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Title page
Table of Contents
List of Contributors
Series Preface
Preface for Volume 18: Food Processing for Increased Quality and Consumption
Chapter 1: Food Processing for Increasing Consumption: The Case of Legumes
1. Food Legumes: A Boon to Human Nutrition
2. Antinutrients in Legumes and Their Removal
3. Processing Techniques to Reduce Antinutritional Factors
4. Food Safety and Quality Issues
5. Significance of Paradigm Shift
6. Pesticides: Types, Application, Environmental Impacts, and Human Health Effects
7. Conclusions
Chapter 2: Emerging Food Processing Technologies
1. Introduction
2. Food Consumption
3. Principle of Food Processing
4. Historical Development of Food Preservation
5. The Need for and Benefits of Industrial Food Preservation
6. Principles of Food Preservations
7. Technologies Applied to Food Processing and Preservation
8. Food Waste Management
9. A Few Statistics of Food Consumption in India (MOFPI, 2005)
10. Processed Food Versus Obesity
11. Conclusions
Chapter 3: Food Technology Approaches for Improvement of Organoleptic Properties Through Preservation and Enrichment of Bioactive Compounds
1. Introduction
2. Freeze Concentration as an Innovative Food Technology for Preservation of Bioactive Compounds and Flavor
3. Encapsulation
4. Osmotic Dehydration
5. Conclusions and Future Prospects
Chapter 4: Cutting Automation in Food Processing
1. Introduction
2. Modeling of Biomaterial Cutting
3. Simulation With Changing Parameters
4. Results From Finite Element Modeling
5. Experimental Results and Discussion
6. Design of a New Cutting Device for Chicken Deboning
7. Conclusions
Chapter 5: The Perception of Consumers Vis-à-Vis Tracked Fish Measured via Electronic Instrument
1. Introduction
2. Fish Consumption: Health Benefits
3. Fish: Production Chain Quality
4. Traceability: Concept/Definition
5. Quality and Traceability Systems in the Fish Production Chain
6. Assessment of Fish Consumption Regarding Tracked Fish
7. Conclusions
Chapter 6: High-Pressure Technologies in Dairy Processing: Quality Maintenance and Increase in Consumption
1. Introduction
2. High Isostatic Pressure
3. Dynamic High Pressure
4. Effect HIP and DHP on Milk Constituents
5. Industrial Applications
6. Prospects and Acceptance of Processed Products Through High Pressure Processing Technologies
7. Conclusion
Chapter 7: Advances in Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Enhanced Microbiological Safety and Quality of Fresh Fruit and Juice Products
1. Fresh Fruit and Juice Consumption Trends
2. Microbial Contamination of Fresh Fruit and Juices and Related Foodborne Illness Outbreaks
3. Challenges of the Fresh Produce– and Juice-Processing Industries
4. Potential of Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Safety and Shelf Life Enhancement of Fresh Fruit and Juice Products
5. Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 8: Agroindustrial Coproducts as Sources of Novel Functional Ingredients
1. Agroindustrial Coproducts
2. Dietary Fiber From Agroindustrial Coproducts
3. Phenolic Compounds in Agroindustrial Coproducts
4. Prebiotics
5. Future Perspectives for Coproducts Agroindustrials
6. Conclusions
Chapter 9: The Contribution of Bioactive Peptides of Whey to Quality of Food Products
1. Introduction
2. Bioactivity of Whey Protein and Peptide
3. Production of Bioactive Peptide From Whey
4. Functional Properties
5. Bioactive Peptide in Food Industry
6. Conclusions
Chapter 10: Amino Acids: Carriers of Nutritional and Biological Value Foods
1. Introduction
2. General Information
3. Chemistry and Classification of Amino Acids
4. Amino Acids and Proteins Biological Value
5. Amino Acid Analysis of Food Proteins
6. Conclusions
Chapter 11: Strategy for the Prediction, Control, and Optimization of the Functional Properties of Food Proteins: Using Statistical and Chemometric Tools
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Chapter 12: Production of Low-Alcohol Beverages: Current Status and Perspectives
1. Overview of Alcohol Consumption
2. Dealcoholization of Beverages
3. Techniques for Alcohol Reduction in Wine
4. Techniques for Reducing the Alcohol Level in Beer
5. Sensory Properties and Low-alcohol Beverage Improvements
6. Conclusions and Future Trends
Chapter 13: Dielectric Defrosting of Frozen Foods
1. Introduction
2. Frozen Foods and Defrosting
3. The Mechanism of Dielectric Heating
4. DPs of Frozen Foods and Defrosting Applications
5. Mathematical Modeling of Dielectric Defrosting of Frozen Foods
6. Approaches to Uniform Heating
7. Conclusions
Chapter 14: Role for Value Addition in Processing Foods of Traditional Varieties of Grains
1. Introduction
2. Key Limitations in Developing Value Added Products of Traditional Grains
3. Strategies for Value Addition in Traditional Grains
4. Value Addition in Traditional Cereal Grains
5. Value-Added Products in Traditional Wheat Grains
6. Value Addition in Traditional Millet Grains
7. Value Addition in Traditional Pulses
8. Conclusions
Chapter 15: Role of Food Product Development in Increased Food Consumption and Value Addition
1. Food Product Development
2. Value Addition
3. Reasons for Increased Food Consumption and Value Addition
4. Conclusions
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