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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter One: Dark Initiates
Hitler’s introduction to the occult
Lanz and Aryan heroes
The cosmic circle of Munich
Three men who changed the course of Hitler’s life
Dietrich Eckart – Hitler’s spiritual father
The Thule Group
Otto Weininger: the anti-Semitic Jew
Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party ideologist
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The Myth of the 20th Century
Rosenberg and the basis of Nazi law
Rosenberg and modern art
Gottfried Feder and Nazi economic philosophy
Chapter Two: The Vril Society
The beginnings of the Nazi publishing empire
The Society of the Green Dragon
Tibetan influences on the Vril Society
Lord Lytton and the origins of vril
Haushofer founds the Vril Society
Hitler joins the Vril Society
Agharti and Shamballah
The Russian charlatan Badmaev
Mongolian initiates
Men, Beasts and Gods
Nazi attitude to facts
Nazi expeditions to Tibet
Underground tunnels in Czechoslovakia
Ernst Schäfer’s expedition to Tibet
What is vril power?
The Society’s methods of raising vril power
Rocket scientist Willy Ley reveals the secrets of the Vril Society
Chapter Three: A New Religion for Germany
Nazi hostility to Christianity
Nazism as a substitute religion
Hitler as the saviour of Germany
Nazism as religious ritual
The concordat with the Vatican
Religious divisions in Germany
Pagan revivalism and völkisch Christianity
The beginning of the German Christian movement
The Nazi crusade against the churches
The German Evangelical Church
Rosenberg and positive Christianity
The German Faith Movement
Hitler stands apart from the struggle
Catholic opposition to the Nazis
The Confessional Church resists the Nazis
Dietrich Bonhoeffer joins the German Resistance
Himmler and neo-paganism
Savitri Devi and Hindu influences on neo-paganism
Chapter Four: The New Teutonic Knights
Nazis appropriate the image of the Teutonic Knights
Foundation of the SS
Himmler turns the SS into an elite corps
Principles and training of the SS
The Black Hundred
The SS as an aristocracy of race
The destruction of individuality
Physical requirements of SS men
Engagement and Marriage Decree
Egalitarianism of the SS
The SS inner circle
The SS and public festivals
Baptisms and weddings
The Lebensborn
Himmler’s attitude to religion
Chapter Five: The Nazi Grail Castle
Early history of Wewelsburg Castle
Wewelsburg as the headquarters of Himmler’s knightly order
Himmler’s ‘Rasputin’, Karl Maria Wiligut
The Externsteine
Himmler takes over Wewelsburg
Himmler and German heroes
Initial plans for Wewelsburg
The development of Himmler’s ideology at Wewelsburg
Public ceremonies in the castle
The elite nature of those who visited the castle
Rosenberg and lectures at the castle
Himmler announces the Final Solution in Wewelsburg
The end of Wewelsburg
Chapter Six: Occult Reich
Importance of occult ideas in the early years of Nazism
Hanussen – Hitler’s clairvoyant
Hitler and crowds
Hitler and personal magnetism
Astrology and the Nazis
The astrological civil war
Elsbeth Ebertin’s horoscope for Hitler
Nordic astrology
Nazi suppression of astrology
The Nazis and ley lines
The New Man – the next stage in human evolution
Chapter Seven: In Search of Atlantis
The German obsession with establishing an exalted prehistory
Völkisch theories of Atlantis
Rudolf Steiner and Atlantis
Atlantis and Tibet
Rosenberg and Atlantis
The House of Atlantis
Franco favours the Canary Islands
The Basques and Atlantis
Antarctica, Atlantis and the Nazis
Tibet and Atlantis
Importance of Atlantis to the Nazis
Chapter Eight: The Real Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Spear of Destiny
The Holy Lance in the Hofburg Museum
Hitler and the Holy Lance
The lost Ark of the Covenant
The Nazis try to find the Ark
Otto Rahn and the quest for the Holy Grail
Rahn looks for the Grail in France
Montségur Castle
The lost treasure of the Cathars
Montserrat Abbey
Chapter Nine: ‘Aryan Science’ in the Third Reich
Race science
Settlement archaeology
Madison Grant and Nordic fantasies
Margaret Sanger and eugenics
Geopolitics and Lebensraum
German foreign policy
Haushofer’s geopolitical predictions
Physiognomy and phrenology
The World Ice Theory
Atlantis and Glacial Cosmogony
The hollow earth theory
Aryan physics
German mathematics
The campaign against Jewish scientists
Viktor Schauberger and living water
Chapter Ten: Occultism at war
The 1939 assassination attempt on Hitler
British black operations and dirty tricks
Astrological warfare
Crowley’s Book of the Law and Hitler
Crowley and British Intelligence
Churchill the Druid
The magical Battle of Britain
The Druids and psychic warfare
Ceremonies by British witches
Hess flies to Britain
Nazi crackdown on occultism
Soviet psychic warfare
America’s use of hypnotism and remote viewing
The Philadelphia Experiment
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