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Title Page
1. The Copernican Turn in the Study of Religion
Part 1: Historical Foundations/Genealogies
2. Nominalist “Judaism” and the Late-Ancient Invention of Religion
3. Bible/Religion/Critique
4. Hegel: On Secularity and the Religion-Making Machine
5. Friedrich Max Müller and the Science of Religion
6. Classic Comparative Theology and the Study of Religion
7. Religion, Religious Studies, and Shinto in Modern Japan
Part 2: The Enlightenment Critique of Religion
8. David Hume on Religion
9. Feuerbach on Religion
10. Nietzsche: Life, Works, Reception
11. Sigmund Freud on Religion
12. Karl Marx on Religion
13. “Religion” in the Writings of the New Atheists
Part 3: Religion Beyond the West
14. Indigenous African Traditions as Models for Theorizing Religion
15. Zongjiao and the Category of Religion in China
16. Islamic Dīn as an Alternative to Western Models of “Religion”
17. Translation
Part 4: Religion as Experience
18. The Psychology of Religion
19. William James and the Study of Religion: A Critical Reading
20. Rudolf Otto and the Idea of the Holy
21. Jung on Religion
22. Religion and the Brain: Cognitive Science as a Basis for Theories of Religion
23. A Critical Response to Cognitivist Theories of Religion
Part 5: Religion, Language, and Myth
24. “Religion” in Anglo-American (Analytical) Philosophy of Religion
25. Structuralist Linguistics and Structuralist Theories of Religion
26. Imagining, Manufacturing, and Theorizing Myth: An Overview of Key Theories of Myth and Religion
Part 6: Religion/Society/Culture
27. The Origins of the Sociology of Religion: The Problem of “Religion” and “Religions” in Classical Sociology
28. Contemporary Social Theory and Religion: The Misconstrual of Religion in Theories of “Second” Modernity
29. Classical Anthropological Theories of Religion
30. Defining Religion: Geertz and Asad
31. Religion, Media, and Cultural Studies
Part 7: Religion, Ritual, and Action
32. Classic Ritual Theories
33. The Myth-Ritual Debate
34. From Ritual to Ritualization
35. Religion and Theories of Action
Part 8: The Phenomenology of Religion and Its Critics
36. Phenomenology of Religion: The Philosophical Background
37. The Phenomenology of Religion
38. Mircea Eliade
39. Critical Responses to Phenomenological Theories of Religion: What Kind of Category Is “Religion”?
40. Critical Religion: “Religion” Is Not a Stand-Alone Category
Part 9: Religion and Contemporary European Thought
41. Post-Marxism and Religion
42. Pierre Bourdieu on Religion
43. Jacques Derrida on Religion
44. Foucault and the Study of Religion
45. Contemporary Continental Philosophy and the “Return of the Religious”
Part 10: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
46. Feminist Approaches to the Study of Religion
47. French Feminism and Religion
48. Queer Theory Meets Critical Religion: Are We Starting to Think Yet?
Part 11: Religion, Coloniality and Race
49. Religion, Modernity, and Coloniality
50. Apartheid Comparative Religion in South Africa
51. Theorizing Race and Religion: Du Bois, Cox, and Fanon
52. Black Cultural Criticism, the New Politics of Difference, and Religious Criticism
53. Theorizing Black Religious Studies: A Genealogy
Part 12: Religion/Nation/Globalization
54. Religion and Violence
55. Religion and Economy
56. Globalization and Religion
List of Contributors
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