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Imperial Library
Title Page
January 1: What’s God up to in Your Life?
January 2: A Servant, Not a Celebrity
January 3: The Way up Is Down
January 4: How’s Your Attitude?
January 5: Who’s on First?
January 6: Where the Real Power Resides
January 7: An Enduring Mercy
January 8: Absolute Honesty
January 9: I, Me, Mine, Myself
January 10: The Forgotten Side of Success
January 11: Appraising Your Life
January 12: Learning to Be Last
January 13: The Origin of Self
January 14: Playing Second Fiddle
January 15: Just Chill about You
January 16: Humility and Inferiority
January 17: A Nameless Giver
January 18: A Gift That Overflows
January 19: When Actions Matter More than Words
January 20: The Cost of Following
January 21: Making a Thorough Self-Evaluation
January 22: Sticking with a Commitment
January 23: The Power of Forgiveness
January 24: When God Forgives
January 25: Determination
January 26: Vulnerability
January 27: What You Gain in Losing
January 28: Two Questions
January 29: Mental Barriers to God’s Voice
January 30: A “Renewed Mind” Is Essential
January 31: When You Grow Up
February 1: The Satisfaction of Being Thorough
February 2: Are You Listening?
February 3: A Quiet Place
February 4: Cool Skepticism
February 5: Friendly —Inside and Out
February 6: A Willingness to Go with God
February 7: Our Words Matter Much
February 8: God’s Aware of Your Tears
February 9: Destination Unknown
February 10: Watch Out for Fakes
February 11: Careful, Don’t Stumble
February 12: Pursuing Worthy Trophies
February 13: Spiritual Famine
February 14: Keeping Your Word
February 15: The Great Surprise
February 16: Nit-Picking
February 17: A Rare and Remarkable Virtue
February 18: Facing Failures
February 19: Stuck in the Past
February 20: Forever Discontented
February 21: God’s Control
February 22: Removing Sin
February 23: Staying Alert
February 24: The Case against Vanilla
February 25: Taking Time
February 26: Doing vs. Being
February 27: Things That Really Matter
February 28: A Haughty Self
March 1: Open Minds, Open Hearts
March 2: The Pain of Resentment
March 3: Looking for the Prize
March 4: Does Anyone Care?
March 5: Lifelines
March 6: All about Time
March 7: After the Avalanche
March 8: Slamming the Door to Lust
March 9: Stay in Circulation
March 10: The Small Stuff
March 11: Be Ready and Make It Clear
March 12: Beginning Again
March 13: The Sinking Sand of Superstition
March 14: The Balance of Life
March 15: The Un-bliss of Ignorance
March 16: All Those Idols
March 17: Of Parrots and Eagles
March 18: Feeling Apprehensive
March 19: The Power of Honesty
March 20: The Value of Confidentiality
March 21: Embracing Gratitude
March 22: The Sting of Rejection
March 23: Damascus Road Musings
March 24: More Damascus Road Musings
March 25: Into Life’s Messes
March 26: Secret Spirit of Suspicion
March 27: Gracious Words
March 28: The Value of Wisdom
March 29: Labels
March 30: We Need Each Other
March 31: What Are the Questions?
April 1: A Little Restraint, Please
April 2: Are You Listening?
April 3: Overcoming Trauma
April 4: When the Right Time Comes
April 5: The Value of Staying at It
April 6: Lessons from a Cave
April 7: Handling Pain
April 8: Innovation
April 9: The Refiner’s Purpose
April 10: Turning Points
April 11: Being There
April 12: A Nudge toward Adulthood
April 13: Little People, Big People
April 14: Don’t Ignore the Message
April 15: Don’t Quit
April 16: Overdoing It
April 17: Why We Suffer
April 18: Be Determined
April 19: Remedy for the Spiritual Nods
April 20: Seeing the Wider Picture
April 21: Discoveries
April 22: What Used to Be
April 23: Walking by Faith
April 24: Trusting in the Dark
April 25: Mental Shake-Up
April 26: Words Matter
April 27: Loving Teens
April 28: Someday
April 29: Failure’s Upside
April 30: Too Much Stuff
May 1: Before Daybreak
May 2: From Hurt to Healing
May 3: The Church, God’s Plan
May 4: Passing the Baton of Truth
May 5: Don’t Lose the Wonder
May 6: Numbering Our Days
May 7: Vision
May 8: Life on God’s Side
May 9: Aligned with Fools
May 10: Loosen up . . . and Worship!
