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Title Page
The Do-Not-Skip-This Introduction: Can One Great Presentation Change Everything for Your Business? Make You Rich? Influential? Powerful?
Section I: Putting Together Your Most Powerful Presentation
Chapter 1: Will You Be an Amateur or a Pro?
Chapter 2: How To Be Fearless as a Presenter
Chapter 3: Knowledge of Your Audience Is Power
Chapter 4: What IS a Presentation?
Chapter 5: The Speakers’ Formula™
1: Grab Attention
2: Build Rapport
3: Gain Credibility
4: Target Problems
5: Deliver Solution
6: Set Expectations
7: Social Proof
8: Show Benefits
9: Irresistible Offer
10: No-Risk Guarantee
11: Give Deadline
12: Call to Action
Chapter 6: Irresistible Offer Architecture®
Triangle 1: Hot Buttons
Triangle 2: Added Value
Triangle 3: Reassurance
Chapter 7: The Structure of Promises
Four Ways to Structure a Great Promise
Chapter 8: Presentainer® Secrets of Mass Persuasion
1: Leading and Ending
2: The Yes State
3: The Seven-Minute Rule
4: Dynamism
Chapter 9: Demonstration in Presentations
Chapter 10: Someone To Speak and Present To
Chapter 11: No Two Audiences Are Created Equal
Section II: Presentations and Online Media
Chapter 12: The Power of Webinars and Online Media: How to Speak While You Sleep
1: Traffic
2: Registration
3: Build Excitement
4: The Presentation
5: Follow Up . . . Like Crazy!
6: Stick and Overdeliver
Chapter 13: It’s TV
Chapter 14: StealthSeminar: Automate Your Presentations and Profits
What Is StealthSeminar?
Why StealthSeminar?
What Does a StealthSeminar Webinar Look Like?
Is Using StealthSeminar Ethical?
Automated Webinars versus Live Webinars
Types of StealthSeminar Events
Section III: Follow-Up to Presentations
Chapter 15: Turning Leftovers into Rich Meals
Chapter 16: The Post-Presentation Conversation
Chapter 17: The Best Story Wins—or Does It?
Chapter 18: How to Fuel a Business with Effective Presentations: Case History
$52+ Million Businesses with the Same Fuel
Why Don’t You Already Have a Great Circle of Connectors Bringing You all the New Customers You Can Handle?
Stop Networking Start Connecting, with Connectors
How to Get Positive Results with Audiences of Connectors
About the Authors
Other Books By Dan Kennedy
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