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Imperial Library
Front Matter
1. Introduction: Back to the 30s?
Part I. Crises of Capital and Hegemonic Transitions
2. The Spectre of the 1930s
3. Reading Contemporary Latin America in the Light of the 1930s: Cycles of Accumulation and the Politics of Passive Revolution
4. Organic Crisis and Counter-Hegemonic Responses in the Interwar Era and the Era of Memoranda in Greece
5. The State of Capitalism and the Rise of the Right in the 1930s and Today: Hungary as a Case Study
6. The New Great Transformation: The Origins of Neo-Populism in Light of Systemic Cycles of Accumulation
Part II. Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Limits of Liberal Democracy
7. Second Time as Farce? Authoritarian Liberalism in Historical Perspective
8. A Second Foundation? Constitution, Nation-Building, and the Deepening of Authoritarianism in Turkey
9. Hungarian “Populism” and Antipopulism Today through the Looking Glass of the Interwar “Populist” Movement
10. Bolsonaro: Politics as Permanent Crisis
11. Antifascist Strategy Today: Lineages of Anticommunism and “Militant Democracy” in Eastern Europe
Part III. People in Movement: Practices, Subjects, and Narratives of Political Mobilization
12. Global Crises and Popular Protests: Protest Waves of the 1930s and 2010s in the Global South
13. Radical Moderns/Poetry International: Communist Poets in the 1930s
14. Parallel Stories: The Rise of Far-Right Women’s Movements in the 1930s and 2010s
15. (Post)Fascists, the Constitution, and the Defense of the Italian Nation
16. Radical America: The 1930s and the Politics of Storytelling
Part IV. Body Politics/Political Bodies: Race, Gender, and the Human
17. The Specter of the 1930s in Asian Nation-Building: Global Fascism, Colonial Biopolitics, and the Origins of Modern Asia
18. From the Old Guard to the Lads Movement: Hybrid Racism and White Supremacism in Australia
19. Sex Work is Work: Greek Capitalism and the “Syndrome of Electra,” 1922–2018
20. Rocks, Rivers, and Robots: Reading Crisis with Teilhard de Chardin
Back Matter
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