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Chapter 1: The Magickal Paradigm
Magick Defined
The Etheric Aspect of Reality
Etheric Phenomena
Pneuma / Subtle Energy
Universal Etheric Field
Etheric Entities
Etheric Environments
The Etheric Aspect of the Self
Energy Channels
The Etheric Centers
The Etheric Form
Basic Diagram of the Etheric Body
The Etheric Aspect of Material Phenomena
Fundamental Properties of Etheric Reality
Etheric Reality is not Subject to Physical Laws
Etheric Reality and Temporal Ambiguity
All Things are Connected at the Etheric Level
Etheric Reality and Spatial Ambiguity
Material Reality is Affected by Etheric Means via the Action of Etheric Convergence
Etheric Reality is Affected by Consciousness, Emotion and Energy
Etheric Mechanisms
Resonance / Dissonance
Behaviors of Pneuma Technikon
Magickal Aptitude
Natural Talent: A Predilection Towards Mind Control, Energy Control and Etheric Perception
The Magickal Requisites
When Desired Results are Not Achieved
Insufficient Power
Incorrectly Performed
Unrealistic Goal
External Interference
Ethical Use of Magick
Chapter 2: Core Magickal Techniques
Breath, Movement, and Gesture
The Arts of Perception
Etheric Perception
Technique: Etheric Perception
Etheric Communication
Technique: Etheric Communication
Etheric Reading
Technique: Etheric Reading
Expanded Perception
Technique: Expanded Perception
Combining the Arts of Perception with Other Techniques
Preliminary Techniques
Technique: Preliminary Techniques
Technique: Alternate Banishing Technique: for use with Preliminary Techniques
The Three Great Techniques
Energy Casting
Primary Energy Casting
Technique: Primary Energy Casting
Impromptu Casting
Technique: Impromptu Casting
Tactile Casting
Technique: Tactile Casting
Distance Casting
Technique: Distance Casting
Radiant Casting
Technique: Radiant Casting
Spirit Projection
Technique: Spirit Projection
Expansive Union
Technique: Expansive Union
Closing Techniques
Technique: Closing Techniques
Technique: Banish the Immediate Surroundings (Optional)
Technique: Banish Specific Objects (Optional)
Chapter 3: Magickal Practices
The Nature of Time
Technique: Divination of the Future
Divination of the Past
Divination of the Past via Etheric Perception
Technique: Divination of the Past via Etheric Perception
Divination of the Past via Expanded Perception
Technique: Divination of the Past via Expanded Perception
Divination of the Present
Technique: Divination of the Present via Expanded Perception
Technique: Divination of the Present via Etheric Perception
Remote Viewing
Technique: Remote Viewing via Expanded Perception
Technique: Remote Viewing via Spirit Projection
Etheric Entities
Simple Spirits
Cultivated Entities
Complex Spirits
Disembodied Humans
Disembodied Humans - Ghosts
Disembodied Humans - Immortals
Interacting With Etheric Entities
Enlisting the Aid of Spirits
Technique: Perceive and Communicate with an Etheric Entity
Technique: Evoke and Communicate with an Etheric Entity
Technique: Invoke the Power of a Deity
Technique: Creation of a Cultivated Entity
Technique: Creation of a Material Offertory
Technique: Creation and Use of an Energetic Offertory
The Work of the Psychopomp
Extraction of Harmful Energy
Etheric Regeneration
Addition of Healing Energy
Energy Circulation
Remote Healing
Safety Issues
Technique: Healing – Extraction of Harmful Energy
Technique: Healing – Etheric Regeneration
Technique: Healing – Addition of Healing Energy
Technique: Healing – Energy Circulation
Magickal Influence
Technique: Magickal Influence
Technique: Blessing via Expansive Union
Love Magick
Technique: Recasting of the Self to Attract a Lover
Technique: Attracting a Lover via Expansive Union
Technique: Etheric Communication to Attract a Lover
Sex Magick
Technique: Sex Magick to Saturate a Talisman or Sigil
Technique: Sex Magick to Saturate a Large Area
Defensive Magick
Technique: Etheric Perception of Immediate Surroundings to Perceive Potential Threats
Technique: Etheric Perception of the Self to Perceive Potential Threats
Technique: Divination via Expanded Perception to Perceive Potential Threats
