram
3.5 Work and energy on the tephigram
3.6 Problems
Chapter 4 The thermodynamics of moist air
4.1 Water substance and water vapour
4.2 Equation of state for water vapour
4.3 Specific heats of water substance
4.4 Change of phase
4.5 Variation of latent heat with temperature
4.6 Clapeyron’s equation
4.7 Clapeyron and global warming
4.8 Supercooled water
4.9 Moist air
4.10 The virtual temperature
4.11 Specific heats of moist air
4.12 Adiabatic process of unsaturated air
4.13 The adiabatic processes for moist saturated air
4.14 Exact equation for the rain stage of the pseudo-adiabatic process
4.15 Exact equation of the reversible saturation adiabatic process
4.16 Simplified equation of the adiabatic process of saturated air
4.17 Isobaric warming and cooling
4.18 Hygrometric equation
4.19 Construction of saturation adiabats
4.20 Normand’s theorem
4.21 Some useful empirical relationships
4.22 Problems
Chapter 5 Hydrostatic equilibrium
5.1 What is hydrostatic equilibrium?
5.2 The hydrostatic equation
5.3 Definition of lapse rate
5.4 The thickness equation
5.5 Pressure-height formulae in model atmospheres
5.5.1 Dry atmosphere with a constant lapse rate
5.5.2 Height and lapse rate of a homogeneous atmosphere
5.5.3 The dry adiabatic atmosphere
5.6 Stability and instability
5.7 Energy of displacement
5.8 Convective available potential energy
5.9 Lapse rate for unsaturated air
5.10 Lapse rate for saturated air
5.11 Problems
Chapter 6 The equations of motion: I The Coriolis force
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Motion as observed with reference to a fixed frame of coordinates
6.3 Motion as observed in a rotating frame of coordinates
6.3.1 The bear and the penguin
6.3.2 The carousel or merry-go-round
6.3.3 A simple practical example of the Coriolis force
6.3.4 Simple mathematical derivation of the Coriolis force
6.3.5 The Foucault pendulum
6.4 Conclusion
6.5 Problems
Chapter 7 The equations of motion: 2 Derivation in various coordinates
7.1 The pressure gradient force
7.2 The spherical earth
7.3 The equations of motion
7.4 Derivation of the components of the Coriolis force from the law of the conservation of angular momentum
7.5 Derivation of the equations of motion in plane coordinates from rotating axes
7.6 Derivation of the equations of motion in rotating polar coordinates
7.7 Derivation of the three-dimensional equations of motion in a spherical coordinate system
7.8 Equations of motion in tangential curvilinear coordinates
7.9 Problems
Chapter 8 Balanced flow
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The geostrophic equation
8.3 The gradient wind equation
8.3.1 Gradient wind solution for the anticyclonic case
8.3.2 Gradient wind solution for the cyclonic case
8.4 The cyclostrophic wind
8.5 The inertial wind
8.6 The ‘strange roots’ of the gradient wind equation
8.7 The balance equation
8.8 Problems
Chapter 9 Unbalanced flow
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The ageostrophic wind
9.3 The isallobaric wind
9.4 Pressure changes
9.5 Divergence and convergence
9.6 Pressure changes in geostrophic flow
9.7 Measurement of divergence
9.8 Vertical motion
9.9 Problems
Chapter 10 Euler and Lagrange
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Geostrophic adjustment: example of the Lagrangian method
10.3 The case of the anticyclone
10.4 The case of the variable Coriolis parameter
10.5 Divergence of parcels in a fluid
10.6 Streamlines
10.7 The stream function
10.8 Problems
Chapter 11 Vorticity
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Circulation
11.3 Vorticity
11.4 Derivation of expressions for vorticity
11.5 Relative and absolute vorticity
11.6 The divergence-vorticity relation
11.7 A simple wave pattern
11.8 Shear vorticity in a jet stream pattern
11.9 Constant absolute vorticity trajectories
11.10 Problems
Chapter 12 The long-wave equations
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Effects of curvature and latitude vorticity on wave translation
12.3 The Rossby long-wave equation
12.4 The long-wave theory
12.5 The stationary wavelength
12.6 Absolute vorticity of layer of constant mass
12.7 Potential vorticity
12.8 Problems
Chapter 13 The upper air synoptic chart
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Pressure as a vertical coordinate
13.3 The thermal wind
13.4 The thickness of a standard isobaric layer
13.5 Differential analysis of the upper air synoptic chart
13.6 Baro tropic and baroclinic structure
13.7 Advection of thickness lines
13.8 M.s.l. pressure maps versus topography of 1000 mb charts
13.9 Vorticity on isobaric surfaces
13.10 The velocity potential
13.11 Problems
Chapter 14 Friction in the boundary layer of the atmosphere
14.1 Introduction
14.2 The Guldberg-Mohn approximation
14.3 Balanced frictional flow
14.4 The Newtonian concept of friction
14.5 The surface layer
14.6 The spiral or Ekman layer
14.7 Problems
Chapter 15 Some more advanced equations
15.1 The divergence equation
15.2 The balance equation
15.3 The omega equation
15.4 Problems
Chapter 16 Synoptic observations and analysis
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Synoptic observations and plotting
16.3 Analysis methods
16.3.1 Objective analysis
16.3.2 Subjective analysis
16.3.3 Streamlines
16.3.4 Trends
16.4 Problems
Chapter 17 Simple synoptic models
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Some common synoptic patterns
17.3 Weather associated with synoptic systems
17.4 Definition of a front
17.5 Evolution of a wave depression
17.6 Frontal theory
17.7 Other depressions
17.8 Steering and development
17.9 Blocking
17.10 Tropics
17.11 Problems
Chapter 18 The tropical cyclone
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Structure and energy source
18.3 Genesis
18.4 Steering and development
18.4.1 Movement
18.4.2 Development
18.5 Forecasting skill
18.6 Problems
Chapter 19 Radiant energy transfer
19.1 Historical concepts, cavities and black bodies
19.2 Thermodynamic cycles
19.3 The Stefan-Boltzmann law
19.4 The black body spectrum and Wien’s displacement law
19.5 Wien’s expression for the frequency distribution of radiation
19.6 Oscillators, radiators and spectra
19.7 Planck’s quantum theory
19.8 Relationship between the Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien and Planck laws
Chapter 20 The radiation balance of the earth
20.1 Radiation at the earth’s surface
20.2 Net radiation and albedo
20.3 Net fluxes of solar and terrestrial radiation
20.4 The wavelength separation of solar and terrestrial radiation
20.5 The planetary temperature
20.6 Simple models of the greenhouse effect
20.7 Simpson’s theory of atmospheric radiation transfer
Chapter 21 Climate change
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Definitions
21.3 Global warming
21.4 Climate variability
21.5 The greenhouse effect
21.6 The observed global temperature record
21.7 Random walks
21.8 The debate
21.9 The MSU data
21.10 The ENSO phenomenon
21.11 Numerical modelling of the climate
21.11.1 The equilibrium model
21.11.2 The transient model
21.12 The global warming debate continues
21.13 Climate prediction
21.14 Problems
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