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Imperial Library
Title Page
I. Wednesday
1. The Dream
2. The Battle
3. The Aftermath
4. The Game
5. The Ambush
6. The TOC
7. The Drone
8. Patience
9. The Principal's Office
10. The Return
11. The News
12. The Videos
13. The Bar
14. The Home
15. The Fight
16. Cease Fire
17. The Apprentice
18. The Feed
19. The Coincidence
20. The Brig
21. The Captive
22. The Challenge
II. Thursday
23. The Package
24. The Report
25. The Implication
26. Target: Redacted
27. The Idea
28. The Jail
29. The House
30. The Movie Premiere
31. The Debate
32. The Backup
33. First Watch
34. Jabber
35. The Victim
III. Friday
36. Payback
37. The Morning After
38. The Trail Run
39. The Meeting
40. The View
41. The Target
42. The Decision
43. The Trail
44. The Preparation
45. The Goodbye
46. The Directives
47. The Delivery
48. The Reunion
49. The Office
50. The Beard
51. The Enemy
52. The Confession
53. The Room
54. The Hit
55. The Dossier
56. The Plan
57. The Let Down
58. The Playroom
59. The Drive
60. Hotel Del Toro
61. The Roof
62. The Vision
IV. Saturday
63. The Beating
64. The Scope
65. The Limo
66. The Movie Theater
67. The Authorities
68. The Bottles
69. The Feeling
70. The Cocktail
71. The Agony
72. The Aftermath
73. The Second Chance
74. The QRF
75. The Light
76. The Puzzle
V. Sunday
77. San Diego
78. The Talk
79. The New Plan
80. The Pizza
81. The Night
82. The Animal
83. The Launch
84. The Blood
85. The View
86. The Problem
87. The Result
88. The Door
89. The Bedroom
90. The Revenge
91. The Bargain
92. The Situation
93. The Final Fight
94. The Emergency
95. The Conversation
96. The Agreement
97. The Argument
98. The Appeasement
VI. Monday
99. The Gathering
100. The Escape
101. The Mistake
102. The Chase
103. The Stories
104. That Night
105. The Freeway
106. The Mountains
107. The Gunshots
108. The Warrior
109. The Talk
110. The Parking Lot
111. LAX
112. The Rage
113. The Pepperoni
114. Blue Sky
115. The Trojan Horse
116. The Regrets
117. The Edge
118. 5,000 Feet
119. The Hill
120. Bullets
121. Never Again
122. Team
123. The Recognition
124. The Plane
125. The Options
126. The Final Shot
127. The Target
128. The Fights
129. The Parking Lot
130. The Blood
131. Frosty
132. Broken Eagle
133. The Room
VII. Tuesday
134. Choices
VIII. Wednesday
135. The Clean Up
IX. Thursday
136. Trust
137. Adventure
138. The Target
139. The Work
140. The Start
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