Technique: Divination of the Future to Perceive Potential Threats
Technique: Defense – Shielding the Self
Technique: Defense – Impromptu Shielding the Self
Technique: Defense – Shielding an Individual
Technique: Defense – Shielding a Location
Technique: Defense - Fortifying the Etheric Form
Technique: Deflection of Harmful Phenomena via Tactile Casting
Technique: Deflection of Harmful Phenomena via Expansive Union
Technique: Full Banishing
Technique: Binding
Enlisting the Aid of Spirits
Banishing a Hostile Spirit
Technique: Banishing a Hostile Spirit
Technique: Banishing a Hostile Spirit via Impromptu Casting
Defensive Talismans and Amulets
Countering Curses and Magickal Attacks
Options When Encountering Malign Energies or Objects
Object Containing Malign Pneuma from an Enchantment or a Harmful Etheric Trace
Area Containing Malign Pneuma from an Enchantment or Etheric Trace
Malign Energy Current
Malign Power Spot
Malign Entity
Unintended Harmful Emanations from an Individual
Dream Magick
Technique: Dream Magick
Working With Magickal Substances
Talismans and Amulets
Technique: Perceiving the Etheric Properties of Material Substances
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Oil
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Powder
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Incense
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Candle – Method 1
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Candle – Method 2
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Potion
Technique: Creation of a Magickal Wash
Technique: Creation of a Talisman or Amulet
Working with Symbols
Technique: Saturating a Symbol with Pneuma
Technique: Creating a Symbol of Power
Technique: Awaken a Symbol of Power
Symbol of The Arts
Chants and Words of Power
Technique: Using Chant to Generate and Project Pneuma
Working With Magickal Tools
Technique: Creation of a Projecting Tool
Technique: Creation of a Receptive Tool
Group Magick
Technique: Group Magick – Radiant Casting
Technique: Group Magick – Distance Casting
Benefits of Regular Training
Technique: Core Training Technique: – Principalis Disciplina
Technique: Energy Casting Training - Virium Emissio Disciplina
Training Schedule
Expanded Awareness
Technique: Expanded Awareness
Boundless Union
Technique: Boundless Union
Regional Union
Technique: Regional Union
Union via Sacred Sex
Technique: Union via Sacred Sex
Etheric Exploration
Technique: Etheric Exploration via Spirit Projection
Technique: Etheric Exploration via Dream Magick
Technique: Etheric Exploration via Etheric Perception
Energy Cultivation
Technique: Energy Cultivation
Shared Immortality
Conscious Reincarnation
Paths of Immortality
Etheric Exploration
Conscious Reincarnation
Service to Humanity
Continual Knowledge
Eternal Union with a Deity
Eternal Love
Technique: Immortality Training
Technique: Shared Immortality Training
Technique: Eternal Embrace
Technique: Conscious Reincarnation
Shape Shifting
Technique: Shape Shifting while in the Body
Technique: Shape Shifting while Out of the Body
Recasting the Self
Technique: Recasting of the Self
Volitional Consciousness
Technique: Volitional Consciousness
Chapter 4: Grimoire
Components of Ritual
Magickal Tools
Materiae Magicae
Allegorical Action
How to Create a Magickal Working
Abridged Grimoire
To Cast A Circle & Call The Quarters
For General Divination
To Summon A Spirit
To Invoke The Power Of A Deity
To Banish A Hostile Spirit
For Blessing Or General Prosperity
To Attract A Lover
For Protection
Funerary Rite
Sex Magick
To Bless Via Impromptu Casting
To Protect Via Impromptu Casting
To Bind Via Impromptu Casting
Materiae Magicae Formulae
Percipient Oil - Oleum Percipiens
Percipient Incense - Tus Percipiens
Percipient Candle - Candela Percipiens
Sanctifying Incense - Tus Sanctificans
Circle Salt - Sal Circularis
Offertory Incense - Tus Offertorium
Protection Incense – Tus Protogens
Protection Oil - Oleum Protegens
Purifying Wash - Lavatio Purgans
Blessing Oil - Oleum Benedictionis
Love Oil, Male - Oleum Amoris Masculini
Love Oil, Female - Oleum Amoris Feminini
Healing Oil - Oleum Curans
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