May 11: Don’t Blame the Devil
May 12: What Are You Telling Yourself?
May 13: Keep Going
May 14: Wounds of a Friend
May 15: The Thin-Skinned Need Not Apply
May 16: Shh . . . Time for Quietness
May 17: Inviting the Lord’s Glory
May 18: Stop Hoarding
May 19: The Blessing of Grandparenting
May 20: Grandparenting 2.0
May 21: God’s Not Deaf
May 22: Coming into the Light
May 23: Beyond Tact to Compassion
May 24: Gentle Words Bring Healing
May 25: No Substitute for Family
May 26: More on the Family
May 27: The Power of Reading
May 28: Peace in Contentment
May 29: The Shores of Lake Contentment
May 30: The Gentle Whisper
May 31: Finding Healing
June 1: The Contradictory Life
June 2: Your Psalm of Praise
June 3: Lightening the Load
June 4: The Divine Invitation
June 5: Trust
June 6: From Pressure to Praise
June 7: His Way for Our Nation
June 8: Divine Perspective
June 9: Hope in Sorrow
June 10: Read It. Accept It. Obey It.
June 11: Changing Clothes
June 12: Everything Works for Good
June 13: At Work in Your Adversity
June 14: The Invisible War
June 15: Serendipity
June 16: Consequences of Rebellion
June 17: Leaving Much to Mystery
June 18: Are You Ready for His Return?
June 19: Put Some Heart into It!
June 20: Lean into Your Trials
June 21: Going through the Motions
June 22: Our Anthem of Praise
June 23: Don’t Miss the Beggars
June 24: Consider My Servant Job
June 25: Who’s Your Model of Character?
June 26: A Firm Foundation
June 27: Why Are You Trembling So?
June 28: Admitting Need
June 29: Silence Befits the Wonder
June 30: You Are on God’s Mind
July 1: Tough Pill to Swallow
July 2: Prepare Your Heart
July 3: No One Hurts Solo
July 4: Commence Prayer
July 5: The Relief of Mercy
July 6: Enjoy the Whole Word of God
July 7: Walk Worthy
July 8: Releasing the Reins
July 9: In the Spirit, We Are One
July 10: The Kindness of God
July 11: A Recipient of Generosity
July 12: Peekaboo, God Sees You
July 13: Blessed Are the Gentle
July 14: Are You Available?
July 15: Givin’ While You’re Livin’
July 16: Refreshed by the Spirit
July 17: Seeking Wisdom
July 18: Wrestling with “If Only?”
July 19: Put on Your Theological Cap
July 20: Is Heaven Real?
July 21: Knowing God’s Will
July 22: Don’t Wait for a Storm
July 23: On Paying Attention
July 24: The Glory of Suffering
July 25: Peace, Not Panic
July 26: Shattered Dreams
July 27: The Value of Solitude
July 28: Fatigue and Godliness
July 29: Take a Deep Breath
July 30: Are You Lost?
July 31: Forgiveness Sounds like Singing
August 1: Three Realms of True Success
August 2: Relax, Show Mercy
August 3: Just Do It
August 4: Silence Your Cell Phone, Please
August 5: Finding Refuge
August 6: Transferring Truth
August 7: Forming Patience
August 8: New Hope
August 9: Time to Take Time
August 10: Why?
August 11: Choosing Your Words
August 12: Making Much of Promises
August 13: Slow Motion Compassion
August 14: Miles That Mattered
August 15: Something Old, Something New
August 16: The Reality of Distance
August 17: Throw Deep
August 18: The Difference of One
August 19: Wings of Flight
August 20: Warm Hearth, Cold Heart
August 21: Cry for Help
August 22: Bring Back the Joy!
August 23: No Fear, Just Faith
August 24: Breaking Free
August 25: Coming Apart
August 26: Daily Tests
August 27: A Treasured Friend
August 28: The Joy of Accomplishment
August 29: Low Tides
August 30: Sing with Heart
August 31: The Blessing of Grandparenting
September 1: Holding Life Loosely
September 2: Go and Sin No More
September 3: Hilarious Generosity
September 4: Be a Good Listener
September 5: A Lost Treasure
September 6: Cost vs. Worth
September 7: Are You All There?
September 8: When to Leave
September 9: Get with It
September 10: He Is Coming!
September 11: Being There
September 12: Soul Rest
September 13: No Little Assignments
September 14: Overwhelmed by Mercy
September 15: Grace for the Lonely
September 16: Go Deep
September 17: Gentle Words
September 18: Keep Going
September 19: A Benediction
September 20: Better Caught than Taught
September 21: Back to the Basics
September 22: Benefits of Troubles
September 23: Secret to a Good Night’s Sleep
September 24: A Source of All Comfort
September 25: Echoes
September 26: Be Joyful!
September 27: Give Yourself Permission
September 28: Who’s Imitating You?
September 29: Turn Aside to See
September 30: Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise
October 1: Receiving Knowledge
October 2: Fighting the Fast Fade
October 3: A Handwritten Note
October 4: Praying for Others
October 5: Considering Life
October 6: Sheep, Not Cattle
October 7: A Survival Secret
October 8: Yanking the Thorns
October 9: Let’s Link Up
October 10: Hoping and Waiting
October 11: Trusting with All Your Heart
October 12: Handle with Care
October 13: It’s about Time
October 14: Be Still and Know
October 15: Confessions of a “Clutter-holic”
October 16: Watch Your Handoffs
October 17: Being a Miracle
October 18: Is It Can’t or Won’t?
October 19: Letting Loose
October 20: Stay in the Kitchen
October 21: Breaking Bad Habits
October 22: Hidden Saints
October 23: Take Heed Lest You Fall
October 24: Tough Hides, Tender Hearts
October 25: Persistence Pays
October 26: He Makes All Things New
October 27: Humility before Honor
October 28: The Kindness of God
October 29: The Forgotten Side of Success
October 30: From Depraved to Saved
October 31: Blowing It
November 1: Open to Change
November 2: The Gift of Admiration
November 3: Slowing Down before the Holidays
November 4: Focus on What Matters
November 5: Just Be You
November 6: Finding Peace in Conflict
November 7: Show Some Heart
November 8: Don’t Flinch, Stand Firm
November 9: Disorientation
November 10: Going . . . and Not Knowing
November 11: Overcoming Envy
November 12: The Blessings of Family
November 13: Finding Fulfillment
November 14: Songs in the Night
November 15: Providence
November 16: Hidden Resentment
November 17: Avoiding Self-Praise
November 18: Monuments
November 19: Enjoying Good Things
November 20: Sound a Clear Call
November 21: Move toward the Unexpected
November 22: When God’s in the Whirlwind
November 23: Giving Thanks All Around
November 24: Thanks for God’s Giving
November 25: A Psalm of Thanksgiving
November 26: An Abundant Life
November 27: Don’t Quit
November 28: Short and Sweet
November 29: Sincerity
November 30: Tenderness
December 1: Don’t Wait
December 2: Fighting Extremes
December 3: Finding Courage
December 4: Overcoming Discouragement
December 5: The Fullness of Time
December 6: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
December 7: Incarnation
December 8: Beware of False Prophets
December 9: Slaying Giants
December 10: Surrendering Your Will
December 11: Season of Obedience
December 12: A New Thing
December 13: Make a Difference at Christmas
December 14: Tears at Christmas
December 15: Hope for the Weary
December 16: No Worms in Heaven
December 17: Dangers at Christmas
December 18: I Brake for Christmas
December 19: The Irony of Incarnation
December 20: An Unexpected Gift
December 21: The Gift That Lives On
December 22: A Simple Season
December 23: The Real Reason for the Season
December 24: The First Christmas Eve
December 25: Operational Arrival
December 26: A Week after Christmas
December 27: A Midwinter Poem
December 28: Running to Win
December 29: Be Joyful
December 30: Rising above Disappointment
December 31: A Worthy Game Plan